Decoding Happiness: Perspectives on Life Satisfaction and Fulfillment - Free Report

Published: 2024-01-05
Decoding Happiness: Perspectives on Life Satisfaction and Fulfillment - Free Report
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Happiness
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 617 words
6 min read

Many individuals seem to have the wrong perception when it comes to pursuing happiness. Many people think and link happiness to having fun and experiencing personal pleasures and delights when having fine meals. However, when one has a useful life free from any social pressures, the true meaning of happiness is when one feels thoroughly contented and satisfied, humans are complicated beings, and each individual has a different perception when it comes to choosing what makes them have a good life and pursue happiness.

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Many define happiness as when all their needs have been fulfilled. Human needs are defined as hard to fulfill and they vary depending on an individual's perceptions and principles (Bauer, 2016). We all share everyday basic needs, and many scholars have summarized human needs in the form of a hierarchy from the lowest needs to the highest. The difference comes when the degree of how we want our needs to be fulfilled comes in (Bauer, 2016). Some humans believe that money is the key to success since when one has money, one can fulfill all their needs, which may be essential or secondary needs.

Several categories cover human happiness, and when one has it all, one can pursue happiness (Chen et al., 2018). The external factors influence one's pursuit of happiness, which may include the feeling of safety, freedom, beauty, and pleasure, which may inform temporary human experiences such as sex, love, and when one becomes successful in everything they do.

Psychologists have proved that when individuals decide to use their time searching for happiness, it will make them feel shallow, making them hate themselves (Sheldon, 2018). Being happy is when one feels good about oneself, making one feel more alive and appreciate oneself (Bauer, 2016). Happiness is known to be made up of various elements, including a good life, a good life, and a pleasant and meaningful life. To attain a more pleasant life, an individual needs to attain everyday pleasures that include fun, joy, and other excitements (Bauer, 2016). A good life is also achieved when an individual identifies and acquires skills and abilities and engages in talents to enrich one's life.

In meaningful lives, one is entitled to have more profound fulfillment when one uses the talents for doing good and how individuals can benefit others' lives, making the universe a better place to live in (Chen et al., 2018). Some factors contribute to happiness and thus make an individual life a good life. One factor includes age, which is related to happiness; because the differences in age influence what makes an individual happy, older individuals experience life satisfaction when they become older.

Family and other social relationships are known to influence happiness and make an individual's life useful (Chen et al., 2018). When an individual is surrounded by loved ones such as relatives, friends, and family members, one can build a stronger relationship with them, and thus happiness becomes generated automatically.


Happiness is an essential theme in human life; this is because one can fulfill their needs through it. However, for one to have a good life, one needs to be happy by indulging in more positive activities. Many elements and factors seem to influence how an individual becomes happy and lives a good life. The elements may have both a positive and negative impact.


Bauer, J. J. (2016). Eudaimonic growth: The development of the goods in personhood (or: Cultivating a good life story). Handbook of Eudaimonic Well-Being, 147-174.

Chen, S., Dattilo, J., & Lopez, Frias, F. J. (2018). Helping older adults pursue a good life: Advice from sages and social psychologists. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 52(2), 170-189.

Sheldon, K. M. (2018). Understanding the good life. The Social Psychology of Living Well, 116-136.

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Decoding Happiness: Perspectives on Life Satisfaction and Fulfillment - Free Report. (2024, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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