Augustus from the Roman Empire - Historical Essay Example

Published: 2018-09-10
Augustus from the Roman Empire - Historical Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Writing History Roman Empire
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1000 words
9 min read

Roman Empire Introduction

Speaking of Carlyle writing brings back the history of the one renowned writer and lawyer Thomas Carlyle. The history portrays heroism in him stating the fact that he was behind sage writing noted during the Victorian era (Carlyle, 2003). The historical aspiration in him does not leave behind his famous works known as Hero-Worship, the Heroic in History as well as On Heroes. However, Carlyle writing is also Sage writing categorized as a genre of creative nonfiction (Thomas, 2009). The writing entails an author’s effort in chastising and instructing the reader on the contemporary social issues that narrow down to economics, politics, philosophy as well as history. Among this, Carlyle can categorically feature in “Life Philosophy” with non-logical arguments featuring the whole work (Kaplan, 2013). The famous Carlyle is still being remembered for his style of writing being established in the history of Augustus from the empire, which connects to Fredrick the great, known as the King of Prussia. Carlyle writings and ideas cannot be separated from the history of Fredrick the great. His life, power inheritance and performance as a hero do not deviate from the ideas collected from Augustus (Holt, 2003). Fredrick II was the King of Prussia from the year 1740 and his ruling up to 1786 marks the longest reign in the history of Hohenzollern kings. The accomplishments during Fredrick’s reign points out the dutiful patronage of arts, military victories as well as the reorganization of the Prussian armies (Smith, 2015). The final success that points out his heroism include the Seven Years’ War. The death of his father marked his accession and philosophers painted him as a leader and model (Holliday, 2007). Expectations from every member meant that Fredrick II, as the king, had to tamper with political realities, if he were to meet the desires. The seven years’ war marked a big succession and this has forced the history to paint as the most remarkable hero during his tenure.

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Carlyle writing is still connected to the history of this one hero whose achievements remain non-logical. Fredrick the great marks the last major work of Thomas Carlyle. Carlyle ideas are applicable in the sense the Fredrick II is portrayed as a hero who could forge a state and still go an extra mile in creating a new moral culture. According to Carlyle, the king epitomized the great and remarkable transition from the liberal enlightenment ideals in the 18thy century to a notable modern culture defined around spiritual dynamism (Rosenberg, 1974). All these ideas defined Germany as its constructs relied heavily on polity and thought. Carlyle, in his non-logical arguments, communicates the vision of this great leader as the ones that drove the success of Fredrick’s battles. Carlyle points out that the leadership of genius is evident in Fredrick’s struggles in making Prussia a better region on earth. In addition, Carlyle seems to over-quote the achievements made by Fredrick marking his tenure as “Thirteen Years War”. The ability of connecting history and philosophy seems to inject new ideologies in constructing models around great leadership discussed around historical heroes (Carlyle, 1898). Lack of technicality and involvement of fewer struggles in putting ideas on the table makes Carlyle a profound Sage writer as far as the history of Fredrick the Great is concerned. Carlyle seems to transform the outlook of men by putting their achievements on their respective forehead. Instead of reading the character, one is forced to read the greatness attached to an individual who marked a great achievement in history.

Carlyle wants people to believe that legacy is what people can read from heroes and all these can be made possible to emulating the character. The same connects to Augustus from Rome to whom Carlyle ideas apply the same way they applied to Fredrick the Great. The era of Augustus has similar features like the ones portrayed in the Fredrick the Great, an era covered by war, controversies, conspiracies and greater challenges that mark a deep notch in the world history (Van Dam, 2007). Augustus is termed as the founder of the great Roman Empire and ruled from 27BC until his death in 14AD. He was born as Gaius Octavius. Based on Carlyle ideas, Augustus rose from a humble but complicated background that intertwines the reader’s dimensional thinking, which ends up portraying him as an extraordinary person. The legacy left behind by Augustus is remarkable and memorable at the same time regardless of the years it has taken since his death. According to Carlyle, Fredrick the Great is remembered by forging a state and endorsing his own morals. However, for Augustus, his greatness can be remembered by permanent titles of the entire Roman Empire for the significant fourteen centuries after his death. This implies that he ruled and still “rules by name”. Augustus’ reign laid significant foundations that lasted for over fifteen hundred years (Everitt, 2006). Historians carry different thoughts concerning Augustus but Carlyle feels that he stands as the Rome’s Greatest Emperor with his policies having an impact on the Empire’s life span. Nevertheless, “The Perfect of the Watch” further marked his heroism. With Carlyle ideas, the world has changed from leadership to heroism with leaders trying their best to leave a legacy.


Carlyle, T. (1898). History Of Fredrick The Great Vol5.

Carlyle, T. (2003). On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History 1897. Kessinger Publishing.

Everitt, A. (2006). The first emperor: Caesar Augustus and the triumph of Rome. John Murray.

Holliday, A. (2007). Doing & writing qualitative research. Sage.

Holt, N. L. (2003). Representation, legitimation, and autoethnography: An autoethnographic writing story. International journal of qualitative methods, 2(1), 18-28.

Kaplan, F. (2013). Thomas Carlyle: A Biography. Open Road Media.

Rosenberg, P. (1974). The seventh hero. Harvard University Press.

Smith, J. A. (Ed.). (2015). Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods. Sage.

Thomas, C. (2009). On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. BiblioBazaar, LLC.

Van Dam, R. (2007). The Roman Revolution of Constantine (p. 173). Cambridge University Press.

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