Free Essay: Anonymous Survey on Confinement during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Published: 2023-09-27
Free Essay: Anonymous Survey on Confinement during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Essay type:  Narrative essays
Categories:  Data analysis Statistics Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 642 words
6 min read

a. What was comfortable?

I was comfortable with the fact that the questions were focused on understanding my experience amidst the COVID-19 pandemic lock confinement. The questions were also not of a personal nature, and therefore I was in a position to respond to every question that was entailed in the study. I was also comfortable responding because the questions that were asked were about my specific experiences during the confinement. Therefore I felt the care that was involved in this kind of research. Finally, I felt comfortable with the fact that the survey was also concerned with individuals with disabilities and those from different racial backgrounds. It is fascinating that the survey is all-inclusive.

b. What wasn’t’?

I was not comfortable with the fact that the survey would, at times, get too personal. For instance, there is an instance where the questions required the participant to respond to whether they have been using Marijuana or not. The only reason I felt it was okay to respond honestly to this question is that the poll or rather survey was anonymous.

c. Were any questions or directions unclear?

Yes. I definitely feel like some directions were unclear. For example, when the survey asked direct questions, I felt that maybe it would be necessary to add additional information so as to properly quantify a certain behavior that has been portrayed during the confinement. For instance, it would have been ideal to be also concerned about whether the people that I was in confinement with had any incidences of the COVID-19 virus or had any underlying medical conditions.

d. Were any questions leading?

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I believe that the creator of the survey did a great job of trying to evoke responses from the participants of the survey.

e. What Impressed Me?

I was impressed by the fact that the study was involved because it necessitated individuals to respond honestly concerning their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic confinement. Ever since the Pandemic broke out, people have been fearful of contracting the illness, and all measures have been taken over the months to ensure that there are no more spreads of the illness. For that reason, this survey impressed me because it was concerned about understanding the experiences of the individuals, and in the process collecting data that would be beneficial in understanding the respective experiences of different individuals amidst the restrictions that have been recommended by the government across the country.

f. What did not impress me?

I was not impressed by the survey when it necessitated me to give an account of how much alcohol I had been consuming during the restrictions. I feel like questions like these are more personal, but then again, a disclaimer has been input, which suggests that the survey is anonymous, which makes it okay for the questions asked.

Response Questions

1) Yes. The study stated the research question. I believe that the research question could be constituted as follows: What are your experiences during the COVID-19 restrictions? And how did these restrictions affect you? Based on my experiences of the study, I think the research question might be based on the researcher trying to comprehend the various experiences of his or her audience during the restrictions that have been implemented by the government.

2) One challenge that I see based on the study design of this research is that it is too personalized. Sometimes, personalizing such information when asking questions, even if anonymously, might evoke falsifying of information when people feel uncomfortable about giving responses about things they hold sacred.

3) I don't think that the study is investigating variables that I am not aware of while participating in the study. I believe that all questions that have been asked are relevant to understanding the various experiences of individuals during the restrictions that are associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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Free Essay: Anonymous Survey on Confinement during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2023, Sep 27). Retrieved from

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