Paper Example. Training, Development, and Compensation

Published: 2023-02-23
Paper Example. Training, Development, and Compensation
Type of paper:  Presentation
Categories:  Human resources Organizational behavior Business management Developmental psychology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 969 words
9 min read

Training, development, and compensations are important aspects and fundamental frameworks in human resource management. Training entails the development and delivery of effective information and skills that individuals will apply in their respective jobs. Development refers to the change with specific progress. In human resource, it entails learning interventions aimed at making people better and more competent in carrying out their job activities. Development is depicted as a significant strategic tool that enhances the growth and performance of an organization. On the other hand, compensation can be described as packages for employees rewarding for their work and performance. For instance, compensations in an organization may include, pays (salaries or wages), bonuses, and other benefits. Compensation is sometimes based on certifications, in which compensated people are granted certificates after passing specific certification exams. Certifications are based on various aspects such as understanding the goals of compensation packages for employees in respective organizations.

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Training is usually based on learning, through a set of instructions. Learning usually occurs in different styles which include visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Through the process of learning, it is always important to recognize the differences in learners' learning styles in order to ensure effectiveness and positive outcome from the learning process. Visual learners usually love to learn through their sight. Auditory learners learn through hearing while kinesthetic learners learn through doing their respective actions. However, some individuals may learn through all the styles but must have one dominant style. In order for the organizations to enhance training they ensure that there are adequate facilities and services to cater to the three learning styles. Considerably, unlike children, training adults require application of different principles since adults make decisions for themselves on what to learn, usually verifies information during their learning, draws some ideas from past experiences and have expectations of putting what they learn into application immediately. These principles include; allowing for debates and challenge of ideas, listening and respecting the adult learners' opinions, focusing on real-world challenges, greatly emphasizes on the applicability of the learning and the act of relating learning to the learners' goals.

Training tools used by professionals is based on systematic procedure framework that comprises of different steps. These steps are; analysis, that is based on establishing the need for training as well as considering the training objectives, design step that is based on creating strategy, development stage that holds the concept of development content, implementation stage in which the training content is delivered to the learners and the final step, evaluation that seeks to measure the success of learning. More so, effective training constitutes employees orientation and mentoring. Orientation seeks to set expectations and attitudes, reducing startup costs, minimizing employees' anxieties, and reducing employee turnover rates. Some organizations induce mentoring programs within their culture and employ professional mentors based on experience, willingness, and personality. Nevertheless, the different types of training that are induced in organizations include; managerial training, safety training, technical training, professional training, team training, legal training, and skills training. Therefore, the most successful organization seeks to establish a learning organization that builds a culture whereby employees can acquire and share knowledge and hence, a strategy to develop people. Significantly, many organizations implement an organizational university that enhances the delivery of organizational learning. In other cases, organizations induce training programs in their culture.

Compensation, as part of human resource management, is usually based on compensation philosophy that requires stringent analysis that is usually bound to some goals such as payment systems, how positive and competitive the compensation packages are as well as the impact of the packages. It is also important to evaluate compensation-related issues such as wage levels and their fairness, how good the compensation is to retain employees, the level at which compensation packages meet the state laws and the effectiveness of packages to the labor market and industry changes. Additionally, compensation is usually affected by internal and external factors of an organization. The implementation of compensation strategy is usually a process that has five stages, that is, compensation internal and external factors, job evaluation, types of pay systems, types of pay and legal pay theories. Besides the motivational aspect of creating a pay structure, there are some other considerations that are related to pay compensation. These are the size of the organization and the expected expansion of the organization. Other types of compensation include social security and Medicare, unemployment insurance and workers' compensation, incentive pay systems voluntary paid time off, paid holidays, sick leave, paid vacation and paid time off. Other issues related to compensation are retention and motivation and turnover.

Retention strategies are also important in human resource management. They help in the reduction of turnover of employees. Additionally it is important to integrate a compensation plan that incorporates benefits in retention strategy. the implementation of retention strategy involves pay considerations and an effective pay communication strategy, paid time off, training and development, performance appraisals, succession planning, management training, conflict management and fairness, consistency, bias suppression, information accuracy, correct ability, representativeness, ethicality in an organization.

Finally, career development programs and succession planning are also other fundamental concepts of training. A career development program is aimed at helping people manage their career, learn new things, and take steps to improve personally and professionally. Career development planning, therefore, is a process that involves identification of employees' career goals and interests, identification of training, preparation of career development plan, employee discussion and revision and adjustment of plans after discussing with the employee.

In conclusion, training, development, and compensation are fundamental concepts in every organization that enhances the performance and productivity of the organization. In addition, effective management of the three aspects aids the growth of an organization reduces employees' turnover rates and enhances personal development of employees.


Compensation and benefits- week three power points.

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