Essay Sample Describing the U.S Food and Drug Administration

Published: 2020-06-18
Essay Sample Describing the U.S Food and Drug Administration
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Food Drug
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1157 words
10 min read

In the early years of the 1900s, several new alterations were created to develop business practices as well as social problems of those days. One of the several changes was the establishment of the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to discuss U.S Food and Drug Administration general purposes, its executive, legislative and judicial powers.

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The FDA has several functions that comprise supervision the making of safe foods and the production of efficient and safe medical devices and drugs. The FDA has the role of shielding the safety and rights of patients in the medical trials of medical examination substances (Raffel 45). The FDA also has to approve and review in a well-timed manner the efficiency and safety of new drugs, medical devices, biologics, and animal drugs. They also have to observe the effectiveness and security of new medical stuff after they are promoted and acting on the data gathered. The FDA is also responsible for viewing that the citizens have contact with non-misleading and truthful product data by: watching the promotional events of drug and device producers and controlling the labeling of every packaged food. Lastly, FDA plays an essential responsibility in the Nations counterterrorism ability. FDA accomplishes this role by guaranteeing the safety of the food resource and by facilitating the growth of medical staffs to respond to naturally and deliberate emerging public health dangers (Oria 34).

Science is a huge part of the FDA agency. The scientific indications wanted to back up FDAs lawful cases is ready by the organizations to thousand scientist, comprising nine hundred chemists and three-hundred microbiologists, who perform their job in forty laboratories present in the Washington, D.C., region and around the nation. Some of the scientist examines samples to see, or for instance if products are polluted with illegal substances. Some of these scientists evaluate test findings submitted by firms seeking agency authorization for drugs, food additives, vaccines, coloring agents as well as medical devices.

FDA just like other organizations has a structure that is well established to discharge its mandates. It is an agency that fall in the department of health and human services. The FDA's organization comprises of the Office of the Commissioner as well as four directorates supervising the key roles of the agency: Tobacco and Medical Products, Global Regulatory Operations and Policy, Foods, and Operations (Raffel 204).

FDA executive is characterized by top leadership headed by the Dr. Stephen Ostroff, M.D. He is the FDA's interim commissioner and as the top leader FDA Dr. Stephen is committed to consolidation policies and programs that allow the agency to do its mission to promote and protect the public health. The executive has several functions some of which are discussed here. For example, it advises the Commissioner and other central agency officers on activities that touch agency-broad programs, initiatives, and projects. Enlighten suitable agency official of the assignments and decisions made by the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners, Principal Deputy, the Associate Commissioners, and the Chief of Staff. Second, the executive provides correspondence control for the Commissioner and processes and control entire agency public communication focused to the Commissioner. Operates and develops tracking systems intended to resolve and identify bottleneck problems and early warnings with executive correspondence.Finally, the executive assures that materials backing the recommendations offered for the Commissioner's deliberation are accurate, comprehensive, thoroughly discussed and incorporate the subjects involved.

FDA has legislative, and judicial powers guide its functions. FDA does what it does since they have the mandate to do it, and that power from the U.S Constitution. That is the principal origin of every the U.S laws. The executive system in the U.S is a state system, where certain powers are offered to the federal administration, and some are provided to the states. In precise, absolute powers granted to the federal government are authorities over interstate foreign affairs and commerce. The state government is alienated into three subdivisions. In the Legislative section, Congress forms the laws then, there is the Executive part that consists President and the federal agencies like FDA. The executive branch imposes the rules. Finally, there is the judicial article that includes the Supreme Court and the other law court. The legal section ensures that the Constitution is espoused. Within the Constitution, there is the power to legislate laws. FDA, as an agency, can then issue regulations and guidance documents as part of the implementation of the laws. FDA has the mandate issue regulations to avert the spread of transmissible diseases (Oria 22). That comprises not just part of the products regulated by other agencies but also the interstate measure of turtles, since the possible spread of salmonella. Food Drug Administration has issued regulations in that field.

Some acts have also been made that concerning the legislative of FDA. Some require that definite information be accessible to patients getting vaccines, and it provided FDA the mandate to recall biological products and not simply vaccines. FDA commends medical products grounded on a decision that the advantages outweigh the dangers; clinical products are never one-hundred percent safe. Thus, there would be periods when one has a hostile event as a consequence of receiving a vaccine. These are indeed vital products from a public health viewpoint. Its very critical important that kids get vaccinated, and it is essential that companies continue to occur to make these manufacture vaccines. Some other legislative powers of FDA is to make efforts to match the biological products and drug products. Some other judicial powers of FDA has been created by the-the act of law to bring out the powers of the agency very clearly. For instance, the establishing of the clinical trials data bank within the Public Health Service Act, which is managed by the National Institutes of Health which has also called numerous broad reforms like the hastening the review of devices. Clause 351 within the Public Health Service Act is where FDA receives the power to enhance biological products. This outlines what a natural product is. The FDA is banned from emancipating information on any drug within the development, pending or review approval except when the information has been in the general public. The FDA has no lawful authority to examine or regulate the fees charged for marketed medicines. Distributors, manufacturers, and retailers determine these fees. FDA identifies the other factors past its purview, comprising drug pricing and insurance coverage.

Some of the news article that talks about FDA are the natural news ( The articles report so much of the FDA activities, for instance, FDA intentionally permits animal drugs to be lawful though they threaten human superbugs.

Works Cited

Morgan, James. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). New Yok: Nova Publishers, 2003.

Oria, Maria. Enhancing Food Safety: The Role of the Food and Drug Administration. New York: National Academies Press, 2010.

Raffel, Marshall. The U.S. Health System: Origins and Functions. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2010.

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