Macbeth Play Analysis in the Free Essay

Published: 2019-06-21
Macbeth Play Analysis in the Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Shakespeare Macbeth
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1794 words
15 min read

Explain the influence your peers have on your decision making.

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Peers are always the people responsible 90% for our decision-making. It is next to impossible for a person to make a concrete decision without the influence of his or her peers. Even a person in command has to seek the counsel of his peers for him it be able to make a final decision. When one is almost making a decision on any aspect of life, he has to seek the advice of his peers just to be sure whether it is a sweet or a nasty move he/she is making.

In act one of the play for example, we see Macbeth being prophesied for as the next chowder. Prior to the prophesy, Macbeth was just like any other fighter fighting for the king. However, after the prophesy and a little influence from his mate Banquo, Macbeth begins seeing the practicability of being the next leader. The arrival of Ross also proves his new title as the king after he calls him by the very same title of the prophesy. This makes Macbeth begin to see himself as king.

Peers have the greatest role to play when it comes to my decision making as a person. Since no man is an island, it technically translates to no man can do anything on his/her own without the help of a friend. Once I was thinking of becoming the schools overall captain. My idea according to me seemed farfetched and lacking any possibility of occurring until I talked to my peers. Each one of them had a reason why I should go for it. Some of the reasons I had never thought of myself. One of them even told me that I look like the principals favorite and hence was the best person for the position. With all this influence, I had no option but to go for it. Though not my absolute idea, I was simply abiding by the rules of peer pressure. The same way peer influence works in the positive is the very same way it works in the negative. Once I was


Effects of persuasion and manipulation by those you care about

A person can be manipulated by those he cares about or so close to them to do something that if it were their own control, they would not have thought of it in the first place. In the play, we see Lady Macbeth successfully manipulating the husband to kill the King Duncan so as to become king himself.

The same is evident in our normal day lives. At some point in our lives as humans, we are persuaded to do some negative things that we are against ourselves. At such instances, people put their morals or what they believe in and go ahead to commit the very acts they are against. There are several reasons as to why some people can put aside what they believe in to do such acts.

One of the reasons for such is that some people believe that in as much as the act is against his/her believes and is something repugnant to morality, the act will one day be forgotten and life will move on swiftly as it did before the occurrence of the act. Others believe that since everything under the sun happens for a reason, maybe what he/she is being manipulated to do is what was supposed to happen anyway. In certain situations, the acts can be justifiable. When it comes to morality for example, morality is something that is subjective and very relative. What is moral to me may not be to you. Based on that premise, maybe the morality of the one you care for in that moment is the one that is correct.

Under some circumstances, one can speak against it if the act goes to the root of ones belief and or morality. However, there are circumstances that acquiescence cannot be avoided. If the act does not go to the heart of your beliefs and when the person is so dear to you such as Lady Macbeth are the perfect ingredients for acquiescence. It may not matter how much we believe at some point, provided the person persuading us is the person we care most about, believes can as well continue to remain beliefs. The thing that make us do such acts most of the time is the idea that if we refuse to do them, we will end up hurting the very same people who we prepare to care about so much.

At times in life, in as much as we have the ability to make a decision, our ability to do so is always suppressed and or overshadowed by the persons we care most for. In certain circumstances, our decisions seem meaningless compared to the position we hold others in our lives. This position causes us instead of objecting to some things thanks to our beliefs, we acquiesce them for the fear of hurting them an aspect that is visible in Macbeth killing for his wife in as much as it seems to disturb him. He also negates the very fact that his wife is evil in thinking and her ideas are not supposed to be followed at all as they may be detrimental in future to both of them.


Does the end justify the means?

The end justifies the means is a statement that I strongly disagree with. A good outcome does not always negate the doings that come afterwards. In as much as a person is doing all the right things, care should be taken on how we relate to such a person. The question that we should ask ourselves is if the person did such a thing once and later covered it with good deeds, what prevents such a person from doing the same thing the second and the third time and later cover it. The end justifies the mean is sort of a dictatorship statement that a person can hide under the cover of the good things he is doing now so as people to forget the things he did in the past. In this act, we see Macbeth wanting to kill Banquos since he feels he may overthrow him and become the next king. Macbeth can as well kill Banquos and continue ruling well. This doesnt negate the fact that Macbeth has killed Banquos. We cant hence justify this statement in light of the act done by Macbeth even if he becomes a better king than his predecessor.

Following the flow of things and how the events are unfolding, it is evident that Macbeth will not be a king that will be liked by any. He will be a king that will rule based on his own personal interests and not those of the people. To begin with, no sooner has he become king than he attempts to kill his very own friend Banquos who he feels wants to overthrow him so as to become the next king. This act portrays a person who is ready to defend his own interests and not those of the people he is ruling over.


Lady Macbeth journal entry

19th December 2015

Today my husband left to go see the witches who predicted hi being the king. I feel scared worried and at the same time happy. Bearing in mind the recent occurrences such as that of trying to kill Banquos, I fear that the prophesies of the witches will not be good at all. May be the witches know that he will change and become a good person eventually and in this case, maybe the prophesy will be a positive one then we continue living happily as before.

Soon he will come back to the house. I wish he puts up a happy face as he gets through the door. A sign of good things that have occurred. I am looking up to a cheerful husband after his meeting with the witches. This is however on the positive side. Maybe things arent going well at all. Maybe my husband is to be killed for all his wrong doings after ascending to power. I fear for such an event I just hope it doesnt happen. If it does, he is dead-in fact, we are both dead. I am sure a lot of people by now dont like him and by extension me too. I was the mastermind behind the killing of King Duncan. Maybe the witches know this and want to eliminate us too.

Of late he has not been telling me things. Everything hes been doing has been made secret. I no longer have the control I used to have before he was king. This is not good at all. I have to do something. I have an idea. I am going to persuade him of how I have changed and realized that what I did was bad. After I convince him, he will see me as an asset once again and will always be coming to me for consultations. Afterwards, I will infiltrate his mind once again slowly by slowly until he finally begins to buy my ideas after which I will be the one ruling from the inside.


Effects of Macbeths leadership

In this final scene, it is evident that the reign of King Macbeth is coming to an end with several people after his life for the things that he has done. Macbeth could have made a very wonderful leader if he would have ascended to power in the correct way. Since the prophesy was still there, Macbeth could have exercised some patience and sooner or later, he could have become the king either way. By waiting for the correct time, he would not have the fear of anyone wanting to kill him and later become the king. He wouldnt have the fear that external forces are out there to oust him from his seat.

Macbeth could just have waited for the prophesy to be fulfilled by itself through time instead of wanting to push time to work for his advantage. If the witches prophesies are anything to go by, then any way he would have become the King. He would have been accorded the inauguration that s accorded to all kings when they ascend to power.

The greatest decision he would have made was to refuse to kill King Duncan. This evidently is the reason for his downfall and the basis of all guilt haunting Lady Macbeth. If he could only instead of killing people and talk to them or solve the issues between them amicably then he would have earned an early kingship.

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