Addressing Leadership and Efficiency Issues in Organizational Dynamics - Free Paper

Published: 2024-01-07
Addressing Leadership and Efficiency Issues in Organizational Dynamics - Free Paper
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Community
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 547 words
5 min read

In this case, the emerging issue is that the organization's mission statement does not guide employees. Both organization leaders are more interested in working in the field where they interact with the beneficiaries of their work. The two are focused on working with the communities and end up neglecting the role played by the administrative departments. There was no discipline and order in the organization's administrative sector as the supervisor had no control of her subordinates. The translators had a lot of freedom and often directed their gossip to their supervisor, which portrayed a lack of respect and teamwork in the organization. This group of translators created a hostile environment for new team members, which led to the disruption of the workflow.

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The donor service department's core issue is reduced efficiency, lack of teamwork and coordination, and lack of communication. While conflict is the main cause of this challenge, the aftermath is a department that does not operate as smoothly as possible, and it is not as productive as it is supposed to be. Through Joanna's observation and various emerging issues throughout the case analysis, it is therefore safe to say that there is no strong leadership inside the department. The employees' output is also suffering from the absence of guidance and training.

Therefore, it is crucial to get a better boss who has more experience and qualifications than the subordinate. The respect seems to be diminishing due to a lack of assertiveness from Elena in the supervisory position. There is a lack of enforcement of the company's vision, and putting somebody who would command the respect of the other employees will help smooth things in achieving company goals. The consultant, Joanna, also discovered that the organization's staff had little or lacked training in the different aspects of their tasks in the department. The employees lacked any accurate knowledge of what they were designated to do. There is a need to train the current pool of employees on new methods of analyzing projects and increasing the efficiency in preparing and presenting reports.

Sam and Jose could allow the translators to have more power and control of their work to increase their efficiency. Empowerment through delegation would help boost the morale of the subordinate, which seems somehow down. The skilled bilingual translators seemed under-utilized, which might make them lose their touch with their translatory ability if they are not exposed to situations that would improve their language skills. The bilingual translators could be given more power to explore their respective fields' abilities, which will make them more productive and useful in fulfilling the organizational goals.

With the leaders focusing more on community work, it has created some freedom that the subordinate enjoys without strong supervision. The organization could efficiently handle this situation if the two recommended themselves to the donor service work in an administrative capacity. They can do this by also assigning two of the existing administrators to manage the donor services exclusively. They can also set up bureaucracy numerous departments so that everyone has a clear understanding of the standard set of guidelines and approaches and the standpoint for the organization. The company could also organize corporate retreats; this could bring back the lost teamwork and create a good relationship among all employees and leaders.

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Addressing Leadership and Efficiency Issues in Organizational Dynamics - Free Paper. (2024, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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