The Urgent Need for a COVID-19 Vaccine - Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-06
The Urgent Need for a COVID-19 Vaccine - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Covid 19
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 477 words
4 min read

COVID-19 has brought a lot of challenges since it was first reported in the world. Due to its deadliness, the pandemic has rendered the globe helpless, and several activities like classroom learning, traveling, conferences, and sports are at a standstill. Additionally, most people have lost their jobs and hence are seriously facing hard economic times. The situation is unprecedented, and there is a longing for an urgent solution to this problem. Furthermore, numerous efforts are being made; for instance, learners have resorted to online learning, meetings being held virtually, and air travel halted for a while in most parts of the world to curb the spread of this deadly disease. However, the effects of the disease are still severe, therefore a need to get a vaccine.

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Scientists worldwide are working tirelessly to develop a vaccine for this health problem so that the world can return to normal. Moreover, the continuous spread of diseases puts the world in an awkward position with several activities. The vaccine would be ideal for solving this problem, realizing that the situation is not about to cease any time soon. There are debates on how, where, and the vaccination process should happen. Much as it is a valid point of discussion, the truth of the matter is that everybody will feel the need for the vaccine. Also, it would be important to have the injection before one visits another country to ensure they do not carry the ailment and start another phase of infection.

Fundamental issues in this discussion are the availability and affordability of the drug. The vaccine is at the preliminary stage of testing and, therefore, not adequate for everyone. Once this segment yields tremendous results, scientists should then embark on mass production to enhance the availability of the drug. Furthermore, most developing countries may not be able to afford to vaccinate all their citizens because of the cost. Therefore, the World Health Organization should be proactive in sourcing funds to cushion these nations. Every corner of the world is important, and without addressing their needs, the efforts to control the disease would be thwarted since people actively travel from one part of the world to another.

At the moment, most of the world's activities have stopped, and a vaccine would be the answer to the confusion that people are grappling with. Several measures of controlling the spread of the disease, such as permanent lockdowns have been effective but turn out to be very expensive. Additionally, many governments can no longer feed their people hence the need to ease the restrictions so that people can work and earn a living. Due to the growing number of COVID-19 patients, the pressure is piling on the healthcare system; thus, any further surge in numbers would be catastrophic. The answer to this looming crisis is vaccination, and everyone should participate.

Yours faithfully,



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The Urgent Need for a COVID-19 Vaccine - Paper Sample. (2023, Nov 06). Retrieved from

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