Free Essay: Evidence-Based Practice on Infection Control Measures

Published: 2023-08-31
Free Essay: Evidence-Based Practice on Infection Control Measures
Essay type:  Argumentative essays
Categories:  Medicine Technology Public health Nursing care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 887 words
8 min read

The need for the inclusion of technology in the processes undertaken in daily activities has been called for, and the nursing and medical field is no different. Efforts have been put to ensure that the medical sector is better and more modernized through the inclusion of technologically innovative appliances and practices that have played a major role in saving lives and reducing the number of fatalities experienced in the field. In the video provided for analysis, there were aspects of technology that were addressed, whereby the running of the intensive care units has been modernized through the use of technologically advanced means of life support machines. The introduction of the E-glass, which is used to separate patients, is an innovative way of providing patients with the privacy and confidentiality that they require during their treatment.

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The recent transformations in the healthcare sector have seen the development of therapeutic devices which have revolutionized how the field of medicine is carrying out its activities, especially when it comes to preserving the lives of those in intensive care while seeking ways of treating them. Work efficiency has significantly improved due to the use of technology, with the errors experienced in the past being minimized, thus meaning that the number of deaths when receiving emergency medical attention have been reduced (Intelligent Hospital TV, 2014). The Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU is one of the innovative ways that the medical field has come up with to provide patients who need intensive care with the assistance they need through the integration of technology and nursing care practices.

The most important aspects of an ICU facility are those that ensure the healing of the patient, their safety, as well as providing the needed information on the patient in terms of their progress and treatment plans. While previous measures to ensure that the patients received these services came separately, the Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU offers all these services at once, and with the precision and efficiency that is required. The IHP provides patients with the required safety and privacy measures by the use of automated curtains, the provision of double-paned glasses and the inclusion of the E-glass in the enhancement of privacy (Bataille & Broqui, 2017). The E-glass changes colors so that no one can see through the glass, thus ensuring that the patients have the privacy that they need, especially during cleaning of the patient or the changing of linens, which has sometimes left the patients exposed to other people. Apart from privacy, the E-glass will provide the patients with the hygienic conditions that they need for their speedy recoveries since unhygienic environments make the units harmful to the patients since their immunities will deteriorate even further (Intelligent Hospital TV, 2014) . The use of curtains is both old-fashioned and unhygienic, and therefore the E-glass has brought in workable solutions to the privacy and safety concerns of the ICU.

Tracking patient information is an important process in the ICU and the healthcare facilities in general, and therefore the use of The Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU will come in handy in helping secure patient information while also ensuring that the caregivers are given the information that they require on the patients. For example, the pneumatic tubes attached to the patients read, analyze and deliver the patient’s vital signs to the database, making it easier to provide the patient with the required course of treatment, depending on how well or badly they are reacting to the methods being used at that time. The Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU will also come in handy when interhospital transfers happen, since the system will help to provide credible and reliable patient information to the new facility and caregivers, therefore helping them ensure that the course of treatment they decide on will be effective in providing care and treating the patient.

Patient examination has been further improved through the introduction of the use of a sound gram, which is more effective than the use of the traditional stethoscope. The equipment is important since it gives the examiner a view of the patient’s internal organs, therefore offering them the chance to treat the issues that may not be seen on the surface (Savino & Latifi, 2017). Additionally, the introduction of the infusion pump is important in providing more specialized care to the patients. The ability of apparatus to be pre-programmed to give a specified dosage to the patient, and when the dosage is too high or low as specified in the program, it blocks the tubing from administering the dosage to the patient. This way, accidental over or under-doses will be reduced, thus reducing the deaths of patients when under intensive care.

I support the use of The Intelligent Hospital Pavilion ICU because of the solutions it offers to medical practitioners, in terms of reducing their workload as well as providing them with a chance to become more effective in their duties. The privacy options provided by the system is also another reason why I support the idea, since it provides privacy options that also offer security and an environment in which the patients can be assured of their chances of survival and healing is increased. Therefore, considering the benefits that one stands to reap from the proposed system, I would suggest that all hospitals include the use of the system in their ICU facilities.

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