Free Essay Sample: Assessment of My Cell Phone Habits

Published: 2023-12-30
Free Essay Sample: Assessment of My Cell Phone Habits
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Social media Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 638 words
6 min read

The invention of cell phones has led to increased remote communications from any part of the world. This development has come along with a lot of convenience in the life of humanity as is noticeable in this century than ever before. However, cell phones come with their fair share of challenges in the life of the users, whom I am part of.

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More often than not, I use my phone to surf the internet, reply to text messages, make phone calls, check emails, read pop-up news, take photos, and link up with my friends on various social media platforms. When I take time to surf the internet, I am driven by the desire to catch up with the trending news just to be up to date with everything that is happening around me. For me, checking my news feed is always intentional because I want to stay informed. Replying to my friends when the text is just uncontrollable. I feel I should not keep them in any wait for whatever information they are asking for or even when they are merely catch-up stories. A few friends would love to hook up through voice calls. Sometimes they call while at times it is me making the calls. The calling is not as frequent as text chats.

I occasionally check my mailbox from the phone for any class updates, assignments, and general school communications. This is not as frequent though. My interaction with social media platforms on my phone is always prompted by boredom when I feel overworked already or when the lectures lengthen. Given my sociability, I find it so convenient to take pictures using my phone on any single occasion we get out for lunch, or hook up for group discussions or parties.

In using my phone to interact with my friends and other people, I prefer text chatting, emailing, and social media interactions to physical speaking. This is because, by text chatting, I’m able to communicate and catch up with multiple friends in one instance. Meeting with these people and having physical talks is time-consuming and limits the level of my interactions.

I have come to realize how sometimes I become so occupied with my phone. The desire to constantly check on social media updates, immediately text back, or avoid physical meetups with people has become preoccupying. I’m astonished by the fact that my physical contacts have drastically reduced over time yet it doesn’t even feel alarming. I have established that my phone is currently controlling me instead of me being the controller. The internal pressure to check my phone screen every single minute is an indicator that I’m no longer self-controlled in phone use.

I am planning to change the frequency at which I check my phone screen. This will help me be more in control of my thoughts, handle my anxieties, have more time for meditation, and at least get out to physically meet up with friends. I am planning to achieve these desires by managing my phone use. I am planning to establish and manage emotions that make me always want to check my phone screen. I would substitute my boredom or loneliness with less demanding exercises like reading a novel or playing physical games that would divert my focus from the phone. I will begin this by cutting the intervals of screen checking slowly from 15 minutes to 30 minutes and then to hours. I will also turn off the alert signals intentionally to help me gain strength against the numerous updates and pop-ups. Finally, I want to create a phone usage discipline. I want to completely put away my phone during lectures, when driving, or when meeting my friends physically. These measures will undoubtedly help me rediscover the privilege of being able to control my attention.

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