Essay Sample on Gaining Employment for Qualified & Experienced People: Essential Focus for Organizations

Published: 2023-06-26
Essay Sample on Gaining Employment for Qualified & Experienced People: Essential Focus for Organizations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Employment
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 849 words
8 min read


Employment is one of the most desired aspects of contemporary society. Most people believe that when they are employed, they will be able to get the life that they have desired since they will be paid salaries. There are a various organization which has put in place a lot of focus on the employment of its workers. In this case, a lot of attention is put into place to ensure that the qualified, as well as experienced people, are selected to perform certain tasks. Many employees who are chosen for various positions go through an employee life cycle. The employee's life cycle is made up of various stages, which beings from job analysis and design to the termination process. Therefore, this paper will focus on the termination process of employees, which is one of the stages of the employee life cycle.

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The Employee Termination Process

The employee termination process is the last stage of the employee life cycle. At this stage, an employee is relieved of his or her duties for various reasons. Some of the reasons why an employee may be relieved of the duties include failure to perform according to the expected standards as well as the violation of certain rules and regulations. Termination, an employee, is not an action that an employer can just take; however, certain steps have to be followed.

The first step of the employee termination process is to lead the employees to be aware of their position within the organization. An employee who is going to be terminated should not be surprised about the event. In this case, it is important to understand the problems as they occur and its relation to the employee. The employer should then take notes regarding this problem, and they meet with the employees concerning the issue.

The second step of the employee termination process is to develop a plan as well as a timeline for improvement. After the problems that are related to the employee have been identified, it is important to give them a timeline for improvement. In this case, the employee is given some time to work on the issues and ensure that there is an improvement and that the problems have been minimized.

The third step is to prepare the documentation. After the period that the employee has been given to improve has elapsed, the improvement process should be assessed. In the event the employee has not shown some improvement, it is important that the documentation should be ready. At this step, the notice of termination is prepared, and the need for the employee to get severance is determined if necessary.

In the fourth stage, the employer should hold a face to face meeting with the employee. In this stage, the employee should not be fired through email or telephone. The best approach would be to have the employee present physically and inform him or her of the termination. Moreover, there should be a witness while delivering the message of termination to the employee.

The next step of the employee termination process is to allow the employees to be able to leave with the utmost dignity. After the message of termination has been delivered to the employee, one can be asked to leave work immediately. In other cases, the employee may be given a notice of until when he or she should stop working. Moreover, the employee should be given adequate time to clear up an important aspect. Also, if there are pending payments, it would be important for the employee to ensure that it is remitted to the employee in full to avoid any form of legal action that may arise.

The last step of the termination process gets off to a good end. As employees are hired, they are supposed to sign a contract that they will be committed to the organization. Also, as they are being fired, it is important for the employer to ensure that there is a contract that is signed.


Concluding, it is evident that in employment, there is an employee life cycle that most people have to undergo after they have been employed. There are several stages of the employee life cycle that a person from one to another. The main stage that this paper focused on was the last stage, and that is the employee terminated process. The employee termination process is whereby an employee is relieved of his or her duties. In most cases, most employees are relieved from their duties since they have failed to perform as it is expected, or they have gone against certain codes of conduct. However, when it comes to termination of employees, the action does not just happen immediately. The employee should be given some time to show improvement, and if there is no sign of improvement, he or she should then be terminated. Also, the process of termination should be followed step by step to ensure that the employee is legally fired. Therefore, it is recommended that most employers should adhere to these steps to avoid any legal action that may be taken against them.

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Essay Sample on Gaining Employment for Qualified & Experienced People: Essential Focus for Organizations. (2023, Jun 26). Retrieved from

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