Free Paper on Decoding Decisions: Impact on Employee Satisfaction and Productivity

Published: 2024-01-04
Free Paper on Decoding Decisions: Impact on Employee Satisfaction and Productivity
Essay type:  Proposal essays
Categories:  Communication Employment
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1861 words
16 min read


For an individual to make an appropriate decision, there are two approaches that are dominant. Traditionally, the best option that is relevant to a person is viewed as the most favorable decision. However, Simon disregarded it and opted for the most satisfactory choice to influence one's decision. Travesty and Kahneman also came up with various heuristics, which can otherwise be referred to as simplified means of making decisions. Various theorists claim that the decision style depends on the stress felt during particular episodes when making decisions.

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In this study's execution, it is of utmost importance to understand how decisions are arrived at. To create an understanding of the way smaller team members have the thought process, it is essential to understand each individual and the outcome that is expected and desired at the end of the thought process. Individual teams compromise a maximum of four sales representatives and a team leader who is tasked with working hand in hand with lenders and merchants to come up with the best solution (Pavitt & Curtis, 1994). Each and every individual is a variable in the creation of the system entirely.

In this study, a close look will be at how the team within the brokerage of loans has the ability to work with other variables that are different from it. The study's hypothesis is taking a closer look at how communication orientation training on teamwork and leadership impacts new employee production and satisfaction. The independent variable is derived in this study by taking a closer look into how the lack of sales representatives' training versus sales representatives' training impacts their performance (Pavitt & Curtis, 1994). The dependent variables will be derived by looking into how much satisfaction was expressed by employees and how productivity levels rose or fell at their workplace.

As a test of the hypothesis above, there is an urgency to develop training material for sales. The material to be put in effect should be placed to work using the different phases of cold calls; this program will show how to train a cold caller effectively. Providing training to individuals on various teams at the loan brokerage firm and analyzing multiple methods will be explored (Pavitt & Curtis, 1994). Besides, it will be necessary to study how individuals without training material. The said individuals will also be reviewed on how they are on the phone, thus understanding where there is a need for more emphasis on sales agents' efforts.

Descriptive Approaches to Decision-Making

While looking into the descriptive approaches to decision-making, various theories have been mentioned in this paper, including the optimal theory, the satisfactory theory, and decision heuristics.

Optimizing Decision Theory

This theory makes various suggestions in its execution on how individuals make decisions. The first is that makers of decisions have been viewed to assess information made available to them during their decisions (Mullins et al., 2013). The second is that in the execution of decision-making, an individual chooses that information which provides them with a practical approach in that they go for a decision that ensures the most suitable possible outcome for the decision-maker, decision-makers are also faced with the choice of considering all possible options of decisions before making a decision (Mullins et al., 2013).

The Subjective Expected Utility Model

This is a model that is an equation that ensures an individual can foretell the decisions that people are bound to make when several options are surrounding them. While using the model, individuals are able to calculate what is expected within each option that they are faced with (Mullins et al., 2013). Thus, the capability of choosing various options ensures that an individual decides what they believe has the most utility in expectation.

This model ensures that an individual takes various steps to ensure it is well executed. Among those steps to be followed are the listings of all possible and seemingly doable options. It is followed by the most likely consequence of each anticipated action, the imagination of the various options follows suit in a bid to look into the different positive and negative outcomes of each decision during this step taking a closer look by using a scale of one to ten on the measure of positive or negative the decision being made is used (Mullins et al., 2013). Evaluation of each consequence's possible happening will hence occur. The need to compute every option of the expected utility comes into play, whereby it is done by multiplication of each result by the possibility that it may occur. The expected utility in total is the sum of all predicted consequences within a given individual's options. The choice of the possible outcomes with the most significant expected utility is final in executing the subjective desired utility model during decision-making.

The criticisms facing this model are such that it has been quoted to be compensatory, meaning that to balance out a wrong decision in the estimation, an individual needs to have a reasonable estimate of the outcome, it should, however, be noted that some problems cannot have an explicit compensatory estimation and thus when an option does not succeed in one way it subjects the model to failure. During this model's execution, another criticism that has been faced is that an individual will end up choosing an option that is adequate to their needs, thus making it disjunctive (Mullins et al., 2013). On the other hand, the model has received criticisms from scientists who believe that it has inaccuracy in following the steps that it uses during decision-making.

Satisfying Decision Theory

According to Simon (1955), this theory suggests that individuals can't consider all options that have been made available to them. Hence, they have all the information about the decisions they want to undertake, as suggested by the subjective expected utility model and other models similar to it. Simons's approach to decision-making persons is said to have various options of what they want to execute individually and choose their choice based on the first action that goes hand in hand with minimum criteria that will quickly provide satisfaction to the persons involved. Decision-makers, in so doing, place an establishment to suitable standards to their aspiration level that the different opinion is subjected to meet for it to be acceptable. Individuals examine options during the making of decisions following the order they follow each other in their thoughts. In the long run, individuals agree with the first option that is suitable for their criteria.

In taking a closer look at satisfactory theory versus optimal theory, it is clear that one chooses the most acceptable approach regarding adequate theory in terms of what they feel like the most comfortable way to meet their needs. The excellent option is also believed to make way for the optimal choice. It should also be noted that the level of one’s aspiration affects the outcome of the decision. Individuals will hence make decisions without much regard for their ability to optimize.

Impact of Performance on Employees

Communication orientation training of small teams at the loan brokerage firm focused on teamwork and leadership by teaching team members how to communicate effectively and what to expect from clients in terms of the communication process. By looking into the various theories of decisions making the team members understood how the satisfaction theory and the optimal theory work and the possible expectations on the decisions made during the brokering of loans (Pavitt & Curtis, 1994). Its impact on new employee satisfaction and productivity was also notable in the various theories' uptake using different decision heuristics as per Simon. A heuristic is said to be a way that is simplified during decision-making among individuals.

The impacts of performance after training representatives are viewed to be much better in terms of satisfaction in the workplace and during work hours concerning dealing with clients. Employees are also considered to have more morale during work time, and loyalty to the company is present during work hours (Pavitt & Curtis, 1994). When there is a lack of training, employees, performance, and productivity are lowered as they encounter obstacles during decision-making, which they find difficult, affecting their performance over work hours.

On examination of the various dependent variables that have been noted during the writing of this study. It is clear to note that individuals were satisfied with the workplace after training in matters concerning decision-making. The levels of productivity saw a rise because they had better strategies in terms of decision-making.

Studies Related to a History of the Context

In the search for an appropriate theory to use during decisions, various theorists have sorted multiple solutions. Still, the trick remains in the most applicable model to fit the individual needs. An example is deciding how to run away from a burning building, and then the best approach is simplified. According to the arousal theory, scientists argue behind other ideas, such as the sustainability and optimization models (Pavitt & Curtis, 1994). There is the belief that theorists need not search for a particular model during the decision-making process.

Studies Related to the Chosen Group Theory that Informs the Problem

Janis concerning group decision-labeled studies such as that of groupthink was defined as a situation whereby a group’s highest priority is established through a norm or value. Hence this suggests that in the instance of precedence, the agreement is vital within a group. It should be noted that there is a need for a consensus for a group decision to be fulfilled. In a groupthink situation, members are more likely to believe that it is essential for them to stand together.

On the other hand, the refined concept of groupthink suggests that there are six conditions for groupthink to be made possible among them is cohesiveness within a group. This is the free expression of thoughts and ideas. The second is the need to have a leader with an authoritarian style. The group should then be forced away from the events happening in the real world. Fourthly, there should be no natural process while making the decision-making process (Pavitt & Curtis, 1994). Fifth, there is a need for the members to have similarities in their backgrounds and views on topics of interest. Sixth, the arousal theory has to be placed into action during decision-making.

Studies Related to the Chosen Dependent Variable

The chosen dependent variable in this instance is employee satisfaction and productivity. In the example of the conjunctive fallacy, there is a tendency to believe that the movement between two events has a higher chance of getting its episodes in two parts. Studies are done according to Tvaresky and Kahneman (1983), and there is evidence that the conjunctive fallacy estimates the characteristics of imaginary individuals. For employee productivity and satisfaction to be reached, there needs to be a conjoined fantasy whereby there is a chance of achieving the goals in an episode of two parts.

Purpose and Objectives of the Study

This study aims to find out the impact of employee satisfaction and productivity through communication orientation training.

The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. Does group thinking affect loan brokerage?
  2. Does the training of sales representatives affect their performance?
  3. The issues to be investigated are:
  4. Does group thinking affect loan brokerage?

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