Essay Example on Technology Implementation for Data Protection at the National Security Agency

Published: 2023-10-12
Essay Example on Technology Implementation for Data Protection at the National Security Agency
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Data analysis Technology Information systems
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 405 words
4 min read

Data Visualization is needed to communicate information. Management Information Systems are necessary to record, store, and process data collected from different sources, where the data is then used to make day to day decisions. At the National Security Agency, one of the assigned tasks is the protection of the United States information systems and communications network (Richelson, 2013). I will be looking at different concepts that are used in the implementation of technology, which is relevant to the Agency and the customers.

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The NSA is in charge of data protection in the United States. It is very easy to lose data in disasters if the Agency is not prepared with a backup plan, which could lead to losses in different sectors that depend on the lost data. For NSA, having a hot site, a facility that is fully equipped, and in an occurrence of a disaster, the Agency can move in immediately and resume business, is as essential besides having a data backup system (Richelson, 2013). It is also necessary to have a “green” Management Information System whereby the Agency minimizes the damage to the environment.

When NSA damages the environment, it is very likely for the US EPA, Environment Protection Agency, to confront them, and it is very reasonable at this point that a lot of time is lost when making things right with the Environment Protection Agency. It may lead to losses that were anticipated. Agile MIS Infrastructure is very crucial because organizations desire to have the maximum attainable number of consumers of their services (DeZao, 2016). An Agile MIS infrastructure should be: very accurate to prevent misleading data, accessible even to people with disabilities, for example, the visually impaired, highly available such that there are no instances that it’s not operational and manageable, that is, how fast the system will transform to support changes.

The Management Information System in NSA is determined to provide the best and reliable data so as significant decisions can be made and implemented from the data to facilitate the growth and development of organizations and the country at large. Incorporation of a reliable Backup system, environment protection strategy, and an Agile MIS Infrastructure is important in acquiring the data needed for data visualization.


Richelson, J., 2013. National Security Agency Tasked With Targeting Adversaries' Computers For Attack Since Early 1997, According To Declassified Document.

DeZao, J. C. (2016). National Security Agency & the 4th Amendment.

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Essay Example on Technology Implementation for Data Protection at the National Security Agency. (2023, Oct 12). Retrieved from

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