Free Essay: Data Management Conceptual and Logical Model

Published: 2023-10-04
Free Essay: Data Management Conceptual and Logical Model
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Data analysis Customer service
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 374 words
4 min read

Third Star Financial organization has a global network with branches spread worldwide. The organization faces challenges of data management of customers, which has caused market share to drop. It requires a model of data control for steady operations, managing client information, and reporting procedures for customer service effectiveness (Atzeni et al. 2020). Conceptional and logical model components will help address the data requirements of the customer subject area and facilitate the company's success.

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The Company headquarters will contain the summarized information from the branches concerning the branches and customers' addresses, individual branch details, personal customer details, the account details, and transaction summaries. The branches shall have customer addresses and bank ID as the integers. Each branch should provide data about itself, such as description (large urban, small rural), customer details such addresses, and account details.

The addresses shall be for the different branches of the company and the addresses of the respective customers. Customer addresses will help in keeping in touch with them to provide quality services. They contain branches and customer details. Also, storing in the same database will safeguard the data and encourage customer data management. Ref branch type database will keep information about the branches, classify them for easy management.

Each customer will have a unique ID, address, and the branch registered; hence the connection of branch and address databases will provide the information of each customer. Personal details and contact details of each customer will be easily accessible with the model. The database needs to have account information of each customer, either saving or current accounts. Transaction types, amounts, time, and amount of deposits or withdraw data need to be collected and well processed for customer service delivery. The interaction of the components will enable the success of the company as customer data is properly kept (Mendling et al. 2019).


Atzeni, P., Bugiotti, F., Cabibbo, L., & Torlone, R. (2020). Data modeling in the NoSQL world. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 67, 103149.

Mendling, J., Recker, J., Reijers, H. A., & Leopold, H. (2019). An empirical review of the connection between model viewer characteristics and the comprehension of conceptual process models. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(5), 1111-1135.

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