Free Essay Example: VNS Treatment for TRD

Published: 2023-11-04
Free Essay Example: VNS Treatment for TRD
Essay type:  Evaluation essays
Categories:  Medicine Disorder Public health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 636 words
6 min read

This topic is crucial, and as it can help nurses understand how verge nerve stimulation works in the treatment of TRD. Additionally, depression is a leading source of burden illnesses worldwide, affecting more than 350 million individuals (Bottomley et al., 2020). Therefore, the study is necessary to help cure and reduce the effects of depression across the world.

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Several studies that have been implemented show massive benefits associated with VNS in treating TRD. One study conducted by Rush and colleagues proved that VNS treatment had more benefits compared to TAU. In the RCT research, Rush and his colleagues made a 10-week randomized comparison of VNS against sham therapy in 222 assessable TRD outer patients (Bottomley et al., 2020). The research revealed a reasonable advantage per the primary quantify. Additionally, the ID-SR was seen to express a statistically meaningful benefit for VNS.

The article's objective was to evaluate all reported safety, efficiency, and QOL results of adjunctive TAU and VNS in the treatment of TRD. Data is assessed for the aptness of statistical pooling by taking into account data volume, and the degree upon which the research and results reported were identical. A total of twenty-two clinical safety and efficiency research were incorporated in SLR, consisting of RCTs, VNS+TAU, four non-randomized relative research, and one TAU single-arm research (Bottomley et al., 2020). As per the results, most patients who showed severe characteristics of TRD failed therapy in the present major depressive episodes (MDE) (Bottomley et al., 2020). Additionally, all studies revealed that VNS populations are a very sternly sick group, usually isolated from most clinical experiments. One study conducted by Rush and his colleagues proved that VNS treatment had more benefits compared to TAU.

The results of the study can help administer treatment to TRD patients. The article reveals how VNS therapy can be more beneficial to TRD patients than TAU treatment. As a nurse, I will use this information and administer VNS treatment to TRD patients instead of TAU. Furthermore, one of the studies showed that combined VNS and TAU therapy was more effective in patients with severe TRD, the response rate across all reviews was 23.9% (Bottomley et al., 2020). As a nurse, I will apply this information in recommending combined VNS and TAU treatment for individuals with chronic TRD.

One of the article's strength is that it shows the mortality across all the studies upon the administration of TAU+ VNS therapy to patients within 24 months of research. The mortality rate for patients under combined TAU and VNS treatment was zero across all the studies, and most of them showed a positive response. One of the article's disadvantages is that the number of clinical safety and efficiency evaluated is small. The article base its findings on research done across twenty-two clinics, and that number is relatively low in developing a generalized idea concerning the global efficiency of VNS treatment.

I will recommend the article to my colleagues. The report clearly outlines the effectiveness of VNS treatment across all the studies conducted. Additionally, it shows a zero mortality rate for patients under TAU+VNS upon 24 months of treatment admiration (Bottomley et al., 2020). The article is a must-have for nurses dealing with TRD patients.

The article can help nurses understand how verge nerve stimulation works in the treatment of TRD. It reveals how VNS therapy can be more beneficial to TRD patients than TAU treatment. One of the article's strength is that it shows the mortality across all the studies upon the administration of TAU+ VNS therapy to patients within 24 months of research. Ultimately, I would recommend the article to my colleagues handling RTD patients.


Bottomley, J. M., LeReun, C., Diamantopoulos, A., Mitchell, S., & Gaynes, B. N. (2020). Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) therapy in patients with treatment-resistant depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 98, 152156. file:///E:/Downloads/Vagus%20nerve%20stimulation.pdf

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