Business Evaluation Essay Example on Chick-Fil-a Restaurant

Published: 2023-10-06
Business Evaluation Essay Example on Chick-Fil-a Restaurant
Essay type:  Analytical essays
Categories:  Business Fast food SWOT analysis Social responsibility
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1008 words
9 min read


Chick-fil-A is a restaurant in the fast-food industry. The restaurant was founded in 1964 by Truett Cathy and is situated in Georgia. Since its introduction, the restaurant has specialized in the poultry dishes, as described in the name. It provides breakfast, lunch, and supper meals to its customers and uses chicken as its main ingredient. Based on its growth, Chick-fil-A restaurant has expanded by developing more than 46 branches in America. Their operations are controlled from the top-level management (Swimberghe et al., 355). Concerning the competition, KFC is the main competitor of the Chick-fil-A restaurant in the fast-food market. The restaurant's new strategic plan of action will be derived from its current performance and present economic status. Additionally, the restaurant operates more than 2100 offices in other parts of the world (Salter et al.,). Therefore, this paper evaluates the Chick-fil-A restaurant's fast-food industry and SWOT analysis of the restaurant.

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Evaluation of the Fast-Food Industry

The fast-food sector consists of restaurants or maybe businesses whereby the clients make payment first before being offered the service (eating). The food which is bought can be provided, taken away, or used on the spot. In the recent past, the global fast-food industry has experienced a massive disadvantage due to consumers’ changing from the highly saturated and healthy foods that have led to a decrease in prices. Instead, customers prefer high-quality food and services (Swimberghe et al., 358). Therefore, to overcome consumer's change in taste and preferences, various restaurants, including the Chick-fil-A, have actively responded by adopting new menus of different types of healthy food products.

Again, the main success factors for the various businesses within the fast-food industry include proper controls of costs, effective market positioning, and also having the appropriate business restaurant standards. Significant factors affecting this particular industry consist of a healthy food consumption index and spending on the fast-food among the customers.

SWOT Analysis of Chick-fil-A Restaurant

Strengths of Chick-fil-A Restaurant

The strength entails what the business does the best that offers it a definite competitive advantage over its close rivals in the market. Hence, the Chick-fil-A restaurant has multiple strengths. They include:

Quality Services:

Usually, Chick-fil-A restaurant ensures customer’s satisfaction by providing quality services to them (Salter et al.,). This factor becomes unique to the Chick-fill-A restaurant because most businesses in the fast-food industry apply the self-service approach. This factor makes the organization unique from other restaurants in the fast-food sector.

Face-to-Face Transactions:

Unlike its rivals, Chick-fill-A freely interacts with their clients face-to-face. The clients create the feeling that they care because they are being attended to by the services providers. Additionally, consumers also feel that the restaurant appreciates them since they do not get similar services in other rival restaurants.

Restaurant Environment:

Multiple restaurants in the fast-food industry do not require consumers to spend much time in their outlets while taking any meal. Consequently, they embrace being formal and simple (Swimberghe, et al., 360). Nevertheless, for the Chick-fil-A restaurant, it does not trend, and they engage in creating their atmosphere attractive as possible to the consumers. Their environment is very colorful and painted with the luring images that offer customers with warm feelings.

Ingredients Selection:

Typically, Chick-fil-A restaurant has selected chicken as its main meal ingredient. Further, the restaurant sells sandwiches, which are patties as well as chicken-filling dishes. These types of food are considered healthy foods. Hence it attracts more customers.


Some of the weaknesses affecting business growth include:

Small Geographical Area Coverage:

The Chick-fil-A restaurant has significantly concentrated its operations in America only, unlike McDonald's, whose presence is felt globally amid stiff competition provided by other business competitors in the industry.

Less Innovation:

Due to lack of its presence in the global market, it has become complicated for the Chick-fill-A restaurant to innovate its production, marketing, and supply chain despite having the innovative dishes and menu.

High Prices:

The Chick-fill-A restaurant's food and services are charged expensively compared to other close rivals. Regardless of the restaurant's high-quality services and food to justify the pricing, its brand image has not been popular among middle and low-class earners. This weakness prevents the restaurant’s target market size and growth.


Some of the opportunities include:

The shift of Focus to the Fast-Food Restaurants

The poor services provided by the various restaurants in the fast-food industry have affected the change of taste and preference for high-quality services (Morgan et al., 704). The Chick-fil-A is among the restaurants in the fast-food industry, providing high quality services and food. Hence, the clients' change in taste and preferences; this factor becomes the opportunity for the Chick-Fil-A restaurant to maximize on it.

Debate on the Healthy Fast-Food

Recently, there has been developing public awareness of the various health risks associated with the fast-food. Most restaurants in the fast-food industry have greatly strategized their plans to concentrate on healthy food types.


Some of the threats include:

Scandals of Chicken:

Over the decades, there have been various scandals surrounding the first food restaurants applying chicken as the main ingredient. As an outcome of these scandals, the contrary assumption has been established in the consumers' minds and hence preventing such fast-food joints Chick-Fil-A being among them.

Stiff Market Competition

Generally, fast-food is a big industry with close competitors like KFC, McDonald, and Subway (Morgan et al., 704). This thread has made it hard for the Chick-Fil-A to compete advantageously offered that the restaurant operations are confined to the American markets.


Generally, Chick-Fil-A is one of the best restaurants in the fast-food industry that provide quality and healthy food and services to its customers. Hence, through the SWOT analysis, the restaurant can gain its competitive advantage over its rivals, such as KFC, among others in the global market.

Works Cited

Morgan, Carissa J., et al. "Perceptions of social responsibility of prominent fast-food restaurants." Modern Economy 7.06 (2016): 704.

Salter, Chuck. "Chick-fil-A’s Recipe for Customer Service." Fast Company, (2013).

Swimberghe, Krist R., and Barbara Ross Wooldridge. "Drivers of customer relationships in quick-service restaurants: The role of corporate social responsibility." Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 55.4 (2014): 354-364.

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Business Evaluation Essay Example on Chick-Fil-a Restaurant. (2023, Oct 06). Retrieved from

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