Free Essay on Work Setting Situation: Organization Culture and Leadership Style

Published: 2022-09-09
Free Essay on Work Setting Situation: Organization Culture and Leadership Style
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Organizational culture Leadership style
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1710 words
15 min read

I have been working in one of the hospitals as the nurse. The hospital that I worked with was exclusively dealing with children care. Just like anyone else, working in a hospital at times seems hectic. Before we proceed, it is of great importance to note that each organization portrays a specific leadership style, organizational culture, change process as well as strategic planning. While evaluating the situation of this particular organization, information such as criterion of selecting the best employee, what strategy do they employ to retain their highly talented workers, do they emphasize on gender balance among its employees, how are the workers motivated and most importantly, strategic plans that the organization embrace in order to guarantee transformation is of great significance (Cummings & Worley, 2014). Generally speaking, these aspects help in critically analyzing the situation as well as the performance of the organization.

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Evaluating organization culture

Organization culture denotes to a system of mutual values, assumptions as well as beliefs related to performance. The three aspects help the workers in an organization in understanding appropriate and inappropriate conduct. Most noteworthy, the issues mentioned above have a significant impact not only on employee behavior but also overall organizational performance. Organizational culture determines the company's success. To attain this, the organizational culture ought to be decisive, customer oriented, people-oriented and more importantly, empowering (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015). Besides, organizational culture affects employee's thinking and behavioral patterns in the workplace thus overall performance. However, most employees tend to become more vigilant about it only when comparing their organization with another organization, usually competing. Remarkably, the organization to whom I was walking observed relatively good organizational culture. For instance, employees were more often involved in decision making. That is to say when making decisions; leaders would give employees a chance to propose some of the methods to solve the problem (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015).

The result is that the leaders will have simple tasks when solving problems within the organization. Moreover, this aspect the leaders in attaining the most informed decisions that result in exceptional solutions within the organization. This implies that the hospital embraces organization culture that supports organizational structure. Having matchless corporate culture offer the organization added competitive advantages. However, corporate culture for this hospital is relatively hard to imitate. For this reason, there is still more to be done. As outlined above, organizational culture consists of three interacted levels including assumptions, values, and artifacts. Assumptions are those aspects that are not visible and implies to beliefs concerned with human nature as well as reality (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015). On the other hand, values are apparent organizational culture aspects, and it means shared standards, goals, and principles. On the other side, artifacts are those organizational culture aspects that are visible including high-quality relationships, fun as well as fairness.

Evaluation of the Leadership Style

Well, leadership style refers to means by which the leaders in a given organization provide directions and guidelines, implement plans and most importantly, methods by which they motivate others workers. Many leadership styles have been proposed. However, each organization has its way of doing things as per the objectives and pre-defined goals. On the other hand, there are those standard leadership qualifications that every leader must meet irrespective of the organization or she is working with. Leadership styles can be democratic leadership, strategic leadership, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, laissez-faire Leadership, bureaucratic leadership or autocratic leadership, or a combination of different styles (Lin, MacLennan, Hunt, & Cox, 2015). Generally speaking, the hospital I was working embraces not only democratic leadership style but also strategic leadership, transformational leadership as well as transactional leadership.

After carefully examining the way the organization operates, I notice that the combination of these leadership styles has significantly transformed the way this organization operates. Subsequently, customer service has improved tremendously. On the same, this style influence the way workers delivers their serves. As part of the workers, I always feel good to be involved in hospital strategic plans (Cummings & Worley, 2014). On my side, I always feel happy when one of my proposals transforms the way in which an organization operates. I was also much impressed with the way the organization recognizes excellent work done by the employees. Usually, they are award gifts for the work done. For this reason, you will find each worker striving hard to emerge the best to receive some rewards.

The result is that the organization will improve as well. Similarly, the hospital treats both employees and patients with the highest integrity. For examples, most of the nurses are given enough offs to ensure they relax adequately after tiresome working days. In case of overtime, they are compensated with extra money. Furthermore, all working personnel within the organization encouraged to always give the best they can to clients. Most noteworthy, they pay reasonably. Therefore, most of my working mates are never discouraged (Lin, MacLennan, Hunt, & Cox, 2015). The working settings in combination to the leadership as mentioned above qualities allow the workers to nature their talents and abilities resulting in better performance.

Problems and Solutions to Organization Leadership Style

However, leadership styles are associated with a range of challenges. I have realized that a democratic leadership style can result in a slow decision-making process. This is because it will take some time before reaching all employees within the organization. On the same note, having several responses is likely confusing the leaders more if not carefully handled. Additionally, since the leaders rely on a decision from other employees, they might end up deviating the leadership responsibility that is assigned to deliver within the organization (Lin, MacLennan, Hunt, & Cox, 2015). For this reason, the organization might experience critical problems in a future perspective. On the other hand, with democratic leadership style, most of the leaders will take advantage of delegating the employees the responsibility of making decisions. Besides, the idea of rewarding those who perform better might discourage those are not in place to emerge in best. As a result, they might be discouraged so easily, therefore, performing poorly. The result is that the organization performance will deteriorate significantly.

There is a range of solution to solve the above leadership challenges. Firstly, for the case of rewards for exceptional performance, the organization should include a generalized appreciation for all workers for well-done jobs. For instance, the organization should dedicate some of the time for offering outings to all workers. This includes special lunch, tours and many more. On the other hand, creating motivating environments for employees grow especially the way of thinking. Most noteworthy, all employees should be encouraged to work communally among themselves. For instance, dividing people into groups then assign some tasks. The output will be accredited to the group rather an individual. This is of great importance because those who cannot perform quite well will benefit the exceptional work done as the group (Cummings & Worley, 2014). With this strategy, almost everyone will fell part of the organizational success. For the case of democratic leadership challenges, all leaders should be encouraged to do their work effectively. There should also exist some policies within an organization to oversee the performance of the leaders.

Suggestions for Implementing the Best Solution to Resolve the Problem

Change process, as well as strategic plan, is essential factors when implanting the excellent solution in the organization. Well, change process refers to specific steps to which leaders employ to order to bring changes to the organization. More often, the change process is applied to ensure that the organization is operating towards the anticipated goals as well as objectives (Schore, 2018). There exist critical sequences applicable to successful change management process. These processes include preparing for changes, managing the changes as well as reinforcing the changes to guarantee useful results. Changes are inevitable in any organization and everyone within the organization is encouraged to embrace these changes. Here are the significant steps that organization must embrace while undertaking change management process;

To begin with, it is of great importance to identify specific areas that need to be improved within the organization. In this hospital setup, the area that needs to be improved is customer relationship as well as services offered to them. In every organization, the customers should be prioritized and for this reason, proposed changed process should be aligned towards customer satisfaction (Schore, 2018). Afterward, a solid business case should be presented to hospital stakeholders. This is to clarify to them the organization necessitates such changes. Moreover, plan for the change while providing adequate change resources and data. Moreover, communication plays a significant role in identifying, planning as well as executing the change plans. It also involves monitoring and managing dependencies, resistance alongside budgeting risks. Last but not least, comes celebrating results, reviewing, revising and more importantly, continuously improving the change process (Schore, 2018).

Besides, strategic planning helps a lot in implementing the change process. A good strategic plan communicates appropriate directions that an organization must put in place to achieve its goals and objectives. Strategic plans include mission statements, vision statements, core values, SWOT analysis, long-term objectives, yearly objectives, and action plans. To ensure adequate performance, the organization must work hard towards attaining set objectives and goals within the set time(Wolf & Floyd, 2017). Additionally, before implementing any changes, it is of great importance to perform risk assessment and its feasibility before investing real money into that particular project.


The organization I was working it quite accommodative. That is to say; I have gained lots of experiences in various aspect of life especially when it comes to workplace principles. Most noteworthy, leadership style, organizational culture, change process as well as strategic planning are critical aspects in every organization. The hospital I was working utilizes democratic leadership style, strategic leadership, transformational leadership as well as transactional leadership (Cummings & Worley, 2014). However, they are expecting some of the leadership challenges. On the other hand, change process involving defining a specific area within the hospital that needs improvement. Moreover, organization culture denotes shared principles, values, and standards within the workplace. Last but not least, the strategic plan offers directions that an organization must partake to achieve its goals and objectives (Wolf & Floyd, 2017).


Alvesson, M., &Sveningsson, S. (2015). Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge.

Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G....

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