Essay Sample that Comprises Electronic Health Records System Presentation

Published: 2022-08-31
Essay Sample that Comprises Electronic Health Records System Presentation
Type of paper:  Term paper
Categories:  Software Nursing management Information systems
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1336 words
12 min read

Electronic Health Records system abbreviated as EHR enhances the quality of care given to patients while providing improved workflow procedures to staffs (Middleton et al., 2013). In any institution, the introduction of a new system often experiences hesitancy from the employees in the process of accepting changes. Where this is the case, staff resistance represents a challenging time in the introduction of any system in an organisation. In a healthcare setting, including nurses in the EHR system implementation may ensure its acceptance in the facility. The complications of failing to involve nurses in the execution procedure may lead to the unprosperous and resistance of the newly introduced information system. Additionally, as a nurse facilitator in Rochester General Hospital, New York that wants to launch a new EHR system in the coming week, I have heard rumours from some nurses that there might be resistance to this change. Thus, this article is a guideline of how I will approach this matter in the forthcoming meeting with the staff nurses in Rochester General Hospital. I desire to handle any issue voiced by nurses concerning the resistance of the imminent execution of the new Electronic Health Records system

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Resistance Topics Concerning the New EHR System

There have been various concerns expressed by different nurses about the new EHR system during the its development phase. Additionally, there are many questions concerning the primary reason for its introduction, for instance, how the the new EHR system will perform efficiently than the present system in operation. Additionally, nurses have interests particularly with the learning procedures existing with the new system such as whether it will be challenging or more comfortable to use and the kind of support and training needed to operate it. Effects of the new EHR system on the workflow and its ability to reduce time required to offer patient care are also significant concerns which have emerged with the introduction of the new EHR system in my facility.

Therefore, to ensure that I overwhelm the perceived resistance to the execution of the new EHR system, I will use the Roger's (2003) model of Diffusion of Innovation. The theory will act as the groundwork to overcome the concerns of nurses regarding the new EHR system during the meeting. Rogers (2003), suggests that where new technology is introduced in any organisation, employees are concerned with its simplicity, compatibility with the present activities, triability, and relative advantage as well as its visible results. It is thus significant that nurses comprehend the merits that the new EHR system will introduce in provision of quality care to patients.

As a nurse facilitator, I have been tasked with the role of preparing nurses for the implementation of the new system. In efforts to clear the undercurrent resistance to the change and ensure that all nurses are prepared for the system implementation, I will present in a meeting all the essential details of the improvement procedure which the new EHR system will offer to them. Additionally, to ensure my success in the conference, I have requested the Chief Nursing Officer to find time to attend the meeting where, together with the nurses, we will deliberate on merits of the new system. I arrived at this decision after reading an article by Dimick and Ryan, 2014). They stated that when top management is incorporated in the change process and express its support for change, employees are also likely to support the introduced changed. I have also decided to give an opportunity to four nurses who previously utilised the EHR system at their previous job place. The four nurses will act as nurse supporters for the new EHR system in the Rochester General Hospital. The nurse champions by using their experience, they will help me to address any adverse effect and positively impact the attitudes of nurses concerning the simplicity of using the new EHR system. They will furthermore communicate how they were professionally able to operate the EHR system in their previous workplace which will enhance safe and quality care to patients before it is implemented in my facility. Also, to ensure that any additional staff concern is addressed, I have organised with the Informatics Nurse Specialist abbreviated as INS to attend the conference. The INS will provide the nurses with a chance to examine the system before their training lessons begin. This will ensure that they sightsee the new EHR system and give their feedback concerining any weaknesses they may experience with it. Its acceptance will furthermore be enhanced by ensuring nurses feel incorporated in its implementation process. This will further increase the rate of success of the new EHR technology in the Rochester General Hospital.

Nurses as Agents of Change

I often trust that as nurses we are tasked with the role of being agents of change. It therefore essential that were assist individuals in comprehending why change is necessary. Whether it is promoting organisational transformation to our co-workers, identifying sectors which require a change in our health facility, or helping patients change their perceptions regarding their health, nurses have a distinct chance to assist and influence others to ensure that change happens. In their article, Cresswell and Sheikh (2013), argue that Nurse leaders as role models and agents of change should be flexible, focused, and subjective as well as have the exceptional intelligence to interact with other and win their support. Therefore, for a successful implementation of the new EHR system aimed at improving the clinical practice, I will act as a leader to provide guidance and support throughout the entire improvement process. As a nurse leader, it is crucial that I aid the acceptance of this project by comprehending my staff's concerns, offer them with a platform to reveal such matters, and convey with them the change procedure which will be adapted in the new EHR system implementation. Additionally, as a change agent, it is significant according to Middleton et al. (2013), that I converse with the nurses the how the new Electronic Health Records system will raise the safety and quality of care provided to different patients. Therefore, by giving my nurse staffs a chance to contribute essential inputs before the implementation of the new EHR system, I feel am making an impact as an agent of change in Rochester General Hospital.


When staffs are provided with opportunities to participate in change implementation process and provide their contribution in it, its rate of success is enhanced (Cresswell & Sheikh, 2013). Hence, by utilising Roger's (2003) model, I recognised five significant qualities which can influence the perception of my nurses to the execution of the new Electronic Records System. This information is essential in organising a meeting to handle the resistance conveyed by nurses and overcome them for successful implementation of the EHR system. Additionally, I acknowledged the meaning of being a change agent, as a nurse facilitator, in the acceptability of the EHR system. On the other hand, Dimick and Ryan (2014), argue that is vital to comprehend the role of nurses and recognise their degree of preparedness which aids in establishing a base for a prosperous execution of the new information technology system. Thus, I trust that it is through my preparation that I will influence positive changes in my nurses' opinions and overcome any form of resistance they might provide to the new Electronic Health Records System that Rochester General Hospital is set to implement in its operation.


Cresswell, K., & Sheikh, A. (2013). Organizational issues in the implementation and adoption of health information technology innovations: an interpretative review. International journal of medical informatics, 82(5), e73-e86.

Dimick, J. B., & Ryan, A. M. (2014). Methods for evaluating changes in health care policy: the difference-in-differences approach. Jama, 312(22), 2401-2402.

Middleton, B., Bloomrosen, M., Dente, M. A., Hashmat, B., Koppel, R., Overhage, J. M., ... & Zhang, J. (2013). Enhancing patient safety and quality of care by improving the usability of electronic health record systems: recommendations from AMIA. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 20(e1), e2-e8.

Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of Innovations 5th ed. A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co Inc.

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