Paper Example. Transfer Personal Statement

Published: 2023-07-30
Paper Example. Transfer Personal Statement
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  University Admission help Application letter Chemistry
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 558 words
5 min read

I would like to use the little time to capture your attention by providing contextual information for admission to the University of Washington. I am very happy to be among the candidates that have qualified for a chance to be a student at the University, which has been my dream since I was a kid. I was born and lived in Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, which is the most expensive place to live for a middle-class family that can manage to get a better education.

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In Ho Chi Minh, class distinctions still exist where males in the family must be responsible for their families future. Therefore, this made it difficult for me to be the firstborn son in a low-middle-class family in Vietnam. It has been a tough journey for my parent to work very hard to at least get money for my tuition to ensure that I acquired the best education they could afford. My dad got degenerative disc disease due to lifting and carrying heavy loads that made him unable to work for the rest of his life. The result of this was my mother to continue pushing on with a hard job earning just $150 per month to feed and provide education to all my siblings.

All the hardship and the struggles that my parent was going through made me set some goals in life becoming more focused to achieve the best and help them later. I set a goal for myself to get good grades in school and attend a state-funded university. I knew pursuing an education has numerous advantages that will help enrich my life, my knowledge, and my future.

It has been two years in college where I have majored in chemical engineering, which has been my passion for many years performing well in Sciences and Mathematics from primary school. I have also done all the required courses and performed well being at the top of each course. It has been a hard to manage my time in college and spare time to learn these courses. Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics have always been my best subjects winning many awards for being the best, and I will continue to be the best. All the regards to the best teachers who have always motivated me to work very hard to reach my main goals.

My dream is to be a scientist that will impact the world by bringing changes through inventions that will ease the way of life for human beings. It has always made me push harder, knowing that one day is going to be the source of joy to many faces. This is the main reason that makes me be determined to be one of your students and work with the best lecturers and students from all over the world. I decided to bet all of my faith in the University of Washington, where is the best place for me to enrich my life, my knowledge, and my future.

I want to challenge myself and become a part of UW. I think if I get accepted, it will be a precious chance to help me become a useful Chemical engineer who can distribute some global inventions. I believe that I am the best candidate to be offered this chance and be one of your students for the rest of my studies.

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Paper Example. Transfer Personal Statement. (2023, Jul 30). Retrieved from

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