Free Essay in Philosophy: Strong Objectivity and Standpoint Theory

Published: 2022-05-09
Free Essay in Philosophy: Strong Objectivity and Standpoint Theory
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Feminism
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read

Strong Objectivity

The term strong objectivity was coined by Sandra Harding, a feminist philosopher. She proposes that research about women's lives strengthens standards of objectivity which can be contrasted with the weak objectivity of supposed research. The strong objectivity is a postulated indifference to scientific objectivity as it takes into consideration of the researcher's bias, something that cannot be removed, according to Harding. The researcher's experience of life is a lens, which they view the world with and use in research.

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According to Harding's standpoint as a feminist, a question of objectivity arises from what kind of knowledge projects are objective and which are not and the reasons whether an objective is necessary or not and the possibility to achieve an objectivity (Harding 1801). These considerations came in part from concerns about androcentric bias and sexism in dominant scientific studies and life.

However, strong objectives argue that male researchers try to be neutral, which Harding argues to be impossible, and thus brings androcentric bias in research. She suggests that a researcher's consideration of his or her position or reflexivity affects their research as stronger objectivity than researchers who claim to be completely neutral. Therefore, the biases and knowledge affecting it should be judged equally, by the location in social history and scientific community.

Standpoint Theory

Standpoint theory analyzes inter-subjective statements which have their authority rooted in an individual's power and knowledge. The most critical concept in this theory is a person's perspectives which are shaped by experiences from both political and social settings. Standpoints are complicated, and although women may share some perceptions, especially sex and ethnicity, they cannot be defined solely by their participation in these categories but, the incorporation of an individual experienced dimension, through which they see and understand the world.

However, standpoint theorists emphasize the utility of everyday experiential, a concept of knowing. A person's standpoint shapes which concepts are comprehensible as well as features of the world that are perceptual, salient and credible. This theory supports Sandra Harding on strong objectivity, a notion which states that mistreated people can help to develop more objective accounts globally (Harding 35). Through the wonder, these individuals are set in the situation that is unique to point and patterns of conduct which those in the prevailing society groups do not recognize. On this theory, the marginalized groups are given a voice by being allowed to challenge the status quo as the outsider within.

A predominant culture is one in which all groups that exist in it are not experienced in the same way. In most cases, perceptions of individuals who belong to a group with marginalized social power are neglected while those from groups with more social power are validated. It is advisable for individuals from these groups to learn to be bicultural, despite, the fact it is not their own perceptive for the survivor.

In conclusion, Sandra Harding coined the term strong objectivity to postulate indifference to scientific objectivity, which is taken into consideration during research. She argued that a researcher's life experience is a lens through which they view the world during a study. Furthermore, in strong objectives, male researchers are found trying to be neutral which ends up bringing androcentric bias in research. On the other hand, standpoint theory supports Strong objectivity, a belief which says mistreated people can develop more objective accounts globally. Since the perceptions of individuals from groups with marginalized social power are neglected, they should learn to be bicultural to survive.

Works Cited

Harding, Sandra. "Precis of Objectivity and diversity: another logic of scientific research." Philosophical Studies 174.7 (2017): 1801-1806.

Harding, Sandra. "Objectivity for Sciences from Below." Objectivity in Science. Springer, Cham, 2015. 35-55.

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