Free Essay Sample on Benchmarking in Health Care

Published: 2023-10-28
Free Essay Sample on Benchmarking in Health Care
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Analysis
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 447 words
4 min read


Benchmarking is a significant strategy that facilitators can use to inspire training to participate in in-progress work and to help individuals from training comprehend where their exhibition falls in contrast with others. This paper exhibits the significance of benchmarking in healthcare services today, where patients can find benchmarking information and finally who to blame when an error happens in a healthcare setting.

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Importance of Benchmarking in Healthcare

Benchmarking offers voice to quality principles in medicinal services. Healthcare associations that have received a benchmarking procedure have discovered approaches to recognize qualities and shortcomings, permitting an activity plan for development. Medicinal services are comprised of numerous partners and, through benchmarking, everyone can profit by quality and wellbeing ventures for advancement (Iyengar et al., 2018).

Key places to check for the benchmarking information are nearby quality collaboratives (Iyengar et al., 2018). Network facility affiliations are known to have these territorial endeavors, permitting various practices to gather execution information and look at them. Different sources to consider incorporate required information reports to Federal organizations and funders, as the Health Resources and Services Administration's Uniform Data System reports (Iyengar et al., 2018).

Who to Blame When an Error Occurs in a Healthcare Setting

The usual response when it is to discover and accuse a mistake happen is to blame it on somebody. In any case, even obviously, single occasions or errors are regularly expected to combine numerous contributing variables. Accusing an individual does not change these elements, and a similar mistake is probably going to repeat. The issue is not terrible individuals; the point is that the system should be made more secure.

No Blame Culture

Yes, a no blame culture is functional, and its methodology expands responsibility since all commitments to the occasion happening are recognized and checked on for conceivable change and improvement. Moreover, the organization should concentrate on improving the working environment to focus on what occurred and not who did it (Rodziewicz & Hipskind, 2020). Whatever that may have happened as an outcome of the activities of the entire group.


In conclusion, benchmarking is not just about reviewing practice to guarantee that the activity is accomplishing the necessary quantifiable results yet, it also, bolsters open examination and sharing to permit consistent improvement and advancement. And a no-blame culture is worked for the positive conviction that employees need to be completely participative individuals from high-performing groups. If an issue happens, its underlying foundations are looked for in an organization's insufficiency, not in the worker's deliberate actions.


Iyengar, A., Kundu, A., & Pallis, G. (2018). Healthcare informatics and privacy. IEEE Internet Computing, 22(2), 29-31.

Rodziewicz, T. L., & Hipskind, J. E. (2020). Medical error prevention. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

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