Essay Sample: Foreign Policy Throughout American History

Published: 2022-06-16
Essay Sample: Foreign Policy Throughout American History
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Foreign policy American history
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 965 words
9 min read

Thirteen colonies that form a transcontinental nation

The United States of America was ceaselessly and consistently not a united nation hence this was being brought by their perpetual disagreement with the thirteen colonies that were existing before it becomes a nation. The thirteen colonies were caucus or batch of British colonies that were on the North America (East coast). The legal system, political and, constitutional of the thirteen colonies were similar hence they were occupied by the English speakers. The thirteen colonies shifts to a transcontinental nation (country) from the newly independent country where it was, this was due war, lack of unity among the colonies and, the economic improvement that they had (Tyrrell 210).

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The economic enhancement mitigate the modification into a transcontinental nation, this was seen through American system, the revolution of their industries and, United States National bank. The national bank (proposed to them by the treasurer, Hamilton Alexander), was to watch over and control the government finances. The national bank would perform the roles of the banking institution whereas it will accept deposits, offers bank loans, issues the purchase of securities and, also issues the bank notes to the customers or shareholders.

Transcontinental treaty that was entrenched or inveterate as the considerable southern frontier for the United States of America which was less rational than the existing straight line in the north. The north territory which was acknowledged as American line was extending the line to the west for a new territory.

The geographical stretch or interspace between the colonies and England becomes more widespread and noticeable which lead England to retaliate against the colonial provocations hence this deter the growth of state that had stated

The united nation citizens were paying heavy taxes without consideration or representation to the colonial administration, the colonists were not willing to pay taxes to the administration. Avoidance by American colonist to pay taxes brought disputes to them, hence the actions taken by one side brought the negative response from another side, which escalated to the divisions among the colonists and English men themselves (Wilder 172).

The royal proclamation, this was a treaty that marked the end of the war between Indians and French which however granted Britain a deal to rule over the North American. The royal proclamation declared that the boundaries for settlement for any 13 colonies to be Appalachia hence this brought them together.

The existence of the stamp act controversy, as the British were practicing their direct rule over the colonial by restricting their movement westwards. The colonies were tormented by the insufficiency of the legal British currencies. The parliament was given control of all the colonial currency system by the currency act, hence this led to the abolishment of the bills of credit which was lowering their economic advantage in trade (Tyrrell 250).

The United States citizens use the nationalism as a symbol to unify themselves to propel and develop their nation. The states or territories rights were exceptionally proficient for a political agenda. Sectionalism was so influential in the political arena and economic expansion.

Economic improvements

The systems in America has consisted of the three mutually reinforcing parts which were the national bank which stimulates commerce, a tariff to guide and improve the American industries, to enlarge the profitable market for their agricultural products. The national bank offers more benefits to the United State through their help of raising financial or equity to the nation whereas the revolution of industrialization helps in creating more job vacancies, offers employment opportunities to the people and, also considering financial advice or capital, equity to the business and companies that needs to expand the growth level hence this led to more growth to the United States (Tyrrell 145).

War of 1812

The war between America and Britain was the second war between the two territories. The declaration of American war by Britain in June 1812, the main cause of the war the damaged inflicted by Britain to the American traders while the south of the great lake has the main point for troubles between the European colonists and the Indians (Wilder 120). The participant during the war were united states, Indians and, Canada or British America. The tension was mounting between the Atlantic coexistence and Britain with the Indian tribes along the Ohio valley which was led by the Tecumseh. The American ship was well equipped against British adversaries along the Atlantic. Warfare along the great lake was so sensitive because Americans use to bank on Canada as British used to capture Detroit.

Westward expansion

The Americans were always on movement despite the conflict, more people were crossing the Rockies and Oregon territory which was belonging to the Mexican territories, Great Britain, California, and New Mexico. Tejano or Texans (Spanish origin) were joined by the American settlers which had petitioned to consolidate the united states as slave nation (Rosati, 84).

War was declared by Polk against Mexico, with false claims that Mexican army invaded their territory, the war was unpopular because the northerners rejected to join with the hope that this was meant to increase slaver.

The United States became stronger after it became independent

The United States is large with natural resources, once they defeated European nations and the westward movement they become the most powerful because of high military power and expansion of their industries boosted their economy. They had stable political stability, and lack social problems, an economic crisis that might lead to lowering their financial status.


Rosati, Jerel A., and James M. Scott. Cengage Advantage Books: The Politics of United States Foreign Policy. Cengage Learning, 2013

Tyrrell, Ian. Transnational nation: United States history in global perspective since 1789. Palgrave Macmillan Education, 2015

Wilder, Shawn M., et al. "Intercontinental differences in resource use reveal the importance of mutualisms in fire ant invasions." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences108.51 (2011): 20639-20644

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