Theories in Strategy Management - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-09
Theories in Strategy Management - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategic management Crisis management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1376 words
12 min read


I focused on the communication side of crisis management and the different ways that can be used to manage the situation. I used three theories in the management of the crisis at Tropical Orchid, and these includes the structural functions systems theory, which focuses on involving all stakeholders and the management team and keeping open and transparent lines of communication (Lalonde & Roux-Dufort, 2013). The theory also highlights the problems with maneuvers behind closed doors, heightening the public, stakeholder, and employee speculations of the ulterior motives, including different things that the organization is hiding. Furthermore, the theory focuses on developing a plan that highlights the response process and chooses these to respond to different issues and how the response allows open communication and allows open speaking, which guides in avoiding further problems (Lalonde & Roux-Dufort, 2013).

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Additionally, I used the diffusion of innovation theory, which focuses on getting both the stakeholders and the employees involved in the situation. Involvement allows great transparency and highlights that the organization values the support and the concern of everyone involved (Lalonde & Roux-Dufort, 2013). This approach changes the heavy burden of the crisis into a team effort, which allows the re-invigoration of the organization when the circumstances are poor. It also highlights that the stakeholders' morale is important because it allows the valuation of people's input. Finally, I used the unequal human capital theory, which illustrates that crises often comes about when other people are treated unfairly, which means that during a crisis, such people may use the opportunity to express the opinions and act in different ways that would be harmful to the reputation of the organization (Lalonde & Roux-Dufort, 2013). This theory ensures that all the stakeholders' opinions should be heard and taken in to ensure that all the opinions they have of the situation are used to avoid the situation where inconsistent communication from the stakeholders worsens the situation.

Successful Strategies

I used several strategies, which were successful in the management of the crisis. I developed a solutions team that consisted of few members whose main purpose was to brainstorm the different ways that can be used in the management of the crisis (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). This team was well instructed by the management to clarify the purposes and the roles they had in assessing the problems. I used facts in all the communications. The collection of facts was essential in understanding the emotional effect the organization had. There was a need to collect all the information required in the crisis to ensure the public and stakeholders were informed of everything going on in the organization (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). I also focused on the root cause of the problem, which included looking at the different sources through which the food was handled and the hygiene processes in the kitchen, including the people that cleared other responsibilities (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). I established the need to develop a resolution as soon as possible. The more the situation was on, the more the teams were paralyzed, and the confidence of stakeholders in the organization was eroded.

I was also positive to ensure that all members of the organization took up their leader's reaction to the situation. Staying positive and showing courage in the situation is essential. Communication was also important since it presented an opportunity for people to air their grievances out. In this situation, communication was the backbone of the management. Repeatedly communicating the facts ensured that most of the stakeholders understood the situation that the hotel was in, and they understood the organization's actions on the crisis. Owning up the organization's mistakes and compensating the victims was an approach I took (Crandall, Parnell, & Spillan, 2013). This was necessary since it avoids the pointing of fingers, and it brings out a good reputation, and it appeals to the emotions of the public. Presence in communication was also essential, ensuring that all responses according to the issues were met.


However, in hindsight, I would have done several things to ensure that the outcomes were different. Time is an essential resource. There was a lot of pressure, and the stakes were high, making it easier to make mistakes. I would have dedicated more time to the crisis, which would have allowed proper planning and crisis management (Janeš & Cendo Metzinger, 2018). I would have also developed an up-to-date crisis plan that would assist during the actual crisis. The inclusion of employees was also essential. It is common to focus on the media and the public that the employees are often forgotten and do not receive the information. It is critical to include in communication, as they are the ones that would ensure the recovery of the organization from a crisis. Consistency in communication is also essential, where all the people involved will be informed about everything that would go on in the crisis (Janeš & Cendo Metzinger, 2018). Misaligned information may destroy the reputation of the brand. Crises often have an emotional side. I would have relied on the emotional side and developed ways through which the public would understand the care that the organization has given to the situation and how it is struggling to solve the situation.

Crisis Time-Pressures

I learned that time management is essential in a crisis. There is a lot of pressure in a crisis, making it easier to make mistakes (van der Meer et al., 2017). Therefore handling a crisis well would ensure that the organization is in a position where the long term financial success can be improved and enhanced to ensure that its reputation is enhanced. Time is also essential in communication. Waiting too long before information is provided is detrimental to the organization. Business leaders always think that they have to consolidate all the facts of the crisis before reporting their findings to the media, employees, and customers. It is essential to be first in the provision of information as this will show the stakeholders that the company is a credible source of information (van der Meer et al., 2017). It is also allowed to inform the stakeholders that more information is still being collected to determine the reason for the crisis. It is also important to appeal to the emotion early in the crisis, making it easier to solve the situation. Constant updates need to be provided to the public to ensure that all the facts are provided (van der Meer et al., 2017).

Risk and Crisis Communication

I could bring several crisis communication skills to an employer. I am well versed in crisis communication planning, where I can develop a contingency plan that illustrates the entire conceivable crisis and the responsible approach to the crisis (Koronis & Ponis, 2018). Several organizations do not take their time to create contingency plans, and they are seen to be painstaking and time-consuming. However, these plans are essential during a crisis, and they assist in saving essential resources and time. I would bring this approach and ensure that an action plan is well developed and can be implemented quickly by any operations, communications, and executive teams. I would also provide information on the essence of speed in communication (Koronis & Ponis, 2018). Information about the crisis may be minimal, but a prompt announcement to key stakeholders and the public would reduce rumors and speculations, and it would send a message to the audience to illustrate control. Transparency in communication is also essential; there are several instances where lies and deception kill well-established organizations during crises. It is important to take responsibility for the situation, remain honest, and avoid engagement in unethical behavior, deceit, and cover-up of unethical behavior in an organization.


Crandall, W. R., Parnell, J. A., & Spillan, J. E. 2013. Crisis management: Leading in the new strategy landscape. Sage Publications.

Janeš, H., & Cendo Metzinger, T. 2018. Management of communication processes in crises.

Koronis, E., & Ponis, S. (2018). A strategic approach to crisis management and organizational resilience. Journal of Business Strategy, 39(1), 32-42.

Lalonde, C., & Roux-Dufort, C. 2013. Challenges in teaching crisis management: Connecting theories, skills, and reflexivity. Journal of Management Education, 37(1), 21-50.

Van der Meer, T. G., Verhoeven, P., Beentjes, H. W., & Vliegenthart, R. 2017. Communication in times of crisis: The stakeholder relationship under pressure. Public Relations Review, 43(2), 426-440.

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