Free Essay Example - WebQuest

Published: 2023-03-26
Free Essay Example - WebQuest
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Teaching Learning Internet Intelligence
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1802 words
16 min read

Part I

Based on the video, WebQuest is defined as a constructionist lesson format that revolves around an exciting task that forms a part of the adult's activities. The interviewer also states that this lesson is designed in a manner in which the majority of the materials are obtained from the web (Dodge, 2009). In this context, the teachers take charge of selecting the materials in advance. In other instances, the student can also indulge in the selection of ideal elements. However, the most critical aspect of WebQuest is based on the high levels of thinking which are associated with it. Thus this implies that individuals ought to employ smartness while engaging in its use.

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WebQuest began in the year 1995, under a program termed archetype. WebQuest is based on different assumptions. The assumptions are inclusive of the fact that authentic tasks tend to be more engaging (Dodge, 2009). Thus this calls in for seriousness when indulging in the use of WebQuest. The other assumption is based on the fact that social interaction among the students is what aids in the contribution of learning. WebQuest also assumes that high-level thinking is a necessity in the lives of individuals, and therefore it ought to start at an early age.

The interviewer also embraces the aspects of uncertainty and doubt as being useful elements in enhancing the development of WebQuest. The interviewer also states that WebQuest tends to be evolutionary-based (Dodge, 2009). Therefore this implies that it is related to the general development of something. The general nature of a WebQuest begins with an introduction, and then the description that is based on the task involved, the process of engaging in it, evaluation, and is finally wrapped up with the teacher's page in which all the recommendations and assessment of the teacher gets to be captioned.

Part II

The gaining of knowledge by students in an ESL class using WebQuest can be enhanced through the incorporation of the use of computers in the education process. The use of computers tends to be an ideal strategy in that it increases the academic success of the students as well as motivating the lessons and encouraging them to study in groups (AL-Khataybeh & AL-Awasa, 2016). Thus these study groups enhance the gaining of knowledge among those individuals who are not conversant with the English language. The other strategy for improving the gaining of expertise comprises of brainstorming. In this context, the teacher can indulge in explaining the term and makes the students engage in a discussion over the same aspect.

The other strategy entails the incorporation of the process stage in which the students are entirely involved in the completion of tasks. Therefore the students will receive information from the selected sources and answer the questions appropriately (Megala & Madhumathi, 2016). The students will be expected to observe the learning content and modify it based on their understanding and recreate the information based on the new dimension. The gaining of knowledge by these students can also be enhanced through the incorporation of the think pair strategy (Megala & Madhumathi, 2016). In this strategy, the students will be expected to think about the issues from different dimensions.

The students will then be expected to share their thoughts with their peers based on their analysis. The think pair strategy is also ideal in that it aids the students in being able to interpret, summarize as well as sequencing the ideas of the lesson. The final plan will entail the adoption of the evaluation stage in which the students will be expected to project the learning content. The projection can be based on the use of written or spoken documents. In other instances, the evaluation can be based on the use of graphics.

Part III

Chapter 1

The chapter mainly provides information on the web basics ideal for critical thinking. The chapter majors on providing the structure of a web. The structure is inclusive of grammar and punctuation used by individuals while engaging in the use of the web. The chapter also provides all the essentials of the network which incorporate the internet, IP address, URL, domain names, among others. The main benefit of this chapter is based on the fact that it provides information on the different essentials of the web. Thus this makes it easier for individuals to be able to understand the internet as they get to operate it.

The internet forms one of the essentials of the webs. It is a network of different computers, which allows them to communicate despite the vast distances. The internet works by enabling web browsers to call upon the IP addresses. Web browsers, on the other hand, are also web essentials that allow individuals to browse the internet with the intent of obtaining information. The browsers inhibit the ability to retrieve information from the remote servers as well as displaying different web pages.

In teaching individuals how they can obtain information from the library, it is also essential that they get informed on how the data is usually organized on the web. The dots and dashes in a URL are necessary for that they form an essential part of the grammar of the internet. Therefore, it is essential to note that the URL plays a crucial role in informing individuals about the net. However, in other instances, the URL may fail to communicate any form of information.

Chapter 2

The chapter captions on details on the empowered researcher. In this context, the focus is on Rob's story, an individual who majors in computer training for different individuals in the learning institutions. The chapter also covers how search engines work, as well as who is in charge of controlling the information available on the internet. The importance of this chapter is that it is educative to an individual. The main benefit associated with the gained knowledge is that one will be able to add more skills in the use of computers.

Search engines operate through the collection of information on World Wide Web content via programs termed as robots or spiders. The applications are automated in nature. Thus, they roam the web, collecting different information, most notably the texts, as well as various titles of pages. The data gets to be pulled into a search engine database by an individual. Afterward, the data gets to be indexed into smaller details of the data. In conducting the research, the keywords get to be matched against the search engines. The results are then sent back as pages of links.

However, in conducting the research using search engines, individuals need to note that they do not work in the same manner. In some instances, the drivers may focus more on the pages. In other cases, the drivers may be more inclined to evaluate the keywords differently or focus on the number of links that get in and out of a site. The chapter also denotes that different search engines serve various purposes. For instance, Technorati majors on searching within the blog postings, whereas other drivers such as Podscope focus on audios and videos.

Chapter 3

Chapter four mainly focuses on the different links that are present on the web. The links have been classified under forwarding and backlinks. The primary importance of providing information on the links is that it creates more awareness to the web users on the importance of the links in searching for different information. Thus, this is the ideal information to researchers, as it will assist them in easing the work involved in the research.

The forward link refers to the name that is given to a link from one individual's web site to someone else's web site. Backlink, on the other hand, refers to the name given to the link from someone else's web site to your web page. The URL of the link is usually embedded in the website, which therefore implies that upon clicking the highlighted text referring to the link; it results in the retrieval of the external URL.

Backlinks are usually essential to individuals and more so in the school programs. The links can aid individuals in knowing who is linked to their applications. The information on links tends to be ideal for students in that it allows them to engage in their assignments in different environments. The information on the links also plays a vital role in enhancing the safety of children.

Chapter 4

Chapter five entirely majors on research outside the box. Research outside the box mainly implies the research techniques that are way beyond the search engines. The section also captions information on the research extensions, which are ideal in aiding individuals on thinking on the searches that they get to conduct.

The learning on the use of search techniques is one of the essentials of taking ownership of the grammar of the internet. The skills are ideal in assisting individuals in engaging in working with domain names, extensions as well as building bridges through the massive websites. The implementation of these skills is also ideal because it results in students being impressed by their engagement in the use of the techniques.

The creative and critical thinking of the out of the box research may result in some fascinating resource material for the students. The innovative and critical thinking will also aid the students in learning more about the web organization and differentiating between the safe and unwanted substances from the web.

Chapter 5

Chapter six revolves around expanding the boundaries. The chapter captions on the different works of pioneers who have excelled in the web industry. The importance of the section is that it educates individuals on the expansion of divergent boundaries.

The chapter is also based on different arguments concerning blogging, on whether it is ideal for students to inhibit such sites. The reason for this is that the blogging site tends to be a perfect platform to aid individuals in connecting. Teachers also indulge in the use of blogging to empower their students. Thus other than educating them, blogging also serves as an ideal tool in the life of a student.

The success of the use of blogging entails the incorporation of different ideas that can be instrumental to students. Blogs in the classrooms can mainly focus on discussion topics for students and communities, building community, and publishing of the student's works, as well as the building of a body of knowledge. RSS forms of the primary technology that sits behind blogs, and it encourages individuals to become world publishers.


AL-Khataybeh, M. & AL-Awasa, A. (2016). The Effect of Using Web Quests on Improving Seventh Grade Female Students' Writing Skills in Southern AL-Mazar Directorate of Education. Journal of Education & Social Policy, 3(1), 112-127.

Dodge, B. (2009). What is a WebQuest? [Video]. Retrieved from

Megala, M., & Madhumathi, P. (2016). Enhancing Reading Skills through WebQuest in Collaborative Learning Environment, 16, 119-127.

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