Free Essay Example: Jeff Case Study

Published: 2022-10-21
Free Essay Example: Jeff Case Study
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Ethics Healthcare Depression
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1709 words
15 min read

This paper generally revolves around solving an overarching problem for Jeff who is undergoing difficult health and financial situations. The article will explore the ACA, CORE, or ASCA Code of Ethics in solving Jeff's critical situation (Paul et al. 79). The evaluation will be glued in considering his past skills and the stage of recovering from mental depression basing on the fact he is undergoing Vocational Rehabilitation (VR). Concisely, the synopsis of the paper will be deeply focusing on solving the problem allied with Jeff health problem whilst applying ethical codes of conduct in solving the problem.

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Problem statement

The case presented concerns a complicated situation for a 31-year-old Jeff who is currently under depression and mental problems Jeff has qualified for VR services. His critical problem arises from the fact that he undergone multiple surgeries that have left him with facial disfigurement (Daniel et al. 78). He has arrays of responsibilities since he has children to care off. He has lost his job, and various financial benefits are exhausted. Subsequently, he shows high competence in computer technology despite that it is over six years since his he left the industry through the experience and computer Knowledge remains still true. The case emanates in the process of evaluating the job qualification in a technical school. However, it is doubtful if he will qualify for the job placement or not since depression symptoms from mental problem clearly show in his appearance. The extension of the case is much severe and intact as the client wants an increment for mental health diagnosis and considered whether Jeff would have helped by the initiation of the strategy on not (Paul et al. 79). The dilemma is on whether to plot place Jeff in the position on even considering sparing another chance in the future that will help him recover from the situation.

Code of Ethics Application

The ACA code of ethics operates to enable the association to clarify the current and future members, who were served by members and the ethical responsibility nature held in common by its member (Kaplan,2014). The ACA code helps in supporting the associated mission as well as establishing principles defining the ethical behaviours and the best practices in association with the members(Corey et al p.78). Moreover, the ACA code of ethics helps in moral guides which are usually designed for assisting members to construct a professional course of action to serve those who need counselling services to promote the best the counselling professional values (Kaplan,2014). Moreover, ACA contains nine section codes which can be considerably applied as a source of consideration to the mental health sector.

These codes include privacy and confidentiality, counselling relations, responsibility in professionalism, interpretation, assessment and evaluation, teaching, training and supervision, publication and research, social media, distance counselling and technology and finally the code of solving ethical issues (Kaplan,2014). Among those nine codes, training and supervision, as well as technology and counselling, will be the essential codes that will be used to help Jeff in his mental situation about finding the job. The American School Counsellors, known as ASCA, offers professional organization for counselling and supporting and maintaining high codes of standards in the personal integrity, professionalism, and leadership. Unequivocally, section A.12 of the ACA code of ethics caters for the technology-assisted services providing more on online and technological internet use through counselling while integrating the ACA's system of ethical standards (Kaplan,2014). Therefore, this section will be favourable for counselling Jeff on the technological advancement and safety measures if he acquires the job.

Technological Issues

There has been several policies and procedures of using technology not only via mobile phones but also through other gadgets like a computer and so forth (Vohs et al. 65). The regulation, procedures, and policies are mainly made for coming up with safe use of ethical technologies. One of the systems includes taking care of technology equipment where the technological user is highly advised to take care of their devices which are viewed as a privilege to them (Daniel et al. 78). This policy has been made because of the common malware issues which have resulted from viruses, Trojan horses and worm issues. The malware issues have been associated with the increased use of email, social media, fax, and blogs. Technological internet users should, therefore, be aware, active and always alert when encountering suspicious links to prevent computers from being infected by malicious software. Moreover, technological ethics deals with law copyrights, ordinary creative matter, and good technological use act to make it easier to create a duplicate, access and share the information (Kaplan 153). It is essential for the technological user to take into the practice of using copyrighted material since copyright laws protect the original work of the users. Besides, incorporating The Fair Use Act, the technological policy permits the use of copyright material for non-commercial and other technology-related purposes.

Review on Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Justice, and respect for Autonomy

There is no readily accessible, coherent ethical analysis of transition despite the availability of good practice and guidance. However, the ethical principles on beneficence, maleficence as well as justice in respect for autonomy, can be effectively used for justifying the further inquiry need into the ethical cons and pros to improve the transitional care (Kaplan 153). Such kinds of fundamental dilemmas are related in Jeff's case whereas he is said to be an open-hearted and a person who can make his own decisions independently since he can take care of his family and is capable of working.

Potential Courses of Action

In developing the potential course of action, the incident level decision making is required. The course of action which is intended to achieve incident objectives, calls for an overall plan describing the management actions and selected strategies to comply with the requirements of the incident basing on the expected and current conditions (Daniel et al. 78). The purpose of the course of actions is to mitigate the risk to values which are being protected. It is in most cases accompanied by decision making derived question like ''How are we going to do this?'' Review when considering the course of action to be taken, Jeff must justify that he qualifies for the job through job interview carried out to all other people seeking the same job as Jeff. However, in every job opportunity, the manager seeks to acquire the best regarding technical ability and work experience which is needed in this field. Additionally, Jeff seams committed for he prepared for the exam test more than any other person which means he is the best person to apply for the job (Vohs et al. 65).

However, good communication skills and marketing skills were also considered in the interview test they did. Thus, the test showed that Jeff he is the only one who got right in that question out of 100 other potential employees who persuaded for the job (Daniel et al. 78). Concurrently, this shows that only Jeff has the necessary skills to adapt to the new job within a short period because he has worked before gaining working experience. Additionally, Universality in the test shows that all the people who took the test Jeff was the one having the longest work experience and he also scored the highest in the test exam.


The course of action being implemented considered the technological know-how which was needed for the virtual Reality job. Thus, the Curriculum Vitae presented by the job seekers and the work experience among other things (Vohs et al. 65). Thus, the course of action being taken her will be based on the companies favour instead of the job seeker including Jeff. This is hypothetical because the employer gives the job seeker the confidence that they are offering the job to create employment instead they want to fill a gap left by another employee.

However, to handle the case, they were told to go home and wait for their call to be informed if they passed the exam or not (Paul et al. 79). That formula was the only way for all of them to maintain hope and show their advanced skills when asked a question which needed an answer. Additionally, when n the interviews were analyzed, only Jeff performed beyond the expectations which shored him had high skills and technical know-how. Thus, Jeff was among those who were called to be informed that they have been given the job. Interestingly, his family was so happy because they believed in their father and husband and they had hoped one day he would make it again (Paul et al. 79). Jeff was so happy he even cried and promised he would do his best to bring glory to the company. The possible outcome in this job interview was that Jeff was the last person we expected to get the job, but after further technical tests and exam tests, we concluded that he was the best among them all. Jeff had high skills in defensive skills, data storage and marketing skills which were lacking in the company which made him have confidence that he will win against all his opponents.

In conclusion, Jeff who is currently under complicated situation allying from depression and anxiety issue, and in need of a job to take care of his family, need to be addressed seriously. Use of ethical issues, a course of action and decision making should be highly considered to Jeff to help him out of the situation. Since Jeff needs a job, in the sector of computer knowledge, it will be advisable to for him to consider the technological policies and ethics to keep in touch with the safety measures in the computer and technological field.

Works Cited

Paul, Moli, et al. "A systematic review of the literature on ethical aspects of transitional care between child-and adult-orientated health services." BMC medical ethics 19.1 (2018): 73.

Vohs, Kathleen D., et al. "Making choices impairs subsequent self-control: A limited-resource account of decision making, self-regulation, and active initiative." Self-Regulation and Self-Control. Routledge, 2018. 45-77.

Kaplan, David M. "Ethical implications of a critical legal case for the counselling profession: Ward v. Wilbanks." Journal of Counseling & Development 92.2 (2014): 142-146. Maurino.

Daniel E., et al. Beyond human aviation factors: Safety in high technology systems. Routledge, 2017.

Corey, Gerald, et al. Issues and ethics in the helping professions with 2014 ACA codes. Nelson Education, 2014.

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