Essay on Balancing Economic Development and Environmentalism to Ensure Subsistence

Published: 2023-10-13
Essay on Balancing Economic Development and Environmentalism to Ensure Subsistence
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Environment
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 429 words
4 min read

Environmentalism refers to the actions that are aimed at safeguarding the environment. On the contrary, economic development is activities taken by the state government to ensure that the objectives of the community are guaranteed. The subsistence patterns are, however, defined as the methods through which a community or society satisfies the basic needs. It is, therefore, essential to note that both economic development and environmentalism promote external regulations of the threat to subsistence patterns through various means, which include; a focus on priorities and, in this case, the land is the primary objective. Reorganizing the part indigenous people play in environmentalism, and promoting economic development based on their knowledge and skills, and this helps in the conservation of the ecosystem. This paper aims at examining how environmentalism and economic growth can be drivers for external regulations that threaten the subsistence patterns of indigenous people.

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The indigenous persons depend on land for their identity as well as their survival. It is, therefore, crucial for them to prioritized land through environmentalism. It is critical to note that they are unable to control either the healthcare or the education systems, but on the contrary, they can exert a certain degree of control over land. Through the prioritization of land, they gain power or control over external threats. Through environmentalism, the role of the indigenous population in conservation is acknowledged. The mode of environmental preservation and ensuring a balanced ecosystem has been passed from one generation to the other generation of indigenous persons (James, 1984). And when offered an opportunity to participate in environmental conservation, they can uphold their subsistence patterns.

The economic growth has prevented external threats through the employment of unique skills and knowledge from the indigenous people. Although economic growth is mainly dependent on technology, the knowledge and expertise of the indigenous persons can not be ignored. These populations have a great history of adapting to climate change, predicting drought, vase knowledge of the environment around them, and this has made them resilient over time. Therefore, by contributing to economic growth, they can share their knowledge on trees in the production of medicine as well as make recommendations on the preservation and advancement of their subsistence patterns (James, 1984).

In conclusion, it is essential to note that the indigenous people play a crucial role in the preservation of the ecosystem as well as the economic development of a country. And through these critical roles that they undertake, they maintain their subsistence pattern.


James., C. (1984, December 01). Conservation and Indigenous Peoples. Cultural Survival. Retrieved July 16, 2020, from

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Essay on Balancing Economic Development and Environmentalism to Ensure Subsistence. (2023, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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