Free Example of Treatment Report: Case Study on Nazlin's Terms of Privacy

Published: 2022-03-24
Free Example of Treatment Report: Case Study on Nazlin's Terms of Privacy
Type of paper:  Creative writing
Categories:  Medicine Nursing care
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1027 words
9 min read

Iyer, Choi, and Bota (p.22) identified that with the objective of ensuring confidentiality and also the privacy of the client and all other persons plus any other information that relate to them, the report reserves the right to conceal all these details as much as possible. In this regard, the assessment will use the name Nazlin as the client. Nazlin, who is only a thirty-two years old lady, hails from Assertive Outreach Time. Initially, Nazlin lived with her sister though, at a later date, they parted ways thereby leading her becoming homeless.

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Presentation of the Problem

One given day, Nazlin's who was an employee of Assertive Outreach team got a visitor who was her boss from the workplace with the primary purpose of conducting health assessment on her. During the diagnosis period, the boss found that Nazlin had psychosis and other problems. On top of this, Nazlin had diabetes where she was not even taking some medication to manage it. Following this instance, Nazlin had to leave from her sister's place minus any other option to reside since she was such vulnerable to sustain the tenancy of herself. Similarly, Nazlin thought that by staying away from her sister was the best way that could lead to the solution of her problems.

Critical Discussion: Treatment and Management

As at present, the level of self-care that Nazlin gets is very pathetic, and the instance remains true in most of the times when she has a deteriorated health condition. Based on this context, self-care refers to the hygiene and nutrition that Nazlin puts in place. For instance, Nazlin sometimes fails to take a bath and even changing her clothes despite the urge that she needs to do the same (Ballenger 37). On the same note, she does not take an appropriate diet that may lead to the improvement of her health status and even to some extent; she even fails to take meals given to her from the hospital. Some evidence collected from the past show that persons that suffer from psychosis undergo a complex dysfunction of the consequences of retention, attention and also organization. The instance is the automatic result of an individual's ability to perform his or her daily chores or requirements.

The main challenge that comes in the implementation of any regular psychotherapeutic intervention as that component of Nazlins's treatment is the willingness towards engagement. For instance, the issue of Nazlin engaging with the community and also her out of patience to services indeed remains to be a whole involuntary (Bitonte and Donald 58). At the same time, Nazlin perceives other contacts with services that lead to destruction from her privacy. In this regard, the introduction of the psychotherapeutic interventions within Nazlin's treatment plan as she continues remaining inpatient and also provision for her with the positive experiences within the context of nurse-client relationship is for sure what will likely lead to Nazlin further engaging in the in psychotherapy treatments in the community.

Treatment and Management Plans for NazlinTreatment and medication that Nazlin receives are from Assertive Outreach team following the community treatment order. In this instance, it is upon Nazlin to abide with the therapist's prescriptions with matters concerning the appointments with the manager responsible for her case and also a three-month meeting with a consultant psychiatrist. On the same note, Nazlin is also under the obligations to accept the two weeks injection (Iyer, Brian and Robert 47) that also come with other daily treatments plus other checkups concerning her health progress (Johnston 68). The reason why she is under checkup is to ensure that she gets special care, attention and treatments so that she regains her health within the shortest time possible. However, upon taking the drugs, there are expectations that her physical and mental health will show some improvement with time. In the end, Nazlin will develop some trends of showing some care that will give her support and also have positive dreams about her future life.

A part from the prescribed medications, Nazlin also has a daily management plan that she must follow for her to realize some positive outcome on health status. The plan itself constitutes a taking of breakfast, her personal hygiene demands and also abiding by all the medical requirements (Hackman 23). For example, Nazlin undergoes an assessment on which she can identify the task or goal that she looks forward to attaining in her lifetimes such as nursing or teaching. In the course of this period, there is always a staff member who does some assessment on the independence of skills and her living capabilities. That said Nazlin's attempt to commit suicide when not in good health may be attributed to the difficulty to withstand the daily chores and also the poor attitude to her at personal care. In this regard, it is through these instances that are the greatest hindrance to her rehabilitation. Nazlin, herself also has some resistance to any residential rehabilitation choices since her main aim is to lead her private life.


Indeed, the nursing management plan has its main objective which is the improvement of the targeted person's commitment to various aspects of self-care. However, the same plan when it has some flaws, it may lead to the provision of the incentives towards its adherence without factoring in the basic education that Nazlin requires towards its maintenance.

Works Cited

Ballenger, J. C. "Aripiprazole: A clinical review of its use for the treatment of anxiety disorders and anxiety as a comorbidity in mental illness." Year Book of Psychiatry & Applied Mental Health 2012 (2012): 311.

Bitonte, Robert A., and I. I. Donald Joseph DeSanto. "Mandatory physical exercise for the prevention of mental illness in medical students." Mental illness 6.2 (2014).

Caviglia, Giorgio, and Raffaella Perrella. "Psychotherapeutic Change in Mental Health: Narcissistic Personality Disorder and its Treatment." International Journal of clinical psychiatry and mental health 2.2 (2014): 104-110.

Hackman, Ann L. "Unhinged: A Memoir of Enduring, Surviving, and Overcoming Family Mental Illness." (2016): e13-e14.

Iyer, Varsha, Brian Choi, and Robert G. Bota. "Unhinged: A Memoir of Enduring, Surviving, and Overcoming Family Mental Illness." (2014).

Johnston, Brenda J. "The role of patient experience and its influence on adherence to antidepressant treatment." Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services (2013).

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