Essay Sample about Pipeline Outreach for Nursing Students

Published: 2022-07-06
Essay Sample about Pipeline Outreach for Nursing Students
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Profession
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1260 words
11 min read

This pipeline program will gear students toward their prospective careers at an early age. Therefore, recruitment must begin during their middle school years and beyond. The program will consist of working with minority students in eighth though twelfth grades, providing them with the opportunity to participate in a nursing career retreat program. This seven-day retreat will allow middle and high school students to take a detail view of what a nursing career looks like from the inside. They will get to know the different areas of nursing such as emergency room, intensive care, step-down, general medical-surgical and management positions. Also, there will be an increased effort toward recruiting male students to pursue a career in nursing as well. They will be offered incentives comparable to their female counterparts.

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There has been a discussion for several years regarding the nursing shortage, and there continues to be a decrease in students applying to a nurse program. It's being said before the year 2030 there will not be enough nurses to go around. The nursing shortage has become a global issue causing a problem with patient care in some areas. This global shortage has prompted the nursing profession to start recruitment as early as middle school.

The type of pipeline program you have selected

This program will consist of twelve students taking part in an overnight nursing retreat program. Students will live on site for seven days allowing them to have actual hands-on during the program. Each student will be assigned to hospital sites where they will get to visualize what they are going to do.

The overnight nursing retreat program

Type of pipeline program the overnight nursing retreat program

Target audience

The target audience of the program will be students between ages 15-18 In a bid to encourage them to go to a nursing school and learn to nurse

Length of the program

The program will run for about seven days retreat program

Teaching strategies

Problem-based learning approach, innovative employment of technology. While teaching the new curriculum, it is prudent to utilize new approaches to make it easier for the new students to be able to understand and love the program. Multicultural inclusion into the program will work well into the curriculum (Patel, Brennan, Metlay, Bellini, Shannon & Myers, 2015).

Some of the students may want or feel that if the current practice will change their idea regarding learning to nurse.

Invitation of current graduate's students or ones that were there in an alumni's will greatly influence the nurses in the right direction or potential students to become nurses.

The type of teaching can be evaluated to see if the specific teaching is effective through the development of useful teaching methods. The development team can make sure that they have fully developed the appropriate means by conducting seminars with regard or aim of getting better methods of evaluating teaching.

Strategies that will increase students to join the program Shaping the environment: The students will find a reserved environment that will accommodate a good learning environment that will enhance the participation among them. Therefore, setting up the classroom requires that it should have they consider whether it should be movable or have movable chairs that will let the students be comfortable in terms of moving around the chairs.

Clear strategies of the expectation that the class requires will be an added advantage since it will be established clearly what is expected of the student's when they are participating in the program.

A good strategy that will assist the students to participate in the program is through calling or writing them letters that are addressing them as individuals.

Planning: The students will be encouraged to engage with each other while they are together. It is important that the students have a made out plan that will assist them with the right manner and guidelines that will follow through the made out expectation of the class.

A good way to encourage their participation in class would be through discussion questions that will be made in class. Good guidance will be an added advantage while assessing the students' performance this will be read to them even before they have enrolled in the class (Burns, Kushner, Ward, Turner, Kline, & Orange, 2016).

Use of a variety of teaching techniques will be an added advantage. The class will include or have an inclusion of asking some questions after the course is complete. Student's will be asked a question, and then they can have time to articulate what they have learned. The making of poses for some few moments is a good way to give students time. The purpose of this will engage the student's in class and will see the joy of being enrolled in such a program.

A purpose of organizing the students in such a way to suggests that there is space to ask and also get answers is a very good opportune moment, thus they will prepare initial and also have some following up questions for their lecturers and will increase their attention towards the classes (Henry, Parks & Hooker, 2016).

The program will have initial participation grades and an overall grading for their participation in class.

Listening and Responding: Encouraging students to participate in the program is a good way of encouraging them to work hard towards bettering their communities. Use of both the verbal and non-verbal cues in a bid to show or indicate to the students that I appreciate their participation. Looking at the whole lot of students rather than just the ones that are active and responding is a very important aspect of the encouragement process.

Students have anxieties especially when it comes to a place that they are free to talk about anything and will speak out their mind out loud.

Students will also have time to respond to questions that are asked since it requires a bit of time to think. Encouraging the students to participate requires that there is a keen listener to the answers that are being given by the students. Therefore, following up questions assist a lot (Shtasel, Hobbs-Knutson, Tolpin, Weinstein & Gottlieb, 2015).

Recruitment measures for the students that will join the program Interesting extracurricular activities: Having a good passion out of class activities is a very important factor that will be considered when admitting the student.

A strong academic record: students that will be mostly admitted will have to indicate that the student can achieve through rough conditions. Having some good GPA is not the whole story. It is important for the specific students to take some other courses that will assist them in pursuing the course and achieving better in the grades.

Glowing letters of recommendation: There should be good recommendation what your previous teachers say regarding the person you were.


Burns, A. M., Kushner, J. A., Ward, M. A., Turner, T. L., Kline, M. W., & Orange, J. S. (2016). Strengthening the Pipeline for Clinician-Scientists: The Pediatrician-Scientist Training and Development Program at Texas Children's Hospital. The Journal of pediatrics, 172, 5-6.

Henry, G. G., Parks, T., & Hooker, R. E. (2016). U.S. Patent No. 9,317,288. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Patel, N., Brennan, P. J., Metlay, J., Bellini, L., Shannon, R. P., & Myers, J. S. (2015). Building the pipeline: the creation of a residency training pathway for future physician leaders in health care quality. Academic Medicine, 90(2), 185-190.

Shtasel, D., Hobbs-Knutson, K., Tolpin, H., Weinstein, D., & Gottlieb, G. L. (2015). Developing a pipeline for the community-based primary care workforce and its leadership: The Kraft Center for Community Health Leadership's fellowship and practitioner programs. Academic medicine, 90(9), 1272-1277.

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