Transformative Coaching: Shaping Leadership and Decision-Making in MBA Programs - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-29
Transformative Coaching: Shaping Leadership and Decision-Making in MBA Programs - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Business
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1146 words
10 min read


The coaching process has influenced my MBA program in diverse ways, ranging from strengthening my weak points, improving my strengths, and integrating critical reasoning in implementing daily roles and adjusting my leadership skills. The capstone has increased my interaction with real-time organizational operations, adjusting the human resource to align with organizational goals, integrating personal goals to professional goals, and prioritizing organizational objectives in duty implementation. The capstone allowed me to illustrate academic knowledge in managing organizational challenges by critically evaluating the key areas of concerns, market structure, and identifying market gaps that can be attained through leadership orientation to the organizational goals. The research and writing process gave me insight into the business world's current trends, the interaction among different business-related disciplines, and the common concepts vital; for my MBA program. The interprofessional relationship in business operations is distinctly illustrated in my completion of the capstone.

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The capstone's completion was based on the strengths and coaching that provided the framework for the process. Focus on details is one of my strengths, which helped in modeling the solutions to the Barnes and Noble conditions. In line with the focus on detail, problem-solving is also one of my strong attributes, which I used in deriving the solution to the competition and the lag in the digitalization of Barnes and Noble's bookstores worldwide. The company's success lies in addressing the market trends that limit its dominance in the global environment. However, Barnes and Noble has faced slow implementation the changes into its operations hence facing stiff competition from online bookstores such as Amazon. The main drawback to Barnes and Noble's performance and productivity in the global business environment is its low technological application. The competition from other bookstores arises from the utilization of online platforms in marketing and online bookstores. Online stores give close access to bookstores from the potential market across the world. Based on my critical analysis and problem-solving attributes, I identified Barnes and Noble's challenges, outlined the stiff competition and operation culture rooted in modifying the customer access channels in its channels. The market trends and demands call for close monitoring of the factors influencing business success. The role of internal and external stakeholders is crucial for the success of Barnes and Noble. Coordination of the internal stakeholders' roles needs to increase the business's competitiveness in the general bookstore market based on productivity and performance. Based on my relationship building and coaching abilities in relationship building to improve organizational performance, I highlighted the key areas that need attention to attain a competitive advantage in the digital era.

The recommendations to Barnes and Noble's limited impact on the online bookstore improve its technological integration and competitiveness in the global market. Dominance in the bookstore distribution globally can be attained by applying my strengths in targeting the challenges and building on the business' opportunities. Barnes and Noble have a low impact on the digital market platform. I can apply my strengths in addressing the company's challenges in meeting the leadership limitations in adopting technology in the organization's operations and countering the competition from market players such as Amazon. My focus on detail will help identify the market niche and other business opportunities that can improve the services and bookstore management quality. Barnes and Noble operate traditional physical stores and has stores in various countries across the world. However, the business environment transition has increased the use of technology in production, marketing, and sales promotion, which leaves the company stagnating in the global online market. Based on critical problem-solving skills, I will identify the various departments that can easily integrate online platforms in their operations and increase the digital presence on the global platform. The transition in the organization's culture is vital in the technological transition. However, my interpersonal skills and relationship building attributes will be fundamental in developing good relations among internal and external stakeholders and promoting productivity and performance.

My BetterUp assessment highlighted strong leadership and decision-making as core areas that can change Barnes and Noble's face from a global perspective. The two new recommendations are interconnected with leadership tasked with key decision-making roles. Reflecting on my strengths, I can deploy the relationship-building skills to create a common goal for the teams and focus on the organizational goals in expanding the company's dominance in the global market. The integration of leadership skills in Barnes and Noble's operations can align its technological demands with the market demands and promote its competitiveness globally. I will use my problem-solving skills to develop an inclusive framework that identifies challenges to leadership effectiveness and focuses on identifying the key areas affecting interaction among stakeholders, employee engagement, adoption of technology, and swift management of the stores across the world.

Based on my new strengths, I would like to develop leadership and decision-making skills to effectively address the recommendations in improving Barnes and Noble's impact on its transition needs. The company has an existing market from its physical stores. However, its slow incorporation of technology in its operation has limited its dominance in the global online market. Effective leadership can align the management practices, employees' influence, and the goals and objectives to meet a new online market and profit margins.

Action Plan

The future needs of Barnes and Noble can be incorporated into my personal development goals. In completing my MBA program, I expect to have advanced leadership skills, relation-building, and decision-making. Credible decision making is crucial in leadership, while relationship-building can be fundamental in integrating the internal and external stakeholders vital in the change implementation process. I will evaluate the business environment, identify the key factors to the productivity and success of Barnes and Noble. I will also evaluate the influence of internal and external environment on the business and devise on enhancing the business's productivity by utilizing the market trends and structures. In meeting my development goals, I will identify my objectives and prioritize leadership skills in decision making and relationship building. My goals will remain a core part of my career development. Improvement of my strengths will be a key consideration on completion of my MBA program. This will be attained through attending leadership workshops, networking, coaching, and mentoring programs. The approaches will sharpen my skills and flexibility in the modern-day leadership requirements, organizational orientation and global business trends. I will need to maintain the required knowledge and understanding of the business world, which will boost my strengths, improve my weak points, and align with the dynamism in the business world.


The capstone project has influenced my understanding of the business world based on the evaluation of Barnes and Noble's dominance in the bookstore business. Deliberating on my strengths, I will improve Barnes and Noble's competitiveness and elevate its operations to international status. I will identify the market gaps and the critical lag areas and formulate engaging solutions that boost the organization's adaptation to market trends and business demands.

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Transformative Coaching: Shaping Leadership and Decision-Making in MBA Programs - Essay Sample. (2024, Jan 29). Retrieved from

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