Free Essay Sample on Analysis of the Case Studies

Published: 2023-11-07
Free Essay Sample on Analysis of the Case Studies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Students Business Ethical dilemma Conflict resolution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 582 words
5 min read


This case study evaluates the active learning experiences by U.S and Japanese undergraduate business scholars who took part in inter classes through three semesters. The research focuses on the learning experiences, the subjects of assignments, and the following modifications created from the previous years and some of the consequential studies that happened.

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Technology has advanced our way of learning through various ways whereby the students watch a lecturer, become involved in the learning process, and retain some knowledge. Social networking platform such as email, allow people to connect and offers more opportunities than when these methods are not used. Videoconferencing is a tech tool that may offer active learning surrounding anywhere in the world. It can also be used in conducting actual meetings since it promotes face-to-face communication.

In the study, Ferry and Kydd state that videoconferencing is an excellent tool for learning that can be used in a multi-cultural outline to promote business students studying the current global surrounding. It’s competent and resourceful, too, that enhances incidental learning, letting scholars from diverse ethnicities to study through making conversations with each other and discovering their cultures, respectively.

Video Conferencing

The methodology used was by studying diverse students from the United States and Japan that socialized and communicated with each other an entire semester through video conferencing. The U.S students completed a survey about demographics and a basic understanding of the Asia-Pacific states at the beginning and end of the semesters. Then, an observation by a third party on what they viewed throughout the semester, and a questionnaire was served to the Japanese and U.S students.

The results indicated that the students had a good perception of videoconferencing as an effective tool that is engaging and resourceful. Secondly, students learned from one another just through getting the chance to communicate with each other. Also, videoconferencing showed to have promoted learning through conversing.

When it came to the cultural outcomes, cross-cultural videoconferences were conducted. There were cultural differences between Japanese and U.S. students. The Japanese students are not familiarized with conversing circumstances or serious issues. The Japanese students cannot focus on personal solving of challenges as per the requested outcomes of the case. However, both diverse students can participate in open discussions effectively.

Language Barrier

There was a language barrier in the interactions as the primary language used was English. The American students had to modify their response pace in the conversations. Students used open-mindedness and self-knowledge as they interacted, thus allowing them to have diverse experiences while talking to different cultural individuals at the videoconference.


Cross-cultural management in business assists us in comprehending people originating from diverse cultures. It is essential because most companies today are expanding their businesses to a global market. In today’s world, managers have to deal with individuals and clients from diverse countries, whose culture is distinct from the domestic country. Many organizations have also discovered that diversification can promote the effectiveness of the organization. However, to get better advantages, an organization has to make effective strategies and straight forward initiatives that will make the company be entirely a multi-cultural enterprise.


Ferry, D. L., Kydd, C. T., & Boyles, C. (2012). Creating the global graduate: A CrossCultural videoconferencing case study. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 10(2), 139-164.

Hamilton, J. B., Knouse, S. B., & Hill, V. (2009). Google in China: A manager-friendly heuristic model for resolving cross-cultural ethical conflicts. Journal of Business Ethics, 86(2), 143-157.

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