Essay Example on VoyagerVR: Inspiring Educational VR Experiences for a New Generation

Published: 2022-12-26
Essay Example on VoyagerVR: Inspiring Educational VR Experiences for a New Generation
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Virtual reality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 670 words
6 min read

VoyagerVR was founded in 2015 by Christian Bretz and Jessica Villarreal; it is a corporation focusing on educational virtual reality encounters which inspire. VR creates an ultimate new industry and means of learning. Besides it also gives viewers the capacity to develop with the subject a personal relationship of which most of the times it leads to a very emotional experience. The essay will provide insights from the perspective of a professional design student of how VoyagerVR responds and breaks through despite the current technology of VR being not mature and innovative. It goes further to explain the kind of knowledge one can learn from a design major.

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VoyagerVR is a small team, and currently, the technology is not mature and innovative, but it still responds and breaks through by how immensely it creates to viewers a virtual surrounding in their senses enabling a person to have the experience like they really are present there (Chague and Caecilia, 4). It does so by using a host of technologies which are technically complex feat accounting for an individual cognition and perception. VR comprises technologies that put the user in a computer-generated three-dimensional environment. Apart from that, it has the augmented reality that mixes the visible with the virtual all into one headset thereby garnering objects that are computer-generated and onto the real world layering out information. It is a headset introduced by Intel; the device has real-sense technology essentially allowing you to change your environment from a physical one to a digital one. The VR does this through a fully powered computer that features a Core M processor in the middle of the device accompanied with vision processors, a RealSense 200 series depth sensors, and fisheye cameras. From such a set of technologies the VR gains the capacity to build displays with conventional 1080p-per-eye. It is evident what makes VR a small team but still responds and breakthrough to be the capabilities by the augmented reality that replicates the wearer's world by utilizing what is referred as "real-time machine vision technologies."

From the perspective of a professional design student the kind of Knowledge one can learn from a design major can include:

  • Skills from animation to production
  • Development and implementation of soft wares
  • Modern architecture
  • Imaging and visualization

Virtual Reality

Today technology is rapidly growing with the main interest being in virtual reality particularly for many who want to partake professions in the digital design industry. The design major incorporates courses like Computer Games modeling and animation that entails practicality enabling one to become an expert in animation to production inclusive of the relation between art and gameplay mechanics. Game engineering is also another course one can learn from the design major it is a course focusing on design, developing and software implementation that drives games on the computer. Design major has one learn of modern architecture that integrates virtual reality preparing one for professions in the architectural field. Consequently is also another course in the design major in which one gains knowledge in imaging and other areas like visualization, interfaces, and sensors giving one the capacity to work in Google or Skype, which are high profile companies (Wei, Xiaodong, et al, 222). From a design major the other kind of knowledge one can learn is the virtual reality which enables one to gain skills in graphics concepts preparing one for careers in the field of virtual reality as software developers.


In conclusion, the essay has given a clear understanding of how VoyagerVR responds and breaks through by incorporating Augmented Reality despite its' current technology of VR being not mature and innovative. In the end, the essay explains the kind of knowledge one can learn from a design major ranging from skills from animation to production, Development, and implementation of soft wares to Virtual Reality.

Works Cited

Chague, Sylvain, and Caecilia Charbonnier. "Real virtuality: a multi-user immersive platform connecting real and virtual worlds." VRIC (2016): 4-1.

Wei, Xiaodong, et al. "Teaching based on augmented reality for a technical creative design course." Computers & Education 81 (2015): 221-234.

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Essay Example on VoyagerVR: Inspiring Educational VR Experiences for a New Generation. (2022, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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