Career Essay Sample on a Digital Video Editor Job

Published: 2022-03-09
Career Essay Sample on a Digital Video Editor Job
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Career Job
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1574 words
14 min read

Demonstrate the necessary skills to fit into the industry

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Required skills include graphic design, film, and video directing, digital content development and editing, and film and video editing skills

A degree that offers film and media production is always an added advantage

Fluent in the English language

Proficient in using specific editing software packages

Future job outlook/prospects

Demand for digital video editors increased due to development and progression in the technological world

Stiff competition for job openings

Being creative and showing technical skills

Striving to self-improve

An expected annual increase over the next few years

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts

Summarizing Conclusion

Job Summary

Becoming a Digital Video Editor requires an individual to have a combination of educational and technical skills, creative sensibility, and on-the-job experience. A video editor should display creative skills in delivering recorded content. He/she should also be a proficient individual with sensibilities that allow him/her to adequately convey their intended message. A digital video editor is responsible for editing video footage to meet a specific approval echelon from their director. He/she rearranges and splices scenes already shot and determines if those scenes need reshooting. Besides rearranging and editing film footage, he/she inserts sound and optical effects in the video. A digital video editor reports to the chief digital media administrator. Such a person is also responsible for generating and managing all the video content for online distribution. Therefore, he/she should have solid experience with digital technology and editing software packages to efficiently edit videos ably, culminating in a strong portfolio. Proven work experience as a video editor is an added advantage especially since the movie industry is expanding exponentially owing to the current development in technology. One ought to develop narrations and metadata for videos and creatively interpret ideas and thoughts into video graphics for online consumption (Watson, 2008). A video editor is a person tasked with working on video graphics, sound, layout and combination to produce enticing content for both the online and offline audiences.

Job Responsibilities and Duties

The primary responsibilities of a digital video editor include ensuring video clips are well enticed in such a way that they match their scripts for online audiences. Additionally, they also manage all video content on all available media platforms, ensuring that their content is fine-tuned for proper logical sequencing and smooth running. The videos worked on should also be well labeled and stored for future use by the client company/organization. The editing of the video footage should always meet the director's specifications, and this is achieved through rearranging scenes, determining which camera angles to use, inserting optical and sound effects, and manipulating other raw camera footage and special effects. The editor, on the other hand, is responsible for studying scripts to familiarize with production concepts and requirements (Haddon, 2016). Other duties include arranging films into sequences and correcting errors using editing equipment, making frames at the start of a shot or sound. Video footage requires specific audio and visual effects. Therefore, the editor ensures that all these factors are met before officially completing a film. A video editor also programs, computerized graphics effects, assembles edited tapes and films on screens to ascertain that all requisite corrections are made, and inspects all the footage before assembling it into the final product.

Other responsibilities include working with prints to organize scenes and transitions to produce a film that pleases, captivate and excites and using non-linear digital editing systems to edit the clips. Further, these responsibilities encompass creating an edit decision list to correspond to the edge numbers, acting as a manipulating source for the video's plot, graphics, and sound aligning all the parts into a continuous whole. The editor also supervises and coordinates activities involved in video editing, assembling, and recording activities, while concurrently developing post-production models for videos, conducting video screenings for directors and other members of staff. The editor's role also entails determining the exact cutting for the final stages and finally ensuring that there is proper collaboration with the director to achieve the desired result.

Job Requirements

A digital video editor requires a digital media degree or a Bachelor's degree in media. Besides this education qualification, it is critical to show commitment and determination. One needs to demonstrate the necessary skills to fit into the industry. Required skills include graphic design, film, and video directing, digital content development and editing, and film and video editing skills. A degree that offers film and media production is always an added advantage while deciding on taking the job of a digital video editor as it provides experience through relevant subjects, such as information technology, film, visual art, communication, and media studies. One also needs to be fluent in the English language and be proficient in using specific editing software packages. It is a job that revolves around a digital environment, and as such, it is also essential to have experience in the latest technology to combat critical challenges in the industry and to improve general computer literacy that entails working with digital equipment, which assists in achieving positive and efficient results (Allman, 2001).

Additional skills required include showing creativity and interest in video editing, ability to listen and work collaboratively with others, show some high level of self-motivation and dedication, time management skills, right concentration, ability to work under pressure with minimum supervision, and practical communication skills. Involving in other areas of media production improves the experience on the job and thus having worked in a video or film production or post-production is an added advantage.

Future Job Outlook/Prospects

The demand for digital video editors, in the recent days, has increased due to development and progression in the technological world. Therefore, it implies that the search for digital video editors is projected to grow by a tantamount percent in the coming technological development years at a faster rate than the average for all other technological occupations. Applicants should, therefore, expect stiff competition for job openings because of the large number of people entering the broadcasting and motion picture industries. They are running after the best job prospects in the industry and, therefore, opportunities will always be available but with cut-throat competition expected for the more glamorous high-paying jobs in the industry. Being creative and showing technical skills and striving to self-improve elevates the chances of prospering in the profession, especially because videos are viral in this era and their role and importance are continuous growing daily. Hence, people with decent video qualities and skills will always have the opportunity to prosper. In recent years, video editors have attained the highest job satisfaction and job growth rates never before seen. With an expected annual increase over the next few years, it will only get busier, more lucrative and fulfilling to work in this niche. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts, the video editing niche is projected to grow to join mainstream employment by the year 2022, and the annual salary will also increase similarly (U.S Department of Labor, 2009).


In such a fast growing and changing industry, it is essential to be willing to start at the bottom. One can attain this by re-envisioning their job, career and life goals, especially in the early stages of one's career. Because there is no specific path to morphing into a proficient digital video editor, one should ensure they enroll for a Bachelor's degree in digital media and film studies to gain an edge over other aspiring video editors. Those interested in becoming digital video editors should take advantage of the advancement of digital technology and try highly to build personal experience after graduating because most employers are looking for editors with a certain amount of experience. Graduates should, therefore, consider taking advantage of internship opportunities available during the period of study. It builds some practical experience that prepares an individual for the job market in a competitive world. Also, a person aspiring to become a digital video editor must create a demo reel, which serves as their portfolio. From this portfolio, employers see the experience amassed and the quality and type of work one can deliver under pressure, with and without supervision. The demo reel must also indicate and showcase one's best editing skills and technical proficiency.

Growing and improving with the new advancement in the job of digital video editing can create prospects of an individual to even start their own production companies (Straubhaar, LaRose & Davenport, 2015). Education, internships, and showing strong skills is the best way towards helping your career way. Realizing the vitality of the changing technology, demographics is the key to arming one for this position. With streaming services on the rise and video content fast overtaking any other form of media, digital video editors are slowly joining the mainstream workforce and becoming a remarkable career. Available statistical data support this as the demand for video editors, and their wages are expected to grow exponentially in the next couple of years from the measly ones earned now.


Allman, P. L. (2001). Careers in video and digital video. New York: Rosen.

Haddon, L. (2016). Social dynamics of information and communication technology. S.l.: Routledge.

Straubhaar, J. D., LaRose, R., & Davenport, L. (2015). Media now: understanding media, culture, and technology. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

U. S. Department of Labor. (2009). Occupational outlook handbook 2009. New York: Skyhorse Publishing.

Watson, L. (2008). Final Cut Pro 6 For Digital Video Editors Only. John Wiley & Sons

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