Free Essay on Technological Visions: Unraveling the Merits and Limitations in HG Wells' The Time Machine

Published: 2023-12-19
Free Essay on Technological Visions: Unraveling the Merits and Limitations in HG Wells' The Time Machine
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Industrial revolution
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1180 words
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In a reflection of the future, HG wells typically analyze the rapidly technologically advancing world's implications. The Time Machine explains the effects of scientific inventions on human life. They are most likely to be felt instantly or after a long period. The typical representation is done using two creatures that all have different effects on human life. They are the Eloi and Morlocks. The Eloi are presented in the story as lazy beings. They lack technological appeal, whether through science or language.

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In contrast, the Morlocks are physically stronger, and they can use their strength to seek survival means. They resort to cannibalism; hence, they feed on people. The two creatures present more of the negative side of future technology (Lashua 88). However, HG Wells asserts the significance of scientific knowledge and the practical use of technology for the benefit of man by praising some of the gains that have been so far. Technology is a crucial tool in modern development and can result in huge gains and extensive losses in equal measure.

Merits of Technology

Intelligence and Creativity

The first open gain of technology is the improvement of the world's intellectual capacity. With the improving ease of access to various significant pieces of information, the man easily becomes more informed than when access to necessary materials was limited. The Time Machine employs scientific and mathematical concepts to explain the depth of technology and its relevance in the current and future generations. The occurrence of things is explained through scientific applications. The Victorian error is widely speculated to become the technological pinnacle of mankind shortly. The further narration also reveals that most customs and traditions will be outfaced after a consistent digital domain gain. The two concepts are negatively correlated. One causes the deterioration of the other. The application of the scientific and mathematical concepts in the story undoubtedly reveals the strong relationship between intelligence, creativity, and technological growth.

Industrial Revolution

Technology paved the way for the great error of industrial development. In comparison to the past, there is a great improvement in terms of how goods are manufactured. The process has been made less strenuous and of higher quality. The changes in the industrial sector have brought more gains than other changes. HG Wells highlights this merit by using the time machine, which is a more complex invention (Lashua 87). The Time Traveler narrates the ability of people to foresee the future through technological means in the future. The miniature time produced enables him to travel thirty million years into the future. In the journey into the future, he can see the effects of technology. The miniature time and its ability to help in traveling into the future helps in understanding the benefits of inventions that were seen during the age of the Industrial Revolution. The evolution of machinery and many other industrial components increased in quality during the error, and work was made more efficient. The quote "the true civilizing process that makes life more and more secure" emphasizes the beauty of having relevant advancements in the field of technology (Wells 23). Such gains propelled the fruits of positive evolutions in the industrial world. The same is projected to be the Victorian error state where technology is projected to hit the peak of its advancement as culture and traditions will be gradually outfaced.

Limitations of Technology

The narration using Eloi and Morlocks is mostly inclined to the perils of technology. Both creatures prove to be a disgrace to the human race in the Victorian error, as portrayed in The Time Machine. Every coin, indeed, has two sides. The magnitude of the gains cannot be completely forgotten when discussing the limitations of globalization and civilization. The negative aspects are also portrayed to bear heavy consequences in future generations (Lashua 85). They include erosion of customs and traditions, social inequities, brutal accidents, Over-dependency, deterioration of skilled labor, and many more. All the limitations revealed in the story should be carefully considered to ensure that technology gains are not overthrown into thin air. That calls for implementation with caution and utmost sobriety.

Erosion of Customs and Traditions

Cultural deterioration is one of the technologically related disasters that are portrayed in The Time Machine. The narrator asserts that the peak of technology will be followed by a deterioration in the Victorian generation's cultural progress. The quote "And during these few revolutions all the activity, all the traditions, the complex organizations, the nations, languages, literature, aspirations, even the mere memory of Man as I knew him, had been swept out of existence" confirms that increase in technological revolution will have a corresponding negative impact on customs and traditions in the society (Wells 46). That is evident in the contemporary world, where modernity influences the state of living more than the indigenous traditions of mankind. Consequently, it is important to tread with caution to ensure that the gains of technological improvement do not outdo the positive observance of culture, as portrayed in The Time Machine.

Deterioration of Skilled Labor, Brutal Accidents, and Social Inequities

The existence of complex machinery with higher precision and bulk productivity would be prioritized over man's slow manual progress. That is evidenced through Eloi's use, of the lazy, and less physical creatures in The Time Machine. The creatures are less strained and live their lives so lazily. They don't care about language or technology, but they still survive. In the Victorian era, they resembled the lazy class of people who would render their skills aside to exploit technology. With increasing food and other necessities, such people will also appear frailer than their counterparts in the former generation. Morlocks present a different class of creatures that resemble the dangers of the developed instrumentation in the future. They indicate that technology has not liberated the generation, as many could think. They resort to cannibalism when they are not fed implying that they can kill mankind when not used appropriately. In the modern world, technology has resulted in many people's deaths through accidents, brutal terror attacks, and many other ways. The issue of social disparities is also exhibited in the lives of the two creatures, Eloi and Morlocks (Lashua 88). The Eloi are the rich class of people who use limited efforts to attain their wealth. Morlocks, on the other hand, are presented as hardworking but dangerous people. Technology can produce such disparities if not carefully exploited for uniform gains in society.


The Time Machine foresees the sweet and bitter fruits of technology. If carefully and wisely exploited, it results in significant gains that make life more appealing and easier. However, the perils associated with technology may also be immense and costly to humankind. The inventions should not be made to outdo the natural ability to perform certain duties physically. They should also not promote laziness among people. Technology is a crucial tool in modern development and can result in huge gains and extensive losses in equal measure.

Works Cited

Lashua, Brett D. "The Time Machine: Leisure Science (Fiction) and Futurology." Leisure Sciences 40.1-2 (2018): 85-94.

Wells, Herbert George. "The time machine. 1895." New York: Berkley, and, 2005, pp. 23-67.

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