Essay Sample on Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts

Published: 2023-10-31
Essay Sample on Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Art Ancient history
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 491 words
5 min read

Armenian illuminated manuscripts is one of the most incredible arts of work created by artist Mesrop of Xizan in the 17th century. Armenian illuminated manuscripts artwork is placed in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. Armenian illuminated manuscripts is an example of the work of art that was first designed during the prehistoric – Medieval period. During this phase, the biggest communities of the ancient realm became the blueprint for the centuries of artists. Usually, classic works of art are associated with the ancient Romans and Greeks. The prehistoric individuals produced objects that were portable, small in size, for instance, religious artifacts and jewellery that suited the nomadic lifestyle of the people who lived during that error. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City acquired the "London Book of Gospels" that permitted the museum to present a wonderful illustrated 17th century the manuscript that belongs to the Armenian. "London Book of Gospels" is a vital historical and cultural document that gives insights that are treasured related to artistic practices and religious beliefs of the Armenian societies that are located in West Asia.

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Iconography analysis is normally the interpretation of what the artwork represents, or it's meaning. Many of the artworks are representational, which means it creates a similarity of something. In most art representations, people would want to know and comprehend what the piece of art is showing and why certain aspects are presented the way they appear. To understand the iconography, historians usually attempt to decipher the context in which the image was created. Armenian illuminated manuscripts represent and create a novel focus on the manuscript portrait, the Armenian beliefs, and the general way of life and enhance the significant presentation of vital works from the globe. The Armenian illuminated manuscripts is also a representation of great imagery that explain the gospel stories in medieval times.

The Armenian illuminated manuscripts were first commissioned for the Holy Mother of God Church in new Julfa; by 1618.the manuscript was ruined by the fire making the manuscript an erratic main source of the document that provides activities and the lives of Armenians who lived in Isfahan during the period of Shah Abbas. The Armenian illuminated manuscripts contain a rare manuscript that creates links to the other works of art that form a collection that demonstrates religious imagery and related themes.

The Armenian illuminated manuscripts offer an exceptional manuscript that fashions relations to the other works of art that produce a collection that demonstrates religious imagery and themes that are related. The Armenian illuminated manuscripts, in most cases, recounts the teachings of the religious groups and the general gospel of the Armenians. These Illuminated Manuscripts were passed down to the next generation. The Armenians so much treasured the manuscripts that it was considered sacrilege to destroy or to sell the manuscripts or give the manuscripts to the enemies. The Armenian illuminated manuscripts also form and fill a significant niche that fully presents medieval history.

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