Essay on Data Handling & Storage in Healthcare: Critical & Professional

Published: 2023-11-14
Essay on Data Handling & Storage in Healthcare: Critical & Professional
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Healthcare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1147 words
10 min read


Data handling and storage is critical to health care institutions and should, therefore, be approached with utmost care and professionalism. Usually, different institutions, depending on their size and traffic, adopt distinct and unique data handling software and systems to facilitate the execution and delivery of services at the various institutional levels. In the absence of a robust data handling and storage system, healthcare services are compromised and delayed, considering that information is stored manually, thus becoming tedious and quite demanding to retrieve. In this project, the nursing home was upgrading its health storage system specifically by introducing a voice recognition system that would positively improve how patients’ information is stored, accessed, and processed.

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While the project was new to the nursing home’s medical staff, through a robust training process nurses among other medical practitioners were familiarized with the software. As such, quite a significant number were able to navigate the system and effectively store and retrieve patients’ medical records when needed. Typically, owing to the collective training process, not to mention the developed alliances amongst the medical practitioner in the nursing home, the training process was a success.

Therefore, the integration of the voice recognition system influenced the nurses’ performance by easing their data entry processes. In other words, while there were a few issues to address, the project met the set expectations, particularly by fastening the execution and delivery of services at the facility. Notably, the project's successful performance was attributed to the fact that it involved qualified and competent personnel in integrating it into the facility's system while having an elaborate scope of the project. Besides, regular schedules and frequent meetings played a significant role in ensuring that the project was on course, simply by ensuring that no aspects were left unattended or derailed. Through skilled and competent personnel, regular assessment tests were run on the system to ensure that its functionality meets the expected set objective at the facility.

Administration Performance

The introduction of the voice recognition system in the nursing home positively impacted the overall administrational performance, considering that patients could key their details in the system with or without the help of the medical practitioners. The institution’s activities and particularly those of the administration were fastened chiefly because they could conveniently receive patients in the facility while addressing their issues on time and, more importantly, process the patients’ discharge details at ease and with utmost accuracy. Also, through the voice recognition system, it became quite simple for the nurses to access the patients’ medical history, including their past diagnosis and treatment processes. Through the introduction of the electronic health record in the form of a voice recognition system, the facility's administration upon accessing the patients' information could make the right medical decision to ensure that they address their issues as required to facilitate the patients’ treatment process positively.

The introduction of the new information system in nursing positively facilitated the institution's research processes. The administration through the right stakeholder could now examine the patients’ information and consequently establish the medical trends in the region, thus establishing the appropriate measures to address and contain the situations. Overall, through the introduction and integration of the new information system in the nursing home positively impacted the administrational performance since it promoted the accuracy of the collected patients’ records, secured the information for future reference, and eased the collection of first-hand information from the patients.

Organizational Structure

Typically, the effectiveness of organizational duties, including the fulfilment of the institution’s mission, vision, and core objectives largely depends on its structure. An elaborate organizational structure facilitates the execution of duties through a profound flow of information from one department to the other. In this project, the institution embraced a flat organization structure chiefly because of its ability to enhance the communication process from the management to the frontline workers and from the frontline workers to the top management.

The incorporated organizational structure was also useful in the sense that it empowered the frontline workers who are primarily involved in the patients’ diagnosis and treatment processes to make sound and effective decisions without necessarily involving the top administration. The flat organizational structure, therefore, makes it quite easy for the nursing home to set robust communication channels while outlining whom the workforce reports to in different situations. Overall, through the chosen and integrated organizational structure, the facility experiences a smooth flow of information, which is critical to actualizing the company's set goals and objectives. Also, through the flat organization structure, the institution nurtures operational efficiency, particularly by providing clarity to the diverse workforce at the distinct organizational levels.

Project and Administrative Teams

In this project, different stakeholders were involved in facilitating inclusivity, communication, and more importantly, planning. Notably, to achieve the project’s set objectives, the project and administration teams worked as a unit to brainstorm and address issues together. In addition, working together meant that both teams followed the footsteps of their respective leaders while clearly laying out the project's goals, purpose and goals. The project was successfully launched and integrated into the nursing home’s information systems chiefly because both teams worked as a unit, thus easing the workload while clearly actualizing the institution’s goals, vision, and mission. Notably, working as a team enabled the team leaders to strategize while assigning tasks to the workforce based on their skills and expertise. As a result, the teams completed the project installation on time, an aspect that impacted the nursing home's data collection and information systems positively.

Techniques of Project Management

There are diverse and unique project management techniques that when effectively used in project management, change how project managers address and handle projects. Therefore, identification and incorporation of the appropriate project management technique aid in the actualization of the project's objective through successful completion. In this project, PERT (Project Evaluation Review Technique) project management technique was incorporated into the nursing home's information system to facilitate its implementation through a robust integration process. PERT project management technique was suitable and appropriate for this project particularly because it enhances the development and implementation of one-time projects by providing enough time and room to introduce new aspects while making changes throughout each step of the project.

Lesson Learned

Throughout the project, I learned that the success of an organization largely depends on its infrastructure, organizational structure, and the unity of the entities involved in actualizing the institution's set goals and objectives. Also, I learned that prior to the start of the project, the project and administration team should establish the appropriate tools to ensure efficiency and competence in the project. Ultimately, I learned that institutions should ease their operations through the embracement of modern operation tools, an aspect that plays a central role in optimizing their operations while nurturing their market relevance.

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Essay on Data Handling & Storage in Healthcare: Critical & Professional. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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