Free Essay on Nursing Education

Published: 2022-07-20
Free Essay on Nursing Education
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Nursing
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1101 words
10 min read

Week 1

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Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Identify scholarly databases for research articles and state their usefulness. Discuss challenges holding nursing practice from achieving 90% evidence-based practice. (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC1: Analysis is a critical skill required to identify the right scholarly information. This involves critical thinking and an ability to find content that furthers the nursing practice. MC3: Applying a Christian world view is critical in helping establish content that is ethically sound thereby realizing research material that is professionally valuable. Domain 1: research is an important way of participating in policy development thereby promoting quality care and professionalism.

Week 2

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Determine clinical problems faced by practicing nurses and the implications of nursing. What are the main issues in addressing evidenced based practice? What steps could be taken in addressing the issue? (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC4: A global understanding of health concerns of different persons and populations helps identify the main challenges facing health care provision. MC5: Developing individual leadership skills such as priority setting and evaluation techniques helps in providing appropriate vision for accomplishment of goals. Domain 3: Implementation of nursing decisions should be based on evidence to guarantee best practices.

Week 3

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Provide a summary for six articles on the discussion board. Discuss one weakness and strength for each one and why they may provide insufficient evidence for change in the practice. Compare and contrast two methods of evaluating evidence (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC1: Effective communication is essential in ensuring an understanding of nursing terminology in critiquing content and appreciating persuasive arguments. Domain 2: appreciating the theoretical foundations of nursing helps to better understand the reasoning and decision making skills involved in research documents.

Week 4

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Discuss with your mentor why an understanding of health care systems at a local level is critical. Discuss one lesson for further consideration in personal project. Identify two change theories and inquire from mentor which one he/she associates with. Compare the two theories and note which one aids implementation of personal project (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC1: effectively communicating with the mentor helps establish an understanding upon which knowledge can be transferred. MC2: Critical thinking and an analyzing mind is pivotal in determining the level of knowledge attained with regard to health care systems at local level. Domain 5: A holistic health attitude helps one to appreciate the experience of patients and nurses at a local level.

Week 5

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Name one internal health care setting subject to the change process and one external stakeholder showing necessity of their support for personal project and how their support will be achieved. Name at least one technology that you might work with to better the implementation of the project (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC1: Ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders is important in determining their support. Domain 1: A great deal of professionalism is called upon in soliciting stake holder support and maintaining such relationships. Domain 4: Ability to effectively manage information and technology helps guarantee quality health care.

Week 6

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: After discussing with mentor name at least one financial, quality and clinical aspect in implementing evidence based practice. Explain how proposal will impact each aspect either directly or indirectly. After reaching active project development describe proposed approaches in addressing the suggestions, problems, initiatives and educational needs. What changes have occurred since its conception and what accounts for the current perspective? (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC1: Ability to communicate effectively is essential in developing intellectually sound views of issues impacting health care delivery. MC5: Leadership is a critical competency in ensuring the development of skills and knowledge necessitating professionalism. Domain 1: Policy development is central in developing the nursing practice and improving standards of health care delivery.

Week 7

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Discuss possible internal and external methods for dissemination of the project outcomes. Discuss why it is important to report these results to these groups. In determining the effectiveness of change, discuss how evaluation of the project will be conducted to determine its impact on practice (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC1: In reporting and presentations, effective communication will enable a better understanding of the issues discussed and offer opportunity to influence policy. MC2: Evaluation of evidence gained aids in dissemination of outcomes in a manner that affects change.

Week 8

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Based on evaluation of the project which variables; dependent and independent, will be collected. In establishing statistical significance what methods of analysis will be used? Explain the differences between statistics and clinical significance and how clinical significance can support positive outcomes in the project (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC2: critical thinking skills are essential as they help in analysis of information collected during the project. Domain 2: Comprehension of nursing concepts helps to inform analysis of information leading to positive health care outcomes. Domain 4: Improving ability to manage information systems contributes to establishing databases that are effective in the management of healthcare.

Week 9

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: What personal strength and weakness exist regarding professional presentations? State one method for improving each of these and why these skills are important. Note two potential barriers that may affect the change project and possible solutions for these instances (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC1: Professional presentations require effective communication skills to enable discussions that further professional nursing practices. MC5: Evaluation of individual abilities offers a better understanding of ones strengths and weaknesses. A good deal of management techniques will be relied upon to improve on possible weaknesses.

Week 10

Course assignment: Practice hours portfolio

Course objectives: Point out one professional journal or nursing conference for possible project presentation and why each platform is appropriate for disseminating the new knowledge. Name two methods of sustaining integration of evidence into practice and work environments. What are the possible hindrances and how can they be minimized? (HWCAMPUS, n.d.).

Number of clock hours: 10 hours

Self-assessment: MC2: Critical thought helps in deciding relevant platforms for dissemination of knowledge and deciding upon which methods would sustain integration of evidence into practice. Domain 4: In provision of effective health care, collaboration in the nursing practice is essential.


HWCAMPUS. NRS 490 GC Entire course. Retrieved from

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