Red Cross Case Study, Free Essay

Published: 2018-03-16
Red Cross Case Study, Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Society Case study
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 931 words
8 min read

Case study response example

This report seeks to discuss the main issues from the Red Cross case and then integrate the points to what is learned in the course. I will provide my viewpoints on how the main character responded to some situations. I will also look into some of the areas that I thought she did exemplary well and what I could have done differently.

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Case study summary

Michele Goffin visited Guyana and even proceeded to visit the Children’s Convalescent Home in 1995. After her graduation, she was able to secure herself a position at CCH (Goffin & Marr, 2002). She went back in 1997 and became the director after the old manager had stepped down (Dietz, Goffin & Marr, 2007).

Two years into her reign, she realized that the situation was not getting any better. It had worsened. As a result, Goffin came up with new management techniques to try and make her workforce to work better. She decided to offer them training, gave them tasks in groups instead of assigning them to work individually. She also got the building fixed up. She started realizing positive results from the changes (Goffin & Marr, 2002). However, the good turn of events never lasted. Most of the workers never turned up on national holidays, and most of them had reverted to their old ways.

She, therefore, identified four options that could assist her to improve the work situations at the institution. Her first option was to quit her position and return home (Goffin, 2002). The second was to give more tasks to her employees and hope that they will change for the better. The third was to request the GRCS for more resources. The last option was to discipline her workers (Goffin & Marr, 2002). She attempted to make the workers get more engaged by trying out various techniques. It was her joy when she realized that the center had done well while she was absent at the CCH.

Case Analysis and Synthesis

Key Issue: The case scenario under study is in line with transcultural management. Goffin, who was in a foreign environment, had to overcome the barriers of cultural differences among her employees, the children and her at the hospital so as to accomplish her goals and become successful. This is the main and immediate issue for Goffin as the work and the cultural difference had to be a priority for her. There were poor work ethics among most of the employees as they did not show the level of commitment that was required (Goffin & Marr, 2002). This was the basic issue that she had to attend to. There were cases of truancy among the employees. Another main challenge that Goffin had to deal with was power distance.

Perception of Parties involved: As a leader, she attempted to make the workers get more engaged by trying out various techniques. This was an open door policy. To give the employees the freedom that they needed, she made to speak up and air out their opinions especially in meetings. This was her perception on what will change the negative culture in the organization.

The workers were, however, afraid of speaking their mind and this was their perception. Maybe, they viewed her as a foreigner (Damousi, 2012). The difference is that what Goffin taught could have worked out failed.

Contextual Factors: At the public hospital, all the nurses took to strike. This made Goffin come in and give his assistance. She moved most of her staff to the hospital to help with the various duties that were unattended to.

Accomplishment of Goals: It was her joy when she realized that the center had done well while she was absent at the CCH. This was a sign of success to her. After Goffin had introduced the policy, she was able to note real positive improvements in the whole working environment. When she came back after her absence, she was able to note the smooth running even in her absent (Meyer, 2011). This was self-evident that she is a good manager and that her technique had yielded positive fruits.

Decision Criteria: Goffin had a challenge pulling suggestions and opinions from her employees. She tried many techniques, but none bored better fruits. She then resorted to punishment as a way of making the employees do what is required and them. This was to eliminate the wrong culture in the industry (Goffin, 2002). This was the right decision she took at the moment.


It was interesting to read and analyze the case study. Through reading the study, it was easy to note where intellectual techniques and coercion can be applied for expatriates. Goffin during her stay in Guyana was able to learn of a way of overcoming the cultural differences that existed at her workplace. Goffin was able to apply theoretical managerial techniques in her workplace to get the employees who were truly committed. Goffin proved that with ambitions and persistence, it is possible to achieve everything.

Work Cited

Damousi, J., 2012. The Greek Civil War and Child Migration to Australia: Aileen Fitzpatrick and the Australian Council of International Social Service. Social History, 37(3), pp.297-313.

Dietz, J., Goffin, M. and Marr, A., 2007. Red Cross children’s home: Building capabilities in Guyana.

Goffin, M. and Marr, A. (2002). Red Cross Children’s Home: Building Capabilities in Guyana, Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario. Copyright, Ivey Management Services. Version (A) 2007-07-31.

Meyer, Claude H. The meaning of sense of coherence in transcultural management. Vol. 563. Waxmann Verlag, 2011.

Western Ontario. Copyright, Ivey Management Services. Version (A) 2007-07-31.

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