Free Essay on The Future of Innovation: Changing the World with Emerging Technologies

Published: 2023-11-06
Free Essay on The Future of Innovation: Changing the World with Emerging Technologies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Internet Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1048 words
9 min read


New systems can integrate the cyber world and the physical world in complex techniques, promoting economic advancement while resolving social problems. The present technology gathers massive information employed in the physical world and conveys it to the cyber world. The large data get scrutinized in cyberspace and the outcomes employed in different forms to society's social undertakings in the physical world (Li et al., 2017). Emerging technology, like artificial intelligence (AI), has encouraged innovation across the globe. Self-driving cars, VR (virtual reality), and AR (augmented reality), robots, and other autonomous innovations help address social issues like the aging population, declining birthrates, imbalanced sharing of wealth, and depopulation of rural areas.

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These social innovations can create a society that gives people hope, builds respect, and improves the livelihoods of people across the globe (Li et al., 2017). The contemporary world shows that people live in an epoch of innovation. Corporations and emerging hubs globally try to manage resource scarcity and emerging healthcare issues, as cancer. The purpose of this paper entails an examination of the next major innovation.

Innovations that Could Change the World

The initial perception of artificial intelligence with the ability to learn and operate autonomously without human supervision or control has become a reality and not science fiction. Technology companies have commenced designing robots that can acquire skills, execute chores, and upload data into the cloud to assist different AI systems in learning fast (Le et al., 2018). These robots will comprehend concepts, reproduce processes, and generate breakthroughs quicker than people's brains can achieve. Self-driving cars now exist, and most firms have begun competition to control the market share.

Ride-hailing service providers like Uber and Lift continue to invest massively in autonomous driving. General Motors obtained Cruise Automation for approximately $1 billion. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will change the world. VR and AR unlock the global past reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), or the Internet (Le et al., 2018). There exists the advent of the internet of experience. VR and AR will revolutionize the human experience as technology advances and diverse content becomes accessible for internet users. The manufacture of solar panels has transformed the alternative energy sector and made solar energy more affordable. The initiative has appealed to several governments and organizations that endeavor to sustain the environment and resolve the worldwide energy crisis.

China has a development strategy that proposes a $50 trillion universal energy grid by 2050 (Le et al., 2018). Such a program involves a system that rapidly and competently generates renewable energy types of machinery on an international scale. Other innovations currently being developed by various companies include reusable rockets that can land safely to reduce the cost of space exploration and large-scale desalination to reduce global water problems. Other innovations include high-speed internet that would solve internet connection complications and the development of 3D (Le et al., 2018). Besides, firms continue to develop applications that can carry out online DNA analysis, and create an immune system engineering that can cure cancer and other diseases.

Apple's Smart Technology Ecosystem

An ecosystem refers to a biological community of related organisms. In technology, it refers to a collection of devices containing software to build a shared network unit (Jacobides et al., 2018). Several firms deploy this technique to form a 'family' of brands. Apple outsmarts other companies through its Apple Ecosystem. The ecosystem lures shoppers to buy more merchandise to function concurrently. When a person buys an iPhone, the individual already has an iPad, an Apple TV, an Apple Watch, a Mac, AirPods, and lately a HomePod. Having an Apple brand disengages the user from using various products from third-party competing organizations, especially since such third-party products remain incompatible with Apple merchandise.

Software like iCloud, airdrop, airplay, and continuity allows people to begin a task on one device and complete it on another. For example, individuals can commence Pages files on their Mac and continue on their iPhones due to the iCloud files and several applications. The removal of the earphone jack on the iPhone 7 motivates consumers to purchase AirPods (Jacobides et al., 2018). The ease of installation also generates the desire for wireless earbuds, as does the user-friendliness within the ecosystem. AirPods employs a W1 chip that gives AirPods the ability to remotely link to any device on an individual's iCloud account. Ecosystems or groups of devices develop a sense of reliability and satisfaction in a buyer's life, and most of the time, Apple improves its technology to attract its purchasers (Jacobides et al., 2018). The model involves buying an iPhone, and immediately the consumer possesses a smart speaker, smartwatch, and a top-of-the-choice laptop.

Reasons for Investing in Such Innovation

Since the smart technology ecosystem integrates so much technology into a working unit, it makes a single device perform diverse duties enabling users to multitask easily, save money and time, and effectively undertake such responsibilities seamlessly. The smart technology ecosystem consistently creates crucial information on all operations within the supply chain with the slightest downtime (Jacobides et al., 2018). It also provides dependable connectivity that safeguards the most complex supply chains to remain linked irrespective of geographical location. Besides, smart software that can take different, huge data, and decode it into actionable intelligence for the user makes it beneficial.


Future innovation in technology may require decentralizing the computing functions and shifting the computation and data analysis from a single hub to a multitude of devices that collect information. These advancements integrated of devices, such as sensors or machines, RFID scanners in warehouses and retail facilities, telemetric systems in fleet vehicles, and mobile computing devices used by different users. The advancement of smaller, cost-effective, and enhanced power-effective chips is designed to satisfy the requirements of a progressively mobile globe.


Jacobides, M. G., Cennamo, C., & Gawer, A. (2018). Towards a theory of ecosystems. Strategic Management Journal, 39(8), 2255-2276.

Le, D. N., Van Le, C., Tromp, J. G., & Nguyen, G. N. (Eds.). (2018). Emerging technologies for health and medicine: Virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, internet of things, robotics, and industry 4.0. John Wiley & Sons.

Li, G., Hou, Y., & Wu, A. (2017). Fourth industrial revolution: Technological drivers, impacts and coping methods. Chinese Geographical Science, 27(4), 626-637.

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