Free Essay: What Is to Be Scientific?

Published: 2023-02-10
Free Essay: What Is to Be Scientific?
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Categories:  Biology Profession Personal experience
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1157 words
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I am a keen supporter and advocate of science in developing new approaches aimed at helping humanity. Being scientific for me has entailed asking numerous questions concerning what I see. Learning of science occurs everywhere within our daily lives (Cohen, 2013). The variation that existed within a group of chicken variety propelled me towards finding an explanation towards the existence of such variation. I was driven to unmask the scientific reasons as to why a white hen would reproduce entirely black chicks. My research led me to the previous genetic research that was carried out by Gregorian Mendel, who helped our understanding of the current genetics knowledge that the world boasts. The systematic and logical approach used by Mendel led to the discovery of the mechanism through which such variation occurred within the universe operate. This is what it means to be scientific in my view.

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Broadly, science is a body of knowledge accumulated through the discoveries about all things found in the universe. The word science is derived from the Latin word scientia, which implies a knowledge based on the data that can be demonstrated and reproduced. In reality, this definition holds because the primary aim of science is to obtain measurable results through testing and analysis. The science is therefore based on the fact, opinions and preferences (Cohen, 2013). Thus, the scientific processes are designed to challenge the idea through research. The focus on the natural world constitutes a critical aspect of scientific methods. Fascinatingly, anything considered supernatural does not fit into the definition of science.

Scientific Methods and Processes

Scientists can make progress through the use of scientific methods. Fundamentally, an experimental approach refers to involve the process of assessing the conclusions against nature. After observing a particular concept or idea, as a scientist, I will try to make an explanation regarding what I have seen. This explanation is known as a hypothesis. Therefore, being scientific in this sense will involve the utilization of at least one alternative hypothesis. I can integrate a component of nature and test it through the "controlled experiment" to assess whether the explanation given matches the real knowledge that exists.

It is essential to note that a controlled experiment refers to the one in which all the treatments are identical, except for the exposure of some of its components to the hypothetical causes, while others are not. In such circumstances, any differences regarding how the treatments behave are attributable to the availability or absence of the cause. In any case, the outcome or results of the experiment matches with the hypothesis, then there is evidence which supports the hypothesis, and the understanding of this natural phenomenon is perceived or considered scientific. Any mismatch between the two would imply that I would seek another alternative to redesigning the experiment like a scientist. This is being a scientist, in my opinion.

Studies have shown that scientific theories usually persist until additional evidence leads to its revision. Thus, the reality of nature provides a final and conclusive judgment of a scientific approach. When conducting research, scientists utilize the scientific methods to gather the relevant data, which are usually measurable, empirical evidence within an experiment that is related to a hypothesis. A scientific process will, therefore, involve making the observation or observations, asking questions about the view or the collected data, forming a hypothesis, testing it and analyzing data related to the hypothesis (Humphreys, 2004).

Being scientific entails a lot to me. Scientists are working tirelessly to serve humanity by increasing their control over the world and its environment. The use of scientific knowledge has enhanced my understanding of how continuous changes have caused the ocean and atmosphere to transform, thereby altering the climate of the earth. This is called climate change and global warming. Being scientific in this case would entail working to determine the cause of this global climatic change and the impact it has on the environment and humanity at large. Scientifically, climate change is mainly by human activities that emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

It would further involve employing effective scientific methods and strategies aimed at providing a definite explanation for this phenomenon. Therefore, I believe that the foundation of such explanations in trying to discover, develop and deduce themes, concepts continuously, theories and ideas implies being scientific. Because knowledge is not static, a being scientific in this regard would mean using the experience from geography, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences to develop a proper understanding climate concept. The theme of change is central in developing new ideas and discovering innovative realities. Being scientific therefore involves developing a desire to understand new concepts and unmasking facts which need constant questioning regarding the current approaches.

Philosophy of Science

It is impossible to isolate the specialized sciences from the philosophy artificially, and this may lead to the condemnation of the scientists to finding for themselves the world-view and methodological guidelines for their researches (Cohen, 2018). I believe that any decision to ignore the philosophical culture can significantly contribute a negative impact on any general theoretical conclusions from the provided set of the scientific facts. I believe that it is impossible to achieve a real theoretical comprehension, especially on the global issues or phenomenon without referring to the philosophical views. I have always found that philosophy is the regulative nucleus of the theoretically-minded individual and which takes its revenge on those who dissociate themselves from it.

This can be observed in scientists who after keeping the positions of crude empiricism as well as the scorning philosophy have managed to fall into mysticism eventually. Through the philosophy of science, therefore, scientists can gain a valuable understanding of various happenings within the natural world (Gauch Jr, Gauch & Gauch Jr, 2003). The inquisitive nature of philosophy substantially intersects with the objectives of science. Thus, the scientist can question-specific explanations to find or get the right information.


In conclusion, being scientific in my view involves a scientific assessing the outcomes against nature. After observing a particular concept or idea, as a scientist, I will try to make an explanation regarding such considerations. When conducting research, scientists utilize the scientific methods to gather the relevant data, which are usually measurable, empirical evidence within an experiment that is related to a hypothesis. Such a hypothesis should also be aligned with the real knowledge that exists and which provides tremendous guidance on the kind of outcome that is expected. I believe that any decision to ignore the philosophical culture can significantly contribute a negative impact on any general theoretical conclusions from the provided set of the scientific facts.


Cohen, M. F. (2013). An introduction to logic and the scientific method. Read Books Ltd.

Cohen, M. R. (2018). Reason and nature: An essay on the meaning of scientific method. Routledge.

Gauch Jr, H. G., Gauch, H. G., & Gauch Jr, H. G. (2003). Scientific method in practice. Cambridge University Press.

Humphreys, P. (2004). Extending ourselves: Computational science, empiricism, and scientific method. Oxford University Press.

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