Free Essay Example on Ethical Decision Making

Published: 2023-11-26
Free Essay Example on Ethical Decision Making
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Environment Ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 629 words
6 min read


Human resource management in an organization is successfully implemented through the precise management of its workforce. It entails providing an environment for employees' lifelong learning, employee empowerment, and better information flow with a diversified workforce and concern for employability and job security (Ford & Richardson, 2012, p. 381). The elements of human resource management are essential in ethical decision making. They ensure active follow up as well as management of the employees with disabilities and injuries. It also helps to mold recruitment policies to include people from ethnic minorities and women and long-term unemployment, which is a significant step towards ethical decision-making in human resource management.

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Work Safety

Another internal factor on ethical decision making includes the work safety and health measures. Work safety and health have been found to have a direct impact on the productivity of Greg Mortimer. The legal measures existing on maintaining standards for ensuring the workers' safety while providing health benefits have made it imperative for companies to adopt a proactive approach to ethical decision-making (Husted, 1993, p. 765). The emerging markets require the organization to outsource labor and processes that lead to significant, ethical decision-making that maintains high safety and health.

Adaptation to change is a recent trend in global business and plays a role in ethical decision making. Restructuring of the organization is a socially responsible manner that ensures balance. It allows the organization to consider the individuals' interests and concerns affected by the changes and decisions (Jones & Ryan, 1998, p. 442). In practice, the process is significant as it involves employees' participation and involvement through open information and consultation. Restricting the organization helps identify consequential and indirect risks with the related alternative strategies and policies.

Environmental Impacts

Management of environmental impacts is an essential aspect of ethical decision making. It allows the organization to optimize the utilization of resources while reducing environmentally damaging effluents. It also enables the organization to effect significant cost savings in energy bills as well as pollution costs. Greg Mortimer ship has had to face serious repercussions from the state and society to exploit the natural resources and disregard environmental safety measures. Robinson et al. (2014) highlighted the importance of maintaining ecological standards through effective, ethical decision-making.

The external factors related to the practices that concern the external stakeholders. The external factors play significant roles in ethical decision-making as they lead to international standards for business practices. Some of the external factors that significantly affect ethical decision making include local communities, business partners, and human rights.

Local communities play a significant role in ethical decision making. It allows the organization to develop positive relations with local communities, thus accumulating social capital relevant to the company (Mitchell et al., 1998, p. 862). The relations are used for most companies to support the integration of their subsidiaries into various markets. Therefore, understanding the local community and social customs is an asset that the organization utilizes for ethical decision making.

Business partners build a long term relationship of sound ethical foundation with the suppliers and customers. It enables companies to meet customer expectations while reducing complexities and costs. Companies have to realize that ethical decision-making practice is an essential aspect throughout the supply chain as it also touches the economic partners.


According to Sayegh et al. (2014), companies regularly violating human rights may experience climate civil instability and corruption. As a result, companies have direct responsibility for ensuring human rights protection in its operations. Besides, they have the responsibility to mitigate the violation of human rights through ethical decision making. Respecting human rights is a responsibility that ensures the organization promotes its operations. As a result, there is a need for the company to provide its customers are not endangered. Effective decision making entails developing a proper consultative process that involves the local groups in its operations.

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