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Well-Crafted Othello Essay Topics

As the first step to completing your essay on Othello is developing a great title, we've devised more options for you to choose from. You can use any of the Othello essay topics below, combine or alter them to fit your assignment requirements.

And remember, you always have the option to delegate your Othello essay to SpeedyPaper experts. They'll craft a top-grade paper for you on any of the topics above or develop an original title.

How to Deal with an Othello Essay

 Date: 1603

 Genre: Tragedy

 Author: William Shakespeare


 Characters: Othello, Desdemona, Iago, Cassio, Emilia, Bianca, Brabantio, Roderigo, etc.

 Based on: The story highlights the dangers of young women marrying foreign men, which may be based on real events in Venice at the beginning of the 16th century.

 Symbols: Handkerchief, the "Willow" song.  

 Influence: Researchers believe Othello is based on "Un Capitano Moro" ("A Moorish Captain") by Cinthio or "Description of Africa" by Leo Africanus.

 Plot: The play follows Iago's plot to take revenge on Othello, who promoted Cassio instead of Iago. The latter convinces Othello that his new wife, Desdemona, cheats on him with Cassio. Using Emilia, Bianca, Roderigo, and Cassio, Iago incites jealous rage in Othello, who kills Desdemona before learning the truth of Iago's plot. When arrested, Othello kills himself, Iago is imprisoned, and Cassio takes Othello's place as a general.

 Interesting facts:

 Othello's exact completion date is unclear and ranges from 1601 to 1604.

 The first performance of Othello took place on November 1, 1604.

 The faces of the actors who played Moorish characters were blackened with coal.

 Although Othello's race is unclear, he was among the few characters of color to have a central part in the play at the time.

 Over 25 movie adaptations of Othello were made in the 20th century. 


 "Men in rage strike those that wish them best."

 "Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners."

 "Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial."

 "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy: It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock The meat it feeds on."

 "Thou weigh'st thy words before thou givest them breath."

 Why is this topic important: Othello is considered one of Shakespeare's seminal works that continues to influence language, literature, drama, music, and film even after five centuries.

The tragedy of Othello hasn't lost its relevance even half a millennium after the play first saw the light of day. So most English students must write an essay about Othello sooner or later. And while there's already enough said about most of Shakespeare's plays, professors expect you to produce a fresh and original piece. Unfortunately, most students don't have the time to read the book, let alone work on a profound Othello essay. If you're in a time crunch and need to turn in your paper soon, the SpeedyPaper database Othello essay examples can solve all your problems.

What good are sample essays?

For one, they can help you develop an exciting topic for your essay on Othello if the professor gives you the freedom to come up with the title. Skim the list of samples, and you'll see what others write about. Then, depending on your goals and timeframe, you can either use one of the topics as is or go the opposite route and produce a standout title.

Next, we suggest you check out the reference sections of our Othello essay examples, especially if you need secondary sources to support your literary or historical analysis. You'll find plenty of references to kickstart your research, producing faster results than either Google or Wikipedia.

It's also a good idea to deconstruct a couple of Othello essay samples to identify the underlying structure. Pay special attention to topic sentences, thesis statements, quotes, analysis, and transitions between paragraphs. You can borrow the best ideas and turns of phrases for your Othello essay, halving the writing time.

For an even faster solution, consider a thorough rewrite. Though paraphrasing a sample essay on Othello won't bring you the highest grade, it'll save you from failing the assignment. Remember to do more than swap every other word for a synonym. You'll need to rework the structure of each paragraph to fool advanced plagiarism checkers.

And if you're ever so desperate for an essay about Othello, you're ready to turn in a sample under your name, stop and get in touch with SpeedyPaper. Our experts will produce an original piece in under 24 hours, saving you from plagiarism accusations.


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