Why Do We Study Psychology? Essay Example

Published: 2019-11-18
Why Do We Study Psychology? Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Psychology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1069 words
9 min read

The study of behaviors and mind while embracing all the aspects of conscious and unconscious experiences and thought is known as psychology. Humans are complex beings and psychology as a social science and a discipline seeks to find such answers and simplifies the complexities of human nature in an attempt to understand a person.

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Understanding the Masks that we wear.

Imposter Syndrome

Real identity of an individual is hard to distinguish. The physical portrayal or the image an individual presents to the public is always the contradiction of the feeling the same individual is having on the inside. Such inner feelings are guarded at all costs for the fear of the perception of the world or people around if they come to know of the truth. The masks we wear and the commitment to protect such decision is the Imposter Syndrome.

Inauthentic life

The term inauthentic life is best explained by the different masks we find ourselves wearing. The question is, how is it inauthentic? One reason being that we cannot hold onto one mask for a long time. The issue is picking masks and dropping them along the way for other masks are just illusions in ones life. Living such a life is not the true reflection of the persons identity.


One of the common aspect of people wearing masks is that they are concerned of the outcome of the revelation of their true identity to other around them. Such concerns and the misconceptions of what might become of them are the worries that they cling on to propagate their decisions on wearing the masks.

Understanding Emotions

Emotions are best described as the inner feelings in ones mind which are occasionally manifested on the individuals reaction. The emotions that an individual express on the outward appearance are believed to originate from the section of the mind that is subject creation of the emotions.

Emotional Regulation

Every individual is exposed to streams of emotions each minute of their life all of which spring from their emotional section of the mind. The important thing is that an individual must learn on checking their actions in terms of their feelings, thus developing courage for self-control.

What are Emotions and why do we need to understand them?

Emotions are the feeling an individual is exposed to from the inner being. For example, one can have a momentary feeling of pleasure or rage. The different emotions we are subjected to have their repercussions if we allow ourselves to actualize them. Understand that what we are exposed to can be important or unnecessary emotions will enable us to make informed decisions before taking any action.

The Wise Mind

The active integration of the emotional mind and the reasonable mind is known as the wise mind. The emotional mind is always sensitive while the reasonable mind is logical. The wise mind mediates between the two sections of the brain by reasoning into a calm state to enable a person to a sound judgment out of a situation.

Who is Sigmund Freud?

Sigmund Freud is one of the early psychologist. He performed several experiments with his patients in an attempt to understand them. His studies led to the development of psychoanalysis and has ever been referred to as the father of psychoanalytic theory.

The Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind is the section of the mind that always operate on instincts as suggested by Freud.

The Psyche


According to Freud, Id operates on the unconscious level based on the pleasure principles and majorly deals with instincts. It is mainly composed of the Eros and the Thanatos. The Eros are stronger than the Thanatos thereby creating the balance in human reactions.


Further, Freud stated that the ego develops from Id during the infancy stage. The ego aims at satisfying the goals of the Id in a social and more acceptable way. It functions both at the conscious and unconscious mind and operates on the basis of reality.


The superego develops during the early childhood stages and is responsible for the moral standards and behaviors. It operates on the morality and enables a person to behave in a socially accepted manner.

Freuds 6 Defense Mechanisms

Freud developed six defense mechanisms that a person can use to quantify or justify their actions and such include repression, denial, projection, displacement, regression, and sublimation.

Understand Freuds Psychosexual Stages and Fixations of Adult Personality


It is a stage developed through the mouth by sucking and swallowing. Forceful feeding, deprivation, or early weaning can lead to adult personality or fixation such a s smoking, aggression and dependency.


It is a stage that is developed through withholding or expelling faeces and is pegged on the toilet training of the child. It leads to personality traits such as obsessiveness, meanness, untidiness, and generosity.


The organs of interest in this stage of development are the penis and the clitoris used for masturbation and is influenced by abnormal family setup. The common personal traits in the adulthood stage include vanity, self-obsession, inadequacy, anxiety, inferiority, and envy.


The latent stage is often associated with little or sexual desires and motivation.


The organs of interest in this developmental stage are the penis and the vagina. The stage involves sexual intercourse.

Eriksons 8 Stages of Development

Basic Principles

Psychosocial crises and lifespan development

Erikson proposed a lifespan model of development, taking in 5 states as much as the age of 18 years and three further stages past, nicely into adulthood. Erikson suggests that there's nevertheless masses of room for persevered growth and development all through ones life. Erikson puts an excellent deal of emphasis on the adolescent length, feeling it turned into a crucial level for developing someones identification

The science of Happy

The video happy Review/Essay question

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.

The Johari Window

The Johari window model is used to beautify the characters belief on others. This version is primarily based on ideas such as trust which may be acquired through revealing statistics about you to others and studying yourselves from their feedbacks. Each person is represented via the Johari model through four quadrants or window pane. All the four window panes signifies non-public records, feelings, motivation and whether or not that records is known or unknown to oneself or others in 4 viewpoints.

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