Education Essay Sample: Full Participation of Parents in the Child Education

Published: 2022-09-15
Education Essay Sample: Full Participation of Parents in the Child Education
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Education School Special education
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 882 words
8 min read

Four Reasons Why Schools Need the Full Participation of Parents

Schools are vital for the development of a child's education and career. Moreover, they embody learning centers that equip students with relevant knowledge and skills that they can apply in their future life. Most importantly, the success of the students depends on the coordination and collaboration of the essential stakeholders including the parents and teachers. On that account, the primary reason for parents' participation is to enhance student's achievement. The Parents and Teachers Association meeting help the parents to attend a critical meeting aimed at discussing the performance of their students. Notably, the parents spend some time with their children and usually have a clue on their behavior. The schools, therefore, need to get the parents to support in identifying the potential areas of improvement in their children. Secondly, the involvement of the parents in schools restores the students 'confidence and makes them feel appreciated by their guardians. Thirdly, parent's involvement in schools is tailored to reduce cases of absenteeism. The parents could have crucial information regarding the trends in the behavior of their children and could help the schools to address the absenteeism cases. Fourthly, the parents are the key stakeholders in the education sector and are vital in assisting the learning institutions to develop ideal policies that would improve the quality of education by addressing pertinent issues.

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The Legislation That Initiated the Legal Responsibility of Parents in the Child Education

The bill that initiated the legal responsibility of parents in education scan get traced to section 576 of the education act 1996. Moreover, the clause defines the parent concerning the child as the biological parents irrespective of whether they are, married or not. Secondly, a parent can be the guardian that has the parental duty of for the child. A parent can also be anybody that exhibits the care for the child.

Deaf Educator's Responsibility for Parental Involvement in Language Acquisition

As a deaf educator, the primary responsibility would involve liaising with the family of the deaf to provide clear, impartial information regarding the performance and the trends of the student. The other responsibility as the deaf educator involves the aspect of enabling the students and the family to express their views concerning education. The parents of the deaf students have numerous concerns and anticipation regarding the performance of their students. Furthermore, the deaf students need efficient care and approach to enable efficient interpretation of the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning institutions. Notably, the parental involvement in the language acquisition for the deaf students denotes a positive predictor for improving the reading skills (Calderon, 2000). The maternal communication skills are vital for enhancing the development of the child. The parents are the primary interface for the deaf children and the real-life situation. The parental communication skill shapes the development of a child and the educating the parents on the practical skills to adapt in various cases on the deaf students would yield tremendous results.

The parents of deaf students usually participate in Auditory-verb therapy to enhance the development of a child. The ability to learn and acquire and language skills get complicated due to the application of natural language skills. Besides, the loss of in students usually causes the delay in the growth of the expressive and receptive skills. Secondly, it causes learning problems and can result in low academic achievement. Numerous deaf students are underprivileged of the exposure to a language. Therefore, the process of acquiring speech for them can get frustrating. The only option is to try, and the current trend in deaf education usually emphasizes speech training to influence the easy acquisition of the language. As a deaf educator, the other role would emphasize on enlightening the parents concerning the advantages of embracing speech training on the deaf training. Numerous parents have little information on the adverse effects of adopting sign language to deaf students against the speech-language. Involving the parent on the on the language acquisition of the pupils with loss of hearing would provide an ideal framework for nurturing the student's language acquisition process efficiently. Moreover, the approach would enlist the professional standards required in schools to aid the development of the students with the loss of hearing problem. Most notably, it provides a basis for enlightening the role of the parents in the language development and acquisition of deaf students.

Meaningful Participation

Participation involves the interaction and coordination of various members with the aim of achieving a specific target. Concerning the education for the students with the loss of hearing, participation embodies a connection between the educators, deaf students, and families. Notably, meaningful participation implies a coordinated collaboration and teamwork geared towards the realization of a specific mission. Moreover, it provides a framework for guiding the parent and the educator on a deaf student's language development. Participation has tremendous effects on the actions done with the parent before the ARDC. For instance, involvement would provide the appropriate approaches the parent can use to promote the education of the child. Besides, it gives the action plan that can get used during the engagement with the parent.


Calderon, R. (2000). Parental Involvement in Deaf Children's Education Programs as a Predictor of Child's Language, Early Reading, and Social-Emotional Development. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 5(2), 140-155.

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Education Essay Sample: Full Participation of Parents in the Child Education. (2022, Sep 15). Retrieved from

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