Free Essay: An Interdisciplinary Interpretation of Development

Published: 2022-12-02
Free Essay: An Interdisciplinary Interpretation of Development
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 921 words
8 min read

It is undeniable that society goes through certain stages in the course of its development before it is considered a highly developed country. Initially, it is a nomadic or a hunting or gathering society then rural agrarian then an urban society that is commercialized and industrialized then eventually a post-industrial society thus qualifying as a highly developed society in terms of its economy. This is not always true for every society as other countries are developed countries while others are still developing as in causes of Western countries and African countries respectively. In addition to the arguments in the summary, I also believe that the cause of these varying rates of development various nations is as a result of certain disciplines that interrelate closely with economics. They include sociology, psychology, geography, linguistics, law and demography.

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Demography involves the study of people. According to Frank (114), people are the backbone of society; without people, there is no society. The people play a significant role in the development of a social-economic wise. Factors that determine the development of a society about people include human resources which include skills and education or training. For the economy of a country to highly develop the country must have a workforce that is highly skilled and well trained. These skills are required to manage modern technology that today run most industries efficiently, in addition to that, skills and education equip workers with managerial skills which are very crucial in running industries successfully. Consequently, there is increased productivity with quality outputs that raises demands in both external and internal markets thus economy raised.

The geography of a country is a very crucial factor in the development of a country's economy. To begin with, it determines the framework specialization of a state that is the type of industry it will focus on, which in turn determines the level of development depending on what the country decides to invest in. The location of a country does this as it identifies the available natural resources which determine the country's productivity capacity. The area also goes hand in hand with the climate which influences the economic activities that will be carried out in a particular region, for instance, the type of agricultural-cultivated whether wheat and tobacco depending on climatic conditions.

Psychology studies how the human mind affects behavior. People tend to behave according to their beliefs which people around them influence most of the time. The mindset of people, therefore, plays a crucial role in development. It is within human nature to want to be superior. Most people believe that superiority comes along with power and power comes along with high economic status. With this kind of mindset, an individual would do whatever it takes to gain supremacy. This kind of individual mentality also reflects on the country. A country will, therefore, invest highly into factors that would make them develop highly. This includes an investment of considerable capitals in physical infrastructure such as transport systems, machinery, social amnesties and also invest in the development of technology. According to Frank (115), the outcome of this is increased efficiency resulting from the application of the developed modern technology that is well maintained therefore increased productivity. Cost production will be tremendously reduced as well because of reduced damages that may result from analog technology, human labor as well as accidents resulting from poor transport systems. It is therefore evident that with the right mindset human behavior is positively motivated which reflects positively on development (Frank 116)

Sociology studies the relationships between people in society. For a society to develop the people, have to work together, as the saying goes no man is an island. Good working relations without a doubt has a significant impact on development be it between employers and employees or amongst the employees themselves as it creates a favorable environment for working. In such a conducive working environment, great ideas are easily generated, workers are properly motivated, and teamwork is substantially built. Social skills are also developed in situations with good relations such as self-motivation, empathy, self-management et cetera. The overall result of this is a highly developed society economic wise as there will be increased productivity and quality output resulting from combined teamwork as mentioned above as good social relations comes with the smooth running of operations in economic fields (Frank 127).

Linguistics studies languages. Language is a crucial aspect of a society which builds integration and unity amongst people. Unity is key to the development of nations as it makes teamwork. Therefore, most people who identify with a common language will find the need of developing their community together compared to people with different languages which most times are of different ethnicities. Laws of a community also plays a crucial role in development. Policies of development that are implemented or the ones to be performed are required to be in line with the laws of a society. The people must, therefore, make laws that are flexible to accommodate developmental schemes and plans.

Even with a large number of natural resources a country may lag when they fail to promote research in technology and improved skills. A country, therefore, needs to put into account all these factors before putting them into play as they closely interrelate and are dependent on each other (Claus and Bettina 12).

Works Cited

Frank, Andre Gander. "The development of underdevelopment." Promise of development. Routledge, 2018. 111-123.

Claus, Anna M., and Bettina S. Wiese. "Development and test of a model of interdisciplinary competencies." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (2019): 1-15.

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