Free Essay. a Successful Drug Abuse Recovery Program

Published: 2023-03-29
Free Essay. a Successful Drug Abuse Recovery Program
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Personality disorder Drug abuse
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 996 words
9 min read

The material offers abundant information on how to deliver customer-centric recovery programs. It is true that, for a successful drug abuse recovery program, the client needs to own the process. Hence, it is true that recovery should be self-directed. The customer ought to lead and control the recovery process and be directed to choose the most appropriate path of recovery. Substance-use disorders are hard to overcome, as there are high possibilities for relapse if the patient is not fully committed. The first thing that a recovery program must do is to optimize independence, autonomy, and resource control on the part of the patient (Summers, 2015). Secondly, the material is right in indicating that recovery must empower the patient so that they have the authority to choose from a range of options and be proactive in all decisions. As part of this empowerment, a consumer perspective should come first before any critical decision is made.

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Recovery from substance use disorders differs for each individual, and putting the patient in control requires that the program follows in its pace. Therefore, the idea of a non-linear program as provided in the material can help to anticipate the likely relapses and deviations. The main focus, as contained in the materials, is on the continual growth that the program needs to achieve (Summers, 2015). Another essential insight provided in the material is that the process must acknowledge the resilience and other unique strengths of an individual. The essence of noting an individual's unique traits is to ensure that a holistic approach results. Substance use disorders affect multiple dimensions of an individual. The body, mind, spirit, and sense of meaningful inclusion in the community are affected. A holistic approach, as offered in the material, helps to accommodate all the aspects of an individual's life and helps to address intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are essential for their full recovery. The material recognizes the role of the external environment in an individual's successful recovery.

Noting the individual's strengths helps to determine how best to position them at the center of the recovery program. The materials acknowledge this approach in their recommendation of a strengths-based approach that values and builds the capacities of the individual. It would be noteworthy to experience how such an approach allows the individual to engage in a new life. Also, while noting the role of the inherent capacities of the individual, peer or mutual support is vital as the consumer requires encouragement and a sense of belonging. The individual must experience a sense of worth, and the support system must demonstrate that it values their recovery and meaningful involvement to the community. Hence, the material's direction that the program must promote a sense of personal responsibility is accurate. The individual, once installed at the center of the recovery program, needs to demonstrate understanding and assign meaning to the experiences during the program (Summers, 2015). Such understanding helps to identify coping strategies.

The use of a case style to demonstrate how a shift from a deficit-based to a strength-based approach to care is achievable is insightful. It outlines all the possible patient situations and offers a comparative analysis of how each of the two methods would handle the patient. One notable thing is how the strength-based approach considers as an opportunity to demonstrate preparedness for the non-linear recovery process as opposed to the deficit-based approach. In a deficit-based approach, non-compliance with the predefined progression steps is considered resistance on the part of the individual, and the program coordinator is required to take steps to ensure that the patient adheres to the requirements of the stage (Summers, 2015). On its part, the strength-based approach considers factors such as relapses as opportunities to engage the patient further to help them internalize the need for them to take charge of the recovery program.

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Case management may be integrated to improve success in a recovery-oriented system of care. In the initial stages, the process must embrace the affected individual, and demonstrate to them a sense of love and value. Case management needs to guarantee continuity in how the individual is guided through their recovery. Thus, every setting in which the individual operates in such as the home and school environments must continue the process initiated. The goal is to ensure that the patient enjoys support in a holistic manner (White, 2012). The external environment should collaborate to ensure the continuity of care and support that is needed. Once the patient has mastered the art of recovery initiation, there ought to be a transition that enables progression. Hence, strategies must exist that help to change from recovery initiation in artificial environments to recovery management in the patient's natural environment.

The first thing that is needed to ensure the transition is for the professionals to move into the natural environment and build support systems that empower the players in natural settings. Instead of continuously struggling with moving from the recovery initiation stage, it becomes necessary that a shift is made that extends support to the schools (White, 2012). The facilitator suggests that online communication may be regularly initiated to connect the professional with the client in their natural settings such as schools. Recovery-oriented systems need to be effected at a community level and should restrict to a clinical perspective. Pre-recovery identification and engagement stage involves identifying who is at risk and beginning to engage them actively at the community level. Recovery initiation and stabilization require a multi-party approach that consists of all community stakeholders. Transition to recovery maintenance calls for the establishment of structures that span the natural settings and allow continuity of recovery. Lastly, quality of life enhancement results from ensuring that at the end of the recovery, the individual is integrated into the community as an active participant.


Summers, N. (2015). Fundamentals of case management practice. Place of publication not identified: Cengage Learning.

White, W. L. (2012). ROSC - Session 1 Chapter 20 - ROSC & Recovery Management [Video]. Retrieved from

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