Essay Sample on Strategies to Overcome the Challenges Faced by the Emiratis in the Airlines

Published: 2023-04-12
Essay Sample on Strategies to Overcome the Challenges Faced by the Emiratis in the Airlines
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Business management Crisis management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1415 words
12 min read

One of the challenges faced by the Emiratis in the airlines is a lack of motivation, which often leads to dissatisfaction at work: it is normal for these employees to meet some dips in their motivation. However, it becomes a significant challenge to the airline organization when all the colleagues become disengaged. According to More & Miller, 2014, motivation can well be described as something in which individuals act in specific decisions supporting goal-oriented behaviors. It is, therefore, necessary for the lack of motivation challenge to be addressed to enhance performance, satisfaction, and production. Some of the best ways of addressing this issue are; first, recognizing the great works of the Emiratis at the airlines. According to research from Al-Ali 2006, 70% of employees claim that their morale, as well as motivation, can be improved through recognition of their work by the managers. It is, therefore, essential for the managers at the airlines to recognize the great work done by their employees, and this should be done in a meaningful manner and should also is given frequently. The employees' individuals at the airlines should be treated not only as numbers but also as a valued team.

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Second, increasing incentives and pay: rewarding the employees at the airlines for their continued hard work works as a motivation hence improving employee satisfaction. Most employers tend to reward employees through the provision of annual bonuses but forget to offer the proper motivation designed for them. These annual bonuses are just seen as unfair, disappointing routines and can instead damage the employee's motivation. However, smaller and consistent incentives like salary increment for the excess work done are one of the best ways of boosting consistent motivation over time. For instance, according to Schley 2013, the CEO and the co-founder of the Rackspace Managed Housing Graham Weston gives the top-performing employees the keys to his BMW M3 for a week, and this works as a reward and greatly motivates the employees.

The bigger part of the economy is about the establishment of incentives and developing reasons for individuals to alter or change their behavior, and this is obviously about motivation, which according to psychologist Abraham Maslow, is often driven by the presence of needs. Maslow established various requirements which stated that needs like health and safety should be met before an individual focuses on the other needs like self-actualization (Smith, 2007). The managers at the airlines should first focus on the Emiratis physiological and health care needs since they are the initial level of every person's needs. The managers at the airlines need to provide means in which the Emiratis working there will be able to get proper health care's at their workplaces. Such provisions can be achieved through the establishment of inexpensive fitness centers and house cafeteria center for the employees to enhance their health and general wellbeing and this will motivate them to work effectively and be more productive.

It is also essential to focus on the safety of these employees, like training them ineffective ways of acting in cases of emergencies. For instance, knowledge of fire hazards and hazardous materials in the workplace. There should also be social outlets for the Emiratis in the airlines since these will enable the employees to have knowledge about each other through some events like sports and team building. The employees should also be allowed to focus on self-actualization and self-esteem since these are the topmost level of needs, according to psychologist Maslow( McLeod, 2007). Consistent education and tuition reimbursements should be put in place to help all the employees reach full potential.

Another challenge is the negative attitudes: this is a significant challenge since most of the employees at the airlines seem to have un-empathetic reactions to the customers and especially after offering poor services. It is, therefore, vital for the leaders to work on the best ways of training these employees on been empathetic and also try to bridge their interpersonal gaps through strategies like intense empathy courses. Even though empathy is not a really fixed trait in individuals, it is something that can be taught and learned (McLeod, 2007). The leaders should, therefore, give the employees at the emirate's support to help them in developing and enhancing empathy skills through training, coaching as well as initiatives and developmental activities. The organization can encourage and empathetic work environment to help the employees improve the empathy skills in several ways;

First, teaching proper listening skills to the employees: these skills will help them in understanding others and also sense their feelings hence the need for the managers and leaders to be good listeners (Gentry, Weber & Sadri, 2007). Having skilled listeners as employees will help the customers get the feeling that they have been listened to, and this will make it easier for them to express their problems and concerns. When these employees act as good listeners, the customers will feel respected, and their trust in the organization will keep on growing (Al Jenaibi, 2010). Second, cultivating compassion: this can be achieved when the managers show the employees that they care about their feelings and that they also consider how their decisions affect their employees, the business as well as the customers. Such acts will make the employees at the Emirates see the need for been empathetic to the customers as it gives enough time for compassionate responses and reflections.

Goleman's theory on emotional intelligence (EI) is a proper theory that can help in explaining how the employees can be taught on been empathetic at the workplace. His approach is based on a specific set of learned skills like empathy, motivation, self-awareness, self-management, and social skills (Goleman, 1995). Proper understanding of these skills will give the employee EI which refers capacity to perceive emotions, been able to access and also generate emotions to assist in thinking and understanding of emotions through having emotional knowledge and been able to reflect and regulate emotions. Having EI will help employees have proper empathy to serve their customers well since they will effectively cooperate with them, manage all stress at work, and also deal with all conflicts in the work environment and place.

Lastly, unrealistic expectations are another challenge facing the airline organization. It is these unrealistic expectations that make the employees to be often stressed at their workplace. The unrealistic expectations at the Emirates often arise as a result of some challenging organization cultures, lack of proper communication, and also poor leadership, and this dramatically affects the performance of the employees (Enthoven & Singer, 1999). The best ways of dealing with unrealistic expectations include; For instance, employees should ask their co-workers for help; this is because the chances are high that your fellow employees are also going through the same challenge. Since the workplace contains diverse individuals, one should always hope that they are surrounded by likeminded individuals like them (Shahi, 2013). It is, therefore, crucial for the employee to ask the co-workers for advice on the various issues they might be facing.


Al Jenaibi, B., 2010. Job satisfaction: Comparisons among diverse public organizations in the UAE. Management Science and Engineering, 4(3), pp.60-79.

Al-Ali, J., 2006, December. Emiratisation in the local labor force of the UAE: a review of the obstacles and identification of potential strategies. In Proceedings of the 20th ANZAM (Australian New Zealand Academy of Management) Conference on "Management: Pragmatism, Philosophy, Priorities (pp. 6-9).

Enthoven, A.C., and Singer, S.J., 1999. Unrealistic expectations born of defective institutions. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 24(5), pp.931-939.

Gentry, W.A., Weber, T.J., and Sadri, G., 2007. Empathy in the Workplace: A tool for effective leadership. A Center for Creative Leadership White Paper. Retrieved from http://www. ccl. org/leadership/pdf/research/EmpathyInTheWorkplace. pdf.

Goleman, D., 1995. EI: Why it can matter more than IQ. London: Bloomsbury.

McLeod, S., 2007. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Simply Psychology, 1, pp.1-8.

More, H.W. and Miller, L.S., 2014. Effective police supervision. Routledge.

Schley, B., 2013. The unstoppables: Tapping your entrepreneurial power. John Wiley & Sons.

Shahi, M., 2013. Evaluating the relative importance of emotional intelligence dimensions incidence of Extra-role Behavior at Social Security Organization in Ardabil province. Kuwait Chapter of the Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 3(1), p.85.

Smith, G.P., 2007. 401 proven ways to retain your best employees. CYC Publications.

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Essay Sample on Strategies to Overcome the Challenges Faced by the Emiratis in the Airlines. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from

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