Social Work Admission Essay Sample

Published: 2017-10-27
Social Work Admission Essay Sample
Essay type:  Admission essays
Categories:  Application letter Social work
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1153 words
10 min read

I am applying to your master's program in social work following the completion of a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology with a minor in social welfare at the University of California Pembroke 2009. I derived my interest in this field from my passion for helping children and families who are faced with social problems. My primary goal has been to enhance the social welfare of all human beings and to assist children and families in meeting their basic needs such as shelter, food, and healthcare. My character as a humble person motivated by offering service to others has guided me in taking part in both voluntaries and paid social work programs. My dream is to create the world where all the interactions and relationships between people from all walks of life will be governed by social justice, selflessness and a heart of seeking out to help more than one seeks to be assisted. My vision is to educate people on the importance of helping the needy and the joy and a feeling of self-satisfaction that comes along with it. Deep in my heart, I have the zeal to make my education in social work a lifetime venture, after pursuing my master’s degree I would love to work for some years and then enroll back for a doctorate level in social work.

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Social work personal statement

I have harbored my zeal to offer social services to the society since I was a small child. I was once assisted by a stranger at a time when my family was facing a financial downturn and from then I understood the value of offering help to others and the joy that comes with it. Over the years I have worked in several social work programs in Scotland county department of social services. I am currently working as a lead social worker in IAT from the year 2015 up to date where my roles include, home visits to provide families with intervention services, participating in children and families team meetings, and case development plans aimed at improving the social welfare of families down in the social ladder. The three roles above have enabled me to be a person is able to articulate sound and concrete arguments which I have used to instill hope to the needy and to seek for funds and other non-material aid to assist children and poor families in the society. My other responsibilities included training new workers and other students in attachment, offering assistance during the decision-making process in social work related court cases, acting upon reports of abuse and neglect and engineering appropriate decisions on the same, creation of good working relationships between schools heads and other institutions that offer aid to the society. Lastly, I could be called upon to provide testimonials and supporting documents in courts of law pertaining cases in my field.

Previously I had worked as a junior social worker in IAT where my roles included, providing case management services to address issues such as housing, mental health and to source for funds to help the poor families and children in the streets. My skills in financial management have been sharpened in my experience at the IAT where I worked as an income maintenance caseworker. My responsibilities included: redetermination of food stamps for accountability purposes and taking care of the procedures for eligibility determination process before one is offered assistance. These roles required me to interact closely with people where I improved my articulation and relations skills, I learned to appreciate cultural diversity and to treat each person with dignity no matter his/her affiliations and social class. During the above experiences in social work my work mission had been guided by the core values which are the foundation of social work namely: offering good service, upholding social justice, observing dignity of the person being served, understanding the triviality of human relationships, being competent and honest at all times. These values have governed me and have been fundamental in my exemplary performance at the various levels of leadership in the Scotland county department of social services. My passion in social work is the force behind going to extra miles in offering social services, in some instances, I worked at makeshift centers during disasters and I assisted in the distribution of disaster benefits to the victims.

My service in social work did not stop there; I have also worked as a counselor from April to October 2010 at the American Indian Mothers in red springs NC. As a counselor, I assisted the homeless in the application for housing, organized transport for the families and children in order for them to observe medical appointments and offered education to families on means to use to access help and social services offered by the state. In connection to that, I have attended various training to improve my knowledge and efficiency as a social worker. I have been trained on food nutrition and services program, children welfare pre-service, case management in social work, policies and procedures for legal guidelines within child welfare, forensic interviewing: radar control, child and team family meeting and investigative assessments . These training provided an avenue for me to gain a deeper understanding of the ethical responsibilities every social worker which includes: an obligation to the client, self-rule, cultural proficiency and social uniformity. My immediate academic goal is to advance my career by pursuing a master’s degree and in future to advance my education and become a professor in this field, I believe at that level I will be in a better position to offer services at a wider scope and to reach more families and children and dire need of social services.

I have taken part in many community services and social work training under the Scotland county department of social work between the years 2011 up to date. I have been an intern at dignity home in Pembroke where I assisted in soliciting for funds to help the elderly, collecting cloth donations and arranging carefully and updating the files of every client. My efforts in this field have been rewarded by being in the honors list of the Native American Association during the fall of 2008, the spring of 2009 and the fall of 2009.

I have been trained in legal aspects of social work, which has acquainted me with the necessary expertise and technical experience to handle all the facets of social work at ease. All through my volunteer work and paid work in social work I have upheld my character as a hardworking individual, a person of integrity coupled with a holistic approach to issues and personal relationships in the workplace. I believe when offered a chance to pursue a master’s degree in your highly esteemed institution in the field of social work, I will advance to become a better social worker whose main drive would be to be of service to other members of the society.

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