Fiction Conversation with Marcus Aurelius in a Train - Free Essay

Published: 2023-09-24
6 min read

After a four-hour journey on a night train, guess who sees left on the train is a guy in his mid-sixties—wearing a tweed coat with leather patches sewn on his elbow. He yawns and rolls his eyes up and sides, with slight movements as though the seat he sat on had some thorns. Left alone on a four-passenger couch, he looked as though he was in his last second before throwing up. He was sweating as he had just climbed from a swimming pool and could eat and swallow air, a sign of someone either in distress or had a long day of travel or even ill or something.

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Hey Sir, are you okay? You seem high on something, can I help you?

Shaking and holding my hand firmly, he replies, thank you, Sir, am doing great, the journey has been like hell to heaven.

“It was nice meeting you, am X” ‘That is great, in a deep curled warmed-up voice the aged man replays, ‘I am Aurelius. With my full mouth and strange gaze, I enquire

‘Are you, Marcus Aurelius’?

“You know, Marcus Aurelius? What exactly do you know about him?’’

I have overtime read about his philosophical work in college; I thought to myself ‘’yes, this must be the man I have dreamed of meeting someday.’’ The man never revealed the actual identity at such point, but I was convinced he must have been the man as occasioned by his introduction. Suddenly, the train scrammed with a great sound at a slowed pace, and I knew it was my alighting station. The aged man put off his hut as in preparation to alight. The white curled curled-haired man struggled to put together his luggage and the shuttered and disarranged newspaper that he must have bought two days ago.

“Are you alight in this station?’’

I posed the question to my acquaintance with whom I felt comfortable conversing with. Now he keeps me waiting. He pulls off carefully his glasses and measures up my gaze to his, and then he turns away. His lower teeth are slowly bared, and when he replies to my query, he appears to have to move past a disablement. But not a deactivation of speech. Yes, this is my hometown, he replied with a lot of ease and stretching up to reach a hand handle right on the upper side.

‘’Am also a resident of this great city in the sunset’’ I disclosed to the old man as if I wanted some approvals from him. A warm smile from the older man was a sign of relief, and I knew I had a friend in the city.

He made a request “Do you know a good cab that I can use for my resident.”

‘’Yes, there is a trusted company that offers the services I can call them and make an inquiry’’

I replied fast while sliding my hand in the pocket to pick up my cell. My voice was slurred, and the operator from the other side did not give a specific cab for us.

‘’Kindly you need to give me the specific name of the cab operator who can access the train station in a short time’’.

However, the operator who sounded tired found it hard to meet my request.

“I cannot tell exactly the name of a specific cab operator ready to your area, but you can check from their applications”.
Thickly I said,
“No stickers are pointing to the available cab mobile apps’’.

Finally, I think I got one for the older man, or possibly the operator felt sorry and decided to sort me out.

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Fiction Conversation with Marcus Aurelius in a Train - Free Essay. (2023, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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