Essay Example on Why Death Penalty Is Not Appropriate

Published: 2022-02-23
Essay Example on Why Death Penalty Is Not Appropriate
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Death penalty
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1284 words
11 min read

The death penalty is termed as one of the most controversial issues in the case of law and order. It is manipulated that the nation should not have the rights of taking away any citizens life even as a form of punishment. Worldwide, there has also been a gradual change towards the eradication of this death penalty. This is portrayed by the fact that in ancient times, many offenses led to death sentence among those participants involved. In the current world, only the most dreadful crimes appeals for these death sentence. Capital defilement of right to life is a major concern for most scholars, judges, and lawyers from all over the world which has been debated for some years.

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According to Yelderman, (14), Opponents of death punishment reveal that principal punishment is unusual and cruel which should be done away with. United States of America Supreme court held Furman vs. Georgia (1972) case stating that the death penalty was made up of unusual and cruel punishment, which is a defilement of the eighth alteration to the state (Barkan and Cohn 203). This success led to a halt to accomplishments in the country for close to four years. It was until US Supreme Court overturned the verdict of these case where they suggested that capital punishment be lawful if the sentence granted after being fixed by solid sentencing rules by the judge. Supreme Court in India governed in the case of Bachan Sing vs. the state indicating that the death sentence was to be granted only in the scarcest of occasional cases.

What Results In A Death Sentence?

The United States is one country among the few that has the death penalty. It, therefore, does not mean that it's either wrong or wicked. The result of this penalty is to offer a proportional problem and solution to the crime committed which is either more or less. There is no conflict in the death punishment as many people suggest. The contradiction occurs when a man murder, kidnaps or either rape (Barkan and Cohn 203). Murder is considered to be unlawful killing of a person with premeditated wickedness. In this case, the death penalty is a lawful punishment for the individuals involved.

As argued by Moser and Richard, et al. (1523) the penalty does not fit a limiting to crime. The death penalty is a parody of justice, transforming killers into martyrs and permanent tragedies. For three decades, eradication of capital punishment has continued as a core value and a political objective for Europe's council. The death penalty remains and has always been an expressive issue arousing people's passions in many countries, especially in the case of terrorist and gruesome attacks. In the year 2007, the board of ministers sanctioned the formation of a 'European day against the Death Penalty' held annually in the month of October. It consists of aims creating awareness of the eradication of capital punishment and area involvement to the world day fight for Death Penalty. From 2008, the Europe council has been organizing the event in conjunction with the European Union.

Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty

It is the best solution for murder where the justice tries meeting a punishment that logically fits the crime. Severe misconducts result to imprisonment. Since murder is the deliberate deprivation of ones right to life, the justice system should subject the victim to a punishment fitting the crime committed (Recinella, 65). Without capital punishment, it is argued that the integrity system creates no facility in reaction to the crime of homicide, thus providing no justice for the target person (Hans, Valerie, et al, 74)

It is not constantly cruel, is another argument that is for the death penalty. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that no individual who is to be subjected to punishment, torture or degrading treatment. The United States has five lawful ways of killing; gunfire squad, hanging, nattering electrocution and toxic injection anticipated to remain less painful but all play the role of risk accidents. John Wayne is one of the victims who never feared death and was executed through lethal injection, the risk-free and most efficient technique. He went into a comma after Sodium thiopental penetrated his bloodstream. Pancuronium bromide was administered in his body that led to paralyzing of his diaphragm. His death took a duration of eighteen minutes instead of the normal seven minutes and it is impossible to determine whether he experienced the great pain.

It is for any criminal fear, it is an argument that is for the penalty. This is portrayed by Bundy's who waited for nine years for his execution. He posted a claim defending himself blaming pornography to have caused his uncontrollable libido making him reason women to be objects and not humans (Hans, Valerie, et al, 74). This never worked and instead revealed to the corps where the bodies of unfound victims were. He never accepted being a bad person, just before his killing, he claimed to have done nothing wrong but it was clear he feared death sentence. This depicts that he did not fear life in prison as much as he was afraid of capital punishment. Hypocritical, argument is against the penalty. Ted Bundy is a victim of murder should have been given with life without liberation. Having killed thirty people for a reason that he enjoyed doing the act, has no attitude on hypocrisy and such individual deserves murder since he had no right to kill (Moser and Richard, et al. (1523).

Offers closure for victims, the argument for death punishment. There is a large number of victims of a single homicide who are arrested, tried and sentenced, it is agreed that the punishment will be severe. This may not close with the victims' execution but the killing engenders an emotion of relief of not thinking about the trial. It is the crucial warning, the argument for the death penalty. If criminals keep in mind that they will be killed once they commit murder, the majority of them would not be inclined to committing the crime (Recinella, 65). In this case, the capital penalty is the critical caution that is past all misconducts. When the offender identifies that this integrity structure will definitely put him to death, the system seems harsher. The individual has no intention of killing since there is a high possibility of him/ she executed.


In conclusion, death punishment occurs in several methods across the globe. There are some misconducts committed that are preceding and not tolerable by the culture. Capital punishment seals in the bill. Death penalty affects and changes instincts; Hatred, discomfort, insecurity, influencing attitudes, honor, terror, and revenge. When people hear to a nasty crime or subjected to a high rate of insecurity, there is a feeling that the offender should be sentenced to death. It is, therefore, necessary to take time reflecting logically about the concern while basing opinions upon conversant considerations reliable with other values of what to achieve. The death penalty does not decrease crimes but it is more emotionally attached for families and the victims.

Works Cited

Barkan, Steven E., and Steven F. Cohn. "Racial prejudice and support for the death penalty by whites." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 31.2 (1994): 202-209.

Hans, Valerie P., et al. "The Death Penalty: Should the Judge or the Jury Decide Who Dies?" Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 12.1 (2015): 70-99.

Yelderman, Logan A., Matthew P. West, and Monica K. Miller. "Death penalty decisionmaking: Fundamentalist beliefs and the evaluation of aggravating and mitigating circumstances." Legal and Criminological Psychology (2018).

Recinella, Dale S. The Biblical Truth about America's Death Penalty. Northeastern University Press, 2015.

Moser, Richard P., et al. "Perceptions of cancer as a death sentence: prevalence and consequences." Journal of health psychology 19.12 (2014): 1518-1524.

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