Free Essay for Students: Evolution Versus Intelligent Design

Published: 2022-06-01
Free Essay for Students: Evolution Versus Intelligent Design
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  Science
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1299 words
11 min read

Among the stories that have always attracted criticism is the story of evolution and their connection to intelligent designs. The arguments for and against the story of evolution have always pushed the story of intelligent designs into some serious connotations. In spite of the fact that the above stories are taught separately, the need to speculate into the relevance and truth in the story of evolution requires the ideas concerning intelligent designs to chip in. The story of evolution is connected to intelligent designs like biochemistry, chemical origins of life, paleontology and matters concerning the Cambrian Explosion (Binns & Bloom 12). This exposition seeks to make an argumentative analysis concerning the concept of evolution, i.e., the efficacy of natural selection in conjunction with arguments concerning intelligent designs like biochemistry, chemical origins of life and paleontology.

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Evolution concept was developed on the idea of natural selection. Evolution is a concept that is connected to the fact that organisms and living things can change over time on minor factors in the species as it exists wholly in the habits (Binns & Bloom 12). The small changes are not doubtful as Darwin's ideas of the dubious notion that living things have one descendant. The theory that organism change over time due to the inherent physical and behavioral traits was based on the notion that most organisms tend to form extensions that contribute enable organisms to adapt and yield more offspring. The theory of evolution gains supports from paleontology, genetics, geology and developmental biology. Regarding the concepts of genetics, all organism is connected to each other. However, the diversity of life is said to be a product of modifications of the present population through the theory of natural selection. According to the theory, some traits are meant to be favored by the environment than others (Terry 138). The theory of evolution is affiliated to the concept survival for the fittest which is concerned with the fact that some traits concerning the term fitness portray the ability to survive and reproduce under available environmental conditions. An example that was related to the story of evolution and natural selection is the evolution of whales. Darwin focused on the idea that the vertebral structure of bears transformed into whales through the formation of an enormous monstrous creature that adapted to the environment that made them appear. From the concept of Natural Selection, Darwin proclaimed that changes in species that are termed as microevolution are concerned with color and size.

On the other hand, intelligent design is evidence-based scientific evidence of the origin of life that is enmeshed in the argument that God created all things the way they are today without any of the creatures undergoing evolution. Intelligence design challenges the concept of development by outlining that many structures in animals and plants tend to bear unmistakable signature of God-infused design by the thought of natural intelligence. For instance, intelligence design refers to the formation of the human and turtle eye to the credits of supernatural intelligence. It suggests that the eye could not have evolved stepwise since the eye is made of multiple interacting parts. The parts tend to coordinate to initiate any single function thus at no instance can separation of one part of the eye render it functional. Therefore, the intelligent design suggests that the eye was created once and not stepwise development as evolution suggests. Also, the role of mutation as the critical reason for natural selection concept is flagged down by intelligent design which concretely alludes to the idea that creation did not happen stepwise but rather once through supernatural powers.

The theory of paleontology and records of fossils tend to fail to connect with intelligence degree. From a thorough analysis of the claim of paleontology theory, the story of evolution tends to fail to argue its point correctly. Regarding Binns and Bloom (12), his many years in the excavations and collection of fossils was found to be a game of darts. Additionally, the story of Cambrian explosion was found to lack basis since there was no story to support the concept. On the other hand, genome tree by Darwin is considered to be against the intelligence identity since taxonomy produces conflicting data concerning the fact that all living organism does not have a common ancestor. Therefore, intelligent design airs out the idea that life is too complicated to have originated from on ancestor and not by supernatural by God (Binns & Bloom (12). The major concepts of evolution lie in the idea that macro-evolution is connected to having enough time to accumulate the changes that create new species. The theory outlined that amphibious mammals turned into whales, apes ancestors into humans an dinosaurs into birds. According to the genome tree, there are multiple and significant inconsistencies that are in line with Darwinian claim thus the theory of all living things to have one descendant will fail to communicate an idea. According to True (81), evolution is justified by the aspect that if one creator could have created all living things, then there could be no imperfection in the design. From such assumption, True (81) praises the idea that evolution is brought up changes in the changes in the DNA structure of organisms.

From True (67), it was outlined that whenever a gene undergoes mutation and alter a specific trait in the body, the gene is just inactivated and not done away. In applying the concept mentioned above, evolution fails to argue its points right by outlining that the genes are converted to other genes or permanently deleted through the process of snipping them out of the DNA structure. A change in traits and color is connected to inactivity of specific genes which were initially useful but are made not to be traced. Darwin mistakenly communicated wrong assumptions about heredity. For instance, he outlined that characteristics may be acquired through the process of the organisms' life. Additionally, all living creatures do not have any common ancestral connection, but conditions make some genes to be inactive thus altering some characteristics and features of a creature. According to Terry (138), humans' activities are said to bring up behavioral and physical complication due to the kind of lifestyle being followed. Terry (138) mentioned that "intelligence agents may suddenly or entirely be in accord with their powers even though they are always said to do so. Terry (138) was trying to justify the fact that the theory of evolution lacks basis as no creatures of different species have been found to be genes regardless of their activeness or inactivity in the body.

In summation, this paper has appropriately made an argument analysis concerning the concept of evolution, i.e., the efficacy of natural selection in conjunction with arguments concerning intelligent designs like biochemistry, chemical origins of life and paleontology. In that perspective, evolution and identity designs fail to correlate as they differ in almost all aspect. Additionally, there is no correlation between paleontology and intelligent designs. It was found out that the story of evolution tends to fail to argue its point correctly. The tale of Cambrian explosion was found to lack basis since there was no story to support the concept. On the other hand, genome tree by Darwin is considered to be against the intelligence identity since taxonomy produces conflicting data concerning the fact that all living organism does not have a common ancestor. From all the assumption made, it is precise evolution theories disagree with intelligent designs thus natural events in the world science should still focus to find the necessary connection between evolution and intelligent designs.

Works Cited

Binns, Ian C., and Mark A. Bloom. "Distinguishing Science from Non-Science: Preservice Elementary Teachers' Perspectives on Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design." International Journal of Educational Methodology 3.1 (2017): 1-15.

True, Why Evolution Is. "Book Review: Why Evolution Is True." (2017).

Terry, Mark. "Intelligent Design." (2014): 137-138.

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